Get that boomer shit out of here user
wew lad
Why are you such a shit trader?
my brother literally told me he made 10k in 10 years doing ((((stocks))) i had a hearty lmao after i went home
You have to go back, you deserve that
I'm 21 and learned my lesson withdrew all my cash and went all in on ETH at $50 with 1k
>le plebbit.
>is a limp wristed faggot
>cuck can't even buy a toy for his wifes son
Lol, what a heap of shit.
I have $30K in some shitty ass ETFs and asking myself everyday why don't I put them to work in the blockchain revolution.
Is there actually a way to earn money by trading stocks? I somehow got the impression that "trading" some digital electrons without any real value do return more.
What are stocks good for? If you already got 10 millions and want more? Is there any way to earn as much as fast as by trading cryptos?
what the fuck are you doing nigger
its been a bull market for like 8 years now.
even retards are making 20% annualized returns
Do it yesterday. Go!
I learned my lesson with nak. Stocks are rigged boomer trash, I withdrew in February and put it all in eth and Dgb. I can safely say, I feel no sympathy for (((stock traders)))
well just like with crypto you buy low sell higher, short or long stocks. Some stocks that give you dividends are nice because you get paid for HODLIN them, plus if you are rich and hold a shit load you can because a chairperson and talk shit in the company
how long have you had them and what etfs?
You should have atleast doubled your money in the last 3-4 years
with crypto being so new though you can easily make more than stock traders. theres like new coins coming out weekly
Big stock gains are reserved for people with real money who in a single day can make millions. Otherwise it's a good place for retirement money as stocks which have had nothing but growth in the past 30 years, for example, are worth 300 even 500% what they were then.
Don't trade unless you know how to do it.
>not buying technology or military contractor stocks
You dug your own grave poor man. Raytheon would have been a good bet, if you had an iota of sense GOOG on IPO day.
Some people can get lucky and buy a stock before it moons, but these people are in like the 0.001% and delude everyone else into thinking they can get rich quick. As said by another user, the only real winners in stock trading are the millionaires that can buy enough stocks to receive substantial dividends, or depending on the size of the company become part of the company board.
>doesnt browse r/gonewild
How's it feel being autistic and gay
> 3-4 years
> doubled portfolio
> hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Fucking nocoiners. When will you ever learn. Screenshot is an almost 300% return from 3-4 weeks of crypto. And I'm underperforming. Most guys here dwarf me in both gains and ROI. Kill yourselves already. How do you keep whining about your shitty stocks while you literally watch us make fortunes daily?
I admire your bravery OP and I'd like to share my shame with you. Cashing the rest out on Monday.
If it was as easy as "buy some coin and profit"
Don't you think the guys with serious capital and knowledge would be making billions off this shit by now?
Crypto fags are the worst. Literally get in on one lucky pump n dump coin at just the right time and think they are the economic geniuses of our time.
I must be the luckiest man on earth because i keep making huge gains and minimal losses
what app?
holy shit man
care to share where it all went wrong?
Anybody else /poor/ here?
Typical no coiner.
>wealthy enough to easily because chairperson of companies
>but shy autist so always stay below the threshold because i don't even want to be proposed the place because i'm only in it for the numbers not to talk to people
y-you too
100% in 3 years is pretty pathetic tbf
Buy Bitcoin and wait 2 months to double.
Buy Ethereum and wait 1 month to double.
Buy Waves and wait 1 week to double.
All there of these are solid coins with some combination of mass market, corporate, or government support.
There, I just solved the big scary crypto puzzle for you. Now go forth and prosper user.
Are cryptos more volatile than forex on an hourly basis ?
You can't have massive gains without intermittent massive drops. If you're gambling on shit coins hoping to go 10x in a few days and get out then you run the risk of becoming a bagholder. But the three I mentioned are the cream of the crop IMO. Look at their price histories and the development teams. They always recover from any market turbulence and quickly resume their uptrend. Waves in particular has been particularly resistant against any major price drops. Just "slow" (compared to pump and dump shitcoins) and steady upwards growth.
Why don't you dip your feet with an amount you consider disposable and see for yourself?
thank you, user.
There's 10% fluctuations all over the place, though the volume isn't that impressive, yummy.
The growth historic is noice too, maybe i'll hold for once in my life.
Early investors get shaky with 10 to 30% corrections but keep in mind that these are totally normal in crypto.
Whenever you feel weak and start thinking of dumping just zoom out and look for something similar that the coin price went through. They always end up pulling through. Good luck.
It was easy man with 1k Initial investment after I cashed out my portfolio is now at 6k
To add more I feel that losing that much in stock made crypto feel like a baby's game I cashed out at the top every time