Itt:Convince a user having a existential crisis what religion is true

Itt:Convince a user having a existential crisis what religion is true

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Jesus' cry of "Why hast thou forsaken me?" is fundamentally the cry of the existentialist, the yearning to be free of the empty suffering of reality
Mandatory Kingdom of Heaven post

None of them, now quit worrying about superstitious bullshit and enjoy life.

So then what happens when you die?

That depends on how much coca cola had you drank during your life, if it was more than 1000l, you'll go to Cola-heaven for a giant party, otherwise you'll work in a factory to produce goods needed to run the non-stop party.

You get taken to a magical place where you get to watch me fuck your mother.
Oh wait, that's right now.

seriously, go read some Jung

I'm not a religious person and don't subscribe to any particular religion, but I personally think the Jewish interpretation of God makes the most sense:
"God does what God wants. He doesn't give a fuck about what you puny mortals think. Now get the fuck over it, goy."

Mah nigga

This speaks to me in a way I can't even begin to describe.

Please, please explain

He spent his a good portion of his career trying to address the existential crisis. The psychological frame work he constructed for understanding religion its very helpful.

Jung believed all psychological problems are attempts by the mind to self-regulate and compensate for a mental imbalance. We are our conscious selves, as well as that darkness in our psyche that produces our thoughts, inclinations, impulses, etc. Our world is just a projection of this unconscious. The energies you receive from people are those energies inside you that you habitually project onto others.

The goal of life is individuation, achieving spiritual wholeness. Becoming the third principle between the over-domineering conscious mind and the unsavory, dark unconscious. You don't repress the shirty and ugly parts of yourselves, but accept them in your heart of hearts that they are you, but only an aspect. Consciousness of our demons enables us to rise above them.

that will probably do more harm than good to anyone having an existential crisis

How can 'all religion' be true? Hell, even single religions have divisions in them.

Read Psalm 22, Jesus quotes the beginning of the Psalm which eventually ends in hope and redemption.


If you believe in God you won't worry about it

17. If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
—Book of Matthew

49. Jesus said, "Congratulations to those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you will return there again."
—Gospel of Thomas

What happens when ants die? What happens when your motherboard dies? What happens when you turn off your lights? The Human is a machine that is powered by known biological and chemical processes, when these processes stop, the human stops working. We don't believe in machine heavens then why should we believe in a human heaven?

>What happens when your motherboard dies?
It goes to silicon heaven, you silly.

This is correct.

restrain your hands from harming the Cross of Light and gather virtue and purity
always speak truth, harm no living thing, observe chastity and purity, eat no meat and drink no wine, remain in blessed poverty
subdue the falsehoods of the world of flesh.

Their energy returns to the grid that they impacted while they had a body.

none. You need neither warrant nor sanction on your existence. You are the warrant. You are the sanction.

Yup, and that's the beauty of Christian revelation

You gotta leap of faith bro. If I could convince you, the answer would be unsatisfactory.

Except psalm22 DOESNT even refer to Jesus.

Doesn't matter. Jesus is echoing that despair

It's not really supposed to. Jesus merely utters the first verse and his listeners know the rest.

And in the end, God saves the suffering servant, just as God (the Father) saved Jesus (the Son).

Take everything that troubles you--all your fears, all your doubts, all your burdens--and put them on Christ's shoulders. He will carry your heavy load for you.

But you have to be willing to follow him even to the cross.

user here, it talks about how the Quran is correct scientifically:

Remember, the Quran is revealed 1400 years ago, to an unlettered person, in an unlettered community.

Can an unlettered person produced such a book? Decide for yourself.

Am I going cross-eyed or does this sound awfully similar to Krishnamurti, at least on a surface level?

>tell me what I ought to believe in

Right, this is never going to work. Your worldview is something very subjective, very personal and above something you choose yourself. If you let people choose one for you, it will haunt you forever and will never work out for you.

the truth is one

This. Every man has to figure out his own truth. If you're just believing something because someone else told you to you're just living a lie.

We all find out eventually. Just try not to fuck it up for to many others in the meantime.

This isn't a proper thread for these kinds of things. But I will give only one argument why Jesus doesn't died for our sins. Before any Crucifixion event, Jesus said:

John 17:4
...I have """""""""""""""finished"""""""""""""" the work which thou gavest me to do.

Look, Jesus has FINISHED his work that the Father gave him. But he said this before any crucifixion event even begin.

