I bought 3.75738338 STRAT for 1.20905128ETH
on livecoin,
3.75738338 STRAT is only
0.0210001 ETH.... Where the heck did my money go? I contacted there support, Does anyone know wtf just happened?
Where did all my money go?
post trade id or fail
bump plz help
The value of all my STRAT is only 0.11250356 ETH WTF HAPPENED PLEASE HELP
Probably just have an open order still, and the price has changed.
>1 STRAT = 0.04 ETH
>sets a buy limit 5-10 times higher than the market price
>Wtf guys where did my monies go? xD
Maybe you mistyped the order.
I always fear doing that when setting the price manually.
You seem to know what I did wrong, can you explain please.
Looks like you typed the price manually. From what I see the stratis price seems to be around 0.039 ETH. The price of your buy limit orders is 0.35 and 0.21 ETH, 5-10 times higher than market price.
I just typed 3 I didn't change the price or anything :-( Is there a more fool proof exchanges I should be using
Top kek.
Why does it set the buy limit so high ?
Top kek
u dun goofed urself m8
Basically you walked into a store that had socks on sale for 5 dollars and you gave the cashier $50 and moonwalked out the door
Well I haven't even heard of livecoin. Go on kraken/bittrex/poloniex, and use market orders unless you know what the price is supposed to be. The way market orders work is that you buy at the LOWEST available price in the sell order book. Maybe you bought the highest. :^)
This is the funniest thread I've seen on here in a while, and I'm a stockfag and think all crypto threads are lulzworthy.
my sides are in heaven
I think I get what might have happened, the volume on the exchange is so small that a few people with STRAT just set an arbitrarily high price in hopes someone would fall for it.
>bid: 0.030002 ETH ask: 0.17949696 ETH
don't trade on shit exchanges
Thanks for the lulz, OP. Take solace in knowing that at least you're not a nocoiner anymore.