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They had Russian guns. Ok? Do you get it now? Its not funny guys leave my country alone. Colonialism is bad anyways so it was fine. Mussolini got it in the end anyway too so shut up. Seriously delet this thread. Leave Italy alone.
>Leave Italy alone
Italy was a mistake, desu.
>20,000 vs 200,000
They were actually better equipped and more numerous than the Italians, as Eritrea was a long distance from Italy. Any objective analysis would determine that attacking Ethiopia would be a bad idea as Ethiopia would most likely win. It was just literally inconceivable to them that they could lose to Africans.
Combination of the mastering of new technology and imperial arrogance.
No it wasn't, its a good country just bad leaders. Leave us alone.
also this.
According to Pankhurst, the Ethiopians were armed with approximately 100,000 rifles of which about half were "fast firing", by which I assume he meant the modern bolt-actions they got from Russia.
Zulu's also had modern rifles, but brits still rekt them good. Why was Italy so bad at colonialism and warfare in general?
>25,000 vs 196,000
>80-100,000 armed with guns
That's how
Zulus were largely tribal. Ethiopia had a functioning state and bureaucracy, plus they were funded by the Russians. Not really a good comparison.
C'mon guys...
Italy is off limits. Delete the thread
Zulus had a functioning state as well, and they had a surprising amount of modern firearms
because Italians don't deserve to live
Pasta < Injera
Is it that time again?
pls delet
>"durr how could we ever lose to some niggers hurr" - Pizza Spinners
>Completely ignore any and all tactical disadvantages.
Behold, the successors of Rome, the Great Italian Empire.
Reminder that Italy has always been a master of warfare throughout history. In the 20th century alone, it was twice expected to join Germany and its allies in defeat but Italy ended up winning through sheer military genius.
Hey as long as you join the winning team before the war is over it counts as a victory right?
They were still black tho
Aren't whites supposed to be "invincible"? Don't they brag how they can take on niggers 10000000 to 1 and win, because niggers are bad at fighting?
But ethiopians aren't niggers.
Italians aren't white
>Italians aren't white
This is what ignorant Irish-American hillbillies actually believe.
Italians ARE white, you dumbass plastic paddy.
Fuckers are half Iberian.
Isn't the invading army supposed to know it would be outnumbered by the natives and account for it?
You think the Romans always brought more people than the native population?
No shit sherlock
>another new worlder thinking he have any say on the matter
>Iberians are white
>South Italians are white
>Finns are white
Graph discarded
This only works if I'm American
I learn so much on Veeky Forums.
>Lose so hard to africans that riots break out in multiple towns and your government collapses
>that vaporwave ethiopian painting
>Most of the Troops were Ascari
>the Ethiopian had Russian gun
>20k vs 200k
who said anything about niggers being shitty and whites superior before this post?
*Diaz appear from the shadow*
Eh nice try kiddo,Caporetto hurted us good,now i am forced to use 'that'
Italy should have fallen by now!
Eh kiddo you are going to learn how to make warfare
*tip battleplan*
*unsheat Carcano rifle*
Nothing personel kiddo
*shot volley of round at Austrian soldier
Time has stopped kiddo
*Resume time and capture 500k soldier*
Eh that was easy
LOL oh gods I love this board.
>Most of the Troops were Ascari
No the far majority were Italian and thats why the Italy erupted in riots when so many died
>The Italians suffered about 7,000 killed and 1,500 wounded in the battle and subsequent retreat back into Eritrea, with 3,000 taken prisoner; Ethiopian losses have been estimated around 4,000–5,000 killed and 8,000 wounded. In addition, 2,000 Eritrean askaris were killed or captured.
>20k vs 200k
AGAIN this is the case in the invading armies almost always
Who the fuck brings an army bigger than the native populace?
Its not an excuse its supposed to be thought of before hand.
Reee antiitalianism reee
our of muh board
Remember the foibe
I can't believe this was made in the 60's, looks like something from the 15th century
It's basically tourist art.
Speaking of Italian incompetence, there was also that incident where they killed their own commander in chief within the first three weeks of the North Africa campaign.
This is despite the fact that he was travelling in a three-engine aircraft...and no other nation in the Mediterranean operated three-engined aircraft on the scale of Italy.
That war was retarded, Both victors were on the losing side at one stage.
That ain't true at all. The Zulus had old muskets while the British had cartridge fire rifles.
The Zulus also barely had any muskets, they mostly had spears. Ethiopia.... also had mostly spears, but they actually did have some semblance of modern weaponry and tactics while the Zulu were outright tribal.
It's funny seeing people trying to justify perpetual talianese failures.
Wops gotta care about something. What else is there for them to care about?
Italy is a great place to just live and enjoy life. It was a mistake for them to try to be an empire anyway, they're too relaxed and lazy for it.