Other urls found in this thread:
What's the problem? You only wanted one thread to know where to pump and dump? Too bad this board is full of bagholders that will keep on shilling their rubbish.
>board created for the sole purpose of discussion cryptocurrencies
>gets mad when we're discussing cryptocurrencies
Jelly nocoiner fag detected
That's some epic salt.
i made well over 6 figures on cryptos in the last 4 months with Veeky Forums as my main supplier of information
not even joking. if youre aware of this burgeoning market and not taking advantage you are a bad capitalist
enjoy your blank page
Its like you want to stay poor lel
Fuck off to plebbit fuckin nocoiner cancer
yeah that's sad
I wish there was some advice somewhere on how to make money with no funds to start with
Didn't find in the 30+ "pursonnal hem bee ur'shelf" shitbooks I read, won't find on Veeky Forums
>hire an indian fucker to answer your mails and you'll be rich
>also spend all your """"savings""" in ghost money
lmao you didn't even circle all of them
Browse "old /biz" it's shit. No one was making money.
this, i'm a broke college student and i made 10k in the last month, already withdrawn a couple grand
nocoiners are idiots for not taking advantage of this ridiculously bull market
>wait 24 hours to try again
Go work at mcdonalds. Crypto's are literally the "glitch in the matrix"... the cheat code that our masters never intended for us to have.
Last year I was a dish washer with a life savings of $20,000. Now I'm almost up to $200,000. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was SUPPOSED to have been brainwashed into going to college and be in debt $80,000 to the bankers.
I have 15k in debt
I don't want t wage slave job.
I'm going to invest in litecoin and work my way up. I want to learn.
beautiful post user
i need to get a fucking job asap, gonna pile all my earnings directly into crypto
you should be wagecucking 80 hours a week so you can put as much in as possible. you can be a succesful "trader" with only a few trades per week
Gotcha, I need to sort myself out. I should have a wageslave job by the end of summer.
I'm on it senpai
>Needs more copy posts from that meme youtube vid.
Can't we just circle all the posts that say they hate Veeky Forums too?
Thanks, I'm copying this into my own filters.
ah yes, lets discuss the thrilling world of mutual funds instead lmao
This is all going to melt down so hard and completely wreck many people's financial futures when it happens. Everyone here getting conned can help yourselves push back the inevitable by reporting and paying the taxes owed to your respective governments.