Which means that Jesus came NOT to die for our sins. Period.

Make a proper thread, I may or may not contribute to it, depending on my stress level.

Christ led a messianic movement where he claimed to be the Jewish Messiah, who was supposed to defeat the enemies enslaving Israel (so at the time, Rome) and establish the reign of God's Kingdom forever. It was simply out of the question that the Messiah could be killed, much less publicly executed (by crucifixion no less), and when Jesus was crucified, his followers did indeed lose their belief that he was the Messiah and many of them immediately left Jerusalem to go back home. There have been other Messianic movements in Judaism and every time their supposed-Messiah died or was killed, they immediately stopped, because the Messiah would never be killed, he came to be victorious, not to be defeated. However, within a few years Jesus's movement was far, far bigger than it was when he was alive and had spread all over Asia-minor and the middle-East, and all of those alive who followed him claimed that after three days Christ rose from the dead and appeared to his followers. This is the ONLY explanation offered by the early Christians as to why they have faith, and there is simply no way that Christianity would have grown and spread so quickly if he had not been resurrected, because a defeated-Messiah is no Messiah at all. The point was that Jesus's resurrection was his victory over the true enemy: death. And the most important Christian missionary, Paul, used to persecute the Church and capture and imprison Christians so that they would be executed, but he himself ended up becoming one and dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel and eventually suffered and died for his unfailing faith. And what reason does he give for his faith? He saw the resurrected Christ appear to him.
"If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain..... But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man also the resurrection of the dead."
1 Corinthians 15:14, 20

I was about to type out a very long reply to you but I have decided against it for it just be a waste of time, you are either unfathomably stupid or a troll.

I know it's impossible to read it all on the go, but please read it whenever you have the time. It's a good learning scientific materials.

Same can be said to you, my dear user.

Not that user but:

Matthew 7:1-2

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Paul in his letters calls people fools all the time, and Christ openly calls people blind or hypocrites. To judge someone is to declare whether or not they are righteous in God's eyes, which obviously I try not to do.

It will be extremely painful

1. What is the truth of the world?
1. 1. The world is suffering and short
1. 2. Can it ever be stopped? Can we escape suffering?
1. 3. Yes we can.
2. Escape from suffering is either achieved through
2.1. Sacrifice
2.1.1. Hinduism
2.2. Works
2.2.1 and prayer Christianity
2.2.2. And mediation and discipline over wants Buddhism
2.2.3. And total submission to the lord Islam
2.3. Personal experiances with the divine
2.3.1. Tengriism
2.4. Adherance to natural order
2.4.1. Socially Confucianism
2.4.2. Spiritually Taoism
3. How can I tell its correct?
3.1. Immerse yourself in it, you will know through epiphany
3.1.1 and if epiphany doesnt come?
3.1.2 switch religion until epiphany comes.

Only to those extremely stubborn. Again, this is not a proper thread.

do u wnt 2 suk zombie jesus's dik, fag?

user pls, we're looking for converts, not for a fight. Now, regarding to 'one religion many division', it's because all the division's core principles doesn't contradict with each other.

For example, all Christians denominations accept Jesus as God and died for our sins. All of Muslim and Jews denominations believe in one God.

None of them can be proven true or false, so don't even go that route
Everybody searching for the ark of Noah and other artifacts to use as "proof" of any religion are doing it wrong

>None of them can be proven true or false
Apparently you don't understand how falsification works.

religions are unfalsifiable since they involve beings which defy and/or define the laws of the nature
because they're unfalsifiable they're also unscientific, thus attempting to provide any sort of proof for them is nonsensical

You just die. End of the story. FINITO!

It gets reborn, but it gets advanced too.

t. masochist anti-hedonist

Anti-hedonist, yes, like any worthwhile worldview
Masochist, no


>Convince a user having a existential crisis what religion is true
How can you be this much of a cuck?

Except Muslim consists of 90% of Sunni and 10% of Shia and the others.

And MOST of that 10% believe that there's only one God and Muhammad as His messenger.

In conclusion, the Muslim as a whole is more unified than any other religion.

10/10 perfect depiction.


>Independent heterodox Sect
>Wahdat al Mawjud iz Heterodox Pantheism lol
>Ghulat are still relevant!

Why do some unbelievers even try.


user you just cannot expect people to answer quickly that kind of question.