I'm going to order some heroin with the few satoshi's that i haven't lost and just overdose on it, it's been nice lurking here guys, good luck everyone
I'm going to order some heroin with the few satoshi's that i haven't lost and just overdose on it...
Don't forget to sign up as an organ donor. Some random person will be happy at least.
Get some good HODLs and chill out, invest in genuine innovative technology with practical application. Crypto is so young, there's still bank to be made
There are some good ICOs available, just don't invest in 'moon missions' and shitcoins
What site?
which ICO
nigga thats a loaf of bread
>Tfw stinking nocoiner
Mail me the rest of that when you're done killing urselg senpai
ICO wise I'm invested in Bancor and ZrCoin
I'd also say to have a look into $NXS - Nexus Earth, they haven't released the whitepaper yet, It's still sub $1 and I expect it will blow
Has connections to SpaceX and Vector Space Systems ( VSS is Colins father ) VSS has sponsors like NASA
It's a literal genuine meme moon mission coin
$NXS - Intergalactic Quantum proof blockchain
It's a loaf of heroin, my man. 1g slice goes for 38 euros on the darknet.
Stay away though, there are safer, less addicting/life-consuming drugs.
>doing opiates
My nig, do you even know how much fent there is out there? You literally have to test every dose because it takes so little to make you stop breathing. Like the size of a grain of sand will put you to sleep. Use your head, dipshit.
legitimately user, are you really going through with this?
I'm curious why you would feel to go out like this, I'd like to know if you could tell.
didn't you read the post faggot, i'm trying to kill myself
How the fuck do people even order shit off the darknet? Does amazon ship a loaf of heroin to your doorstep or what?
that's right, you order it and the postman delivers you the letter with heroin in it
why would you want to kys?
dont do it man
Rip user. Have fun in the giant stock market in the sky where there are only gains and no pains.
dont do it dude
order some cocaine buy a nice whiskey and go fuck a hooker,
or some psychedelics
dont od on heroine
fuck that shit
dead drops, the dealer leaves it in a loose brick hole, or buried in a box, or in an old tree stump.
hidden to be found by the buyer, then the buyer leaves feedback. that is, if the site is reputable and not an elaborate meme-site made to fool people out of their money.
Good business to invest in, fake tor sites.
Have fun freaking out, calling 911, and waking up in the hospital. You'll feel way worse than you do now.
you really shouldn't, think about the people close to you
See you later space cowboy
Dont do it my man. Trade your satoshi for beancoin
then you can kill yourself twice as hard in a week when this coin moons
But what happens when you die? Aren't you afraid?
definitely garbage tier herion
I'm lmaoing hard at the normalfag responses to this post, good luck OP and may the next life treat you kinder than this one.
>the heroin od meme
you'll just have a seizure and wake up in 10 hours with brain damage.
i suggest robbing some banks. plot out an escape route on google maps, ideally cutting through woods and do a test run. have a gun so you can suicide by cop if you fuck up.