ITT: red flags that a church is retarded
I'll start: "We are a King James only church."
ITT: red flags that a church is retarded
I'll start: "We are a King James only church."
>our infallible authoritative figure in into fetish porn
Has "baptist, Calvin, Lutheran or LDS" in the title
What's the problem? I'd spit on a church that isn't KJV only.
""sola scriptura" but we still believe in the Trinity"
It's a church.
Give me lots of money, or you cant go to heaven
Thread over
>they want you to follow their leader to lessen your time in purgatory
Follow on twitter, i should add
The trinity is biblical, heretic
>has "Catholic" in the title
I've always found it funny how Americans bother distiguishing between different heresies and treating some of them as more valid.
Orthodoxy is the only valid form of Christianity.
Orthodoxy is unbiblical
No, in fact it is the original form of Christianity and the only one that has stayed unchanged.
>Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship
The bible says sinners are justified by faith alone, Orthodox say sinners have to justify themselves
>for you
Roman-Catholic Church is Mother Church. All other = heresy
As soon as you find
>bishop-presbyter distinction
>dormition of mary
in the bible that'll be true.
The pope is the man of sin and son of perdition
Catholicucks successfully triggered. Enjoy your muslim-loving Argentinian interracial fetishist.
The Pope is an albeit arbitrary but constant representation of saint Peter, who was an Apostle I might add, on this Earth. Sent from God/Jesus. you cant beat that shit homie
>red flags that a church is retarded
Here's an easy one
>it's a church
Catholics don't believe that though
Wait wait wait. Nobody said their authority is infalible. Hell I dont even believe in the holy mother Church, but it is the least shitty and probably the original connection between this world and the beyond.
The papacy is an invention of satan
>ignoring the holy tradition and men from which the bible came from while worshipping the bible
protestant logic
>holy tradition
Where is that in the bible again?
Tell me more about this oral torah mr rabbi
Shhh, of course it is, no tears
It is
One God
Three persons
All throughout.
No it's not
It is by implication. Who compiled the Bible? How did they decide which books to include, and which to exclude? What is the Bible recording in the first place?
>Who compiled the Bible?
The first time an ecumenical council defined canon was in 1546
>God compiled the Bible
Where is that in the Bible again?
The fact that it's a church is more retardation than I can stand
2 Timothy 3:16
>2 Timothy 3:16
Says shit-all about how the Bible was compiled, i.e. how it was decided which books count as "scripture", so no. Try again.
The bible is self-authenticating, it is not compiled by anything but itself.
>The bible is self-authenticating, it is not compiled by anything but itself.
Where is that in the Bible again?
Every word in the Bible is God-breathed, and the Bible even says that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
Still waiting on that Biblical citation.
The Word of God is Jesus and the Holy Spirit btw, not the Bible.
>And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
>And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
And that is why there is only one universally accepted version that has never been changed, translated, edited or amended.
I love how the religious think this is a meaningful statement
>"all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness"
-2 Timothy 3:16.
Again, that does not say anything whatsoever about the Bible being self-authenticating and compiled by itself, so no. Try again.
So you do not believe the bible is the word of god, thats fine, just keep bowing to the pope
The Bible itself says that the Spirit and Jesus are the Word of God, not the Bible. So you are contradicting the Bible.
And you still can't provide any biblical basis for how the Bible was compiled or why one specific set of books is part of it while other books aren't, so all your arguments fall apart.
I suggest you read the bible, and if you find evidence that it is god-breathed, good for you
The Bible is certainly God-breathed. The point is that you can't justify its compilation without reference to tradition, because the Bible doesn't say anything about its own compilation.
Everything is God-breathed, and nothing but God is perfect.
Tradition is man made, not god breathed
>The Bible is certainly God-breathed
If you believe that then what does its compilation have to do with it?
