it seems like most traditionalists that I see are either pagan autists, which no one cares about or catholics or orthodox
I hardly see protestant traditionalists, its either Catholic or Orthodox
it seems like most traditionalists that I see are either pagan autists, which no one cares about or catholics or orthodox
I hardly see protestant traditionalists, its either Catholic or Orthodox
Aren't Anglicans traditionalist protestants?
Because protestants don't have any tradition to return to.
because protestant countries are successful unlike most of catholic countries and they are definitely better than every single orthodox shithole
economically sure
in terms of aesthetics, cultural memory etc.
Can the same be said for the opposite that catholic countries harbor many revolutionaries and radicals? Both Italy and France have seen popular communist moments to a greater extent than protestant countries.
what are baptists
what are amish
what are mennonites
what are mormons if they are protestant
>what are baptists
>what are amish
>what are mennonites
A tiny minority?
>traditions of "men"
Not even once.
Cucktocuckoldism is literally cuckold porn: the religion. Why is this even allowed? I'm not sure. And I'm not sure I want to be sure. I just want to be OUT.
>35 million baptists in america
>tiny minority
>which no one cares about
This sentence adds nothing to your statement and only comes off as you being a cunt
t. pagan autist
>Cucktocuckoldism is literally cuckold porn: the religion
Is that why protestant churches have female priests marrying fags?
Firstly poorer societies tend to have more traditionalist values regardless of faith and catholic and orthodox countries are overwhelmingly poorer.
Catholic and orthodox counties have access to better resources and state support in those countries which allows their message to be disparoptianrly large despite the fact that baptists and Mormons have vastly more traditionalist members .
Finally apostolic posters are more prolific on 4cjan
Catholics and Orthodox nullify the word of God for the traditions of men
Catholics and Orthodox recognize that Jesus was God, and His word and tradition endures through the church that His apostles, inspired by the Holy Spirit, built.
Where is that in the bible again?
The Bible is not Jesus you endless autist. Jesus is God, and the Word of God made flesh. The traditions come from Him, and from the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not God.
Anglicans are the most cucked of all protestant churches, complete with gay pastors.
>Orthodox are hardcore traditionalists maymay
Old people during religious celebrations, maybe, but most people behave like westerners most of the time.
[bible needed]
Pick one
>Liberal Heretic puppet
Pick one
Damn, guess I fell for the bait.
I'm still waiting for the biblical citation
Sorry, I worship the living God, not a book. Fuck off with your idolatry.
I accept your concession that Catholics and Orthodox are contra biblical
I accept your concession that Protestants are idolaters
Anglo-Protestants are a radical democratic taxonomic branch, whose specific tradition is anti-traditionalism.
It's in the name, silly.
Catholic or Orthodox is the tradition in which they protest against.
>one picture is indicative of a whole denomination
The God hates fags man was Baptist and he seems pretty traditionalist.
Jesus Christ literally, lmao.
Followers of Orthodoxy are the most traditional and least cucked of the Christian Churches. The West, Catholicism included, is beyond saving at this point.
Ding ding ding
you nulified two books you dumb fuck
orthodox churches are just a religious arm of the goverment