By the way "God-breathed"/"inspired" (θεοπνευστος) is not the same thing as "Word (of God)" (λόγος). The Greek word for "God-breathed" implies the presence of the Spirit in the Scriptures, but it is the Spirit that is the Word, and not the Scriptures themselves. The idea of the Word is a technical one relating to the role of the Son and the Spirit - see the beginning of John especially for an explanation of the Son as the Word.
>Tradition is man made, not god breathed
Wrong. Tradition comes from the apostles, who are "all filled with the Holy Spirit" according to Acts. Now, since in Greek spirit and breath are the same word, "God-breathed" literally means filled with God's Spirit. In other words, the Apostolic tradition is in fact God-breathed, as the Bible itself says.
>If you believe that then what does its compilation have to do with it?
2 Timothy just says "all scriptures" are God-breathed, but it never says which books count as scriptures. That's where the question of compilation comes in. It is Apostolic tradition that established which books were considered scriptures, and therefore known to be God-breathed.
It's a church.
The Bible says that we have one authority and that is Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the one who gives us revelation is the Holy Spirit.
But the Catholic Church teaches that it is the authority and interpretation can only come from it.
Who's authority do you follow?
Yes, we have one authority and that is Jesus Christ. His revelation is given by the Holy Spirit, through (1.) the Bible, as 2 Timothy says, and (2.) the Apostles and the Church that carried on their traditions, as Acts says. Both of them are God-breathed, and both are therefore authoritative.
One that isn't retarded.
...because both reveal the will of Jesus Christ, who is the one authority.
The one thats inviting muslims to migrate to europe and destroy white civilisation?
If thats not retarded, then it must be a consciously evil act
It's not for you to question the will of God and his Church.
There is no "white civilisation" and belief in sky pixies is equally hilarious.
It worked for Martin Luther,your "god breathed" church isn't charging gold to get into heaven anymore, is it?
Come on, we were having a perfectly good Catholics vs. Protestants thread before you faggots just had to step in
You couldn't be more right.
The bible is true because the bible is true
>"We aren't a perfect church, but we serve a perfect God."
Guess what /cunt/?
Jack Chick, is that you?
"We condemn Halloween for having pagan roots, but still celebrate Christmas" is a pretty big red flag for stupidity
Fuck Protestants. I'll be honest, I'm a Greco-Roman polytheist who pretty much hates all of Christianity and the Judeo-Christian worldview in general, but Protestants are the absolute worst.
Especially American Protestants
>Implying the Bible is useful for anything other than an instruction manual for tyranny and proto-fascism
>Abrahamic religion in general is oppressive bullshit
>As bad as Christianity is, Islam is worse
Fuckin' Protestants, man. These profligates make my blood boil. I'm seeing red at the mass idiocy in this thread.
There, I said it. You can throw all the fedora memes at me, but in your heart, you know it's true.
(BTW, I'm not an atheist, so don't even try)
>I'm a Greco-Roman polytheist
>Greco-Roman polytheist
AKA you read Percy Jackson in 6th grade
It's not Roman Catholic or Orthodox.
Actually, I studied Ancient Rome and Greece since I was young.
Never read Percy Jackson, so try again.
Better a fedora than a pilgrim hat, you Puritan fucktard.
It is, but it is never stated outright and requires study. There have been great people who've interpreted the Bible throughout history, why would you not consult them for theology? The idea that you should understand the Bible in isolation is ridiculous.
Can you explain how KJV is the best? It certainly isn't the most faithful translation.
We don't believe that the bible is the only thing to be read for understanding, in fact we condemn it. We believe scripture is the sole infallible rule of faith for the church.
>I'm a Greco-Roman polytheist
Oh, Oh really. Which of the many traditions that would fall under that definition would you believe in then?
Or do you just believe in some fedorable scientism and modern humanism window dressed as "Greco-Roman"?
Read some Plotinus and grow some hair on your chest brah.
At henotheistic Hellenistic syncreticism has some real culture behind it than a few statues, who the fuck just follows the Olympians?