Hey Veeky Forums allow me to run an argument by you

Hey Veeky Forums allow me to run an argument by you

Assume maternity is a sufficient virtue of femininity, and femininity ought to assent its virtues. Furthermore, assume abortions undermine maternity (this is usually a given but I'm covering my bases)

If these premises are true, feminists cannot condone abortion, as it undermines femininity, and feminists must assent femininity.

This argument is unique in the way that I am not required to qualify "life." In my framework, women have the LIBERTY to abort AND life begins at birth.

In what ways is maternity not a sufficient virtue of femininity?

>Assume maternity is a sufficient virtue of femininity

Why are you assuming this? Especially if you're trying to argue for a feminist perspective, which every feminist thinker I can think of would categorically disagree since it puts the value of femininity as producing something external to the woman herself.

>Why are you assuming this?
Because the human race would not exist if this weren't the case.

right, so this is the crux of my argument
I have to articulate and describe how maternity is a virtue of femininity. I intuitively know this to be the case, however, I need some time to develop the argument.
However, I describe maternity as a SUFFICIENT virtue of femininity, not NECESSARY. i.e. maternity is one of many virtues

It's almost as if women were walking fuck holes designed to accept a male's seed and turn it into a child or something. Wow...

Sufficient- enough; adequate

Virtue- a good or useful quality of a thing

Assume maternity is a sufficient virtue of femininity

Das sexyyysst man.

Can I just use this thread to point out that "it's muh body" is one of the weakest Arguments for any position on any issue, and people get away with it every time? It's worse than strawmanning; they are not just attacking a weak form of the other side of the issue, they're attacking a perspective that no one is arguing. Nobody ever said "I think abortion is wrong because you're harming your body." It's the other body inside of yours, dummy.

the ability to give birth to people is a gift, not a curse


maybe a better word to use is quality
Assume maternity is a sufficient quality of femininity

Sufficient for what?

"its muh body" refers to the right of women to choose whether a body is inside theirs. Its not what you implied. Its like saying "its muh body" to have a tapeworm body removed from you.

Not to suggest that fetuses and tapeworms are comparable, and I'm not pro-choice anyway so I'm not arguing against you.

maternity is not the sole quality of femininity; however, it is an adequate, or acceptable quality of femininity. Maternity suffices as a quality of femininity, but it is not the only qualifier.

Wouldnt it be better to say "maternity constitutes a quality of femininity" or something?

You can put it that way. Then men are just put here to chase and feed those sluts so they can pop out babies.

Men can build and protect. Women can create life and nurture it. Both are essential roles in human progress. When each sex did their duty it was done diligently. Blending the genders was a mistake. Now there is no one dedicated to specific roles and thus both parties are worse at the duties they were designed by nature to do.

they mean the same thing. In philosophy(or argumentation in general), we use the terms "sufficient" and "necessary"

shut the fuck up pseud

Hey retards, feminists must not assent femininity. There's a reason they're pushing for relaxed gender norms.

If taking dick and shitting out children to nurture isn't the defining principle of femininity what the fuck is?

sjws are horrible disgusting hateful people the destruction of a nurturing loving mother is just another psyop from the 60s

gender roles are arbitrary, I agree. However, maternity is not arbitrary, as it is motivated by nature.

The fact that maternity is the only thing you can say without argument that women do better than men

Gender roles are 100% rooted in sexual dimorphism outside of passing fashion trends like high heels or lipstick.

>Veeky Forums - /b/ for pseudointellectuals

for example, gender role of "homemaker" is an arbitrary social construct. "Role" of child-bearer is not arbitrary as women have wombs and men do not.

That thinking only applies if a fetus and a tapeworm are comparable, which is the argument. "muh body" glosses over that



>Assume maternity is a sufficient virtue of femininity
meaningless without further info. what is sufficient virtue?

>abortions undermine maternity
questionable (counterargument: better do a good job being mom to a kid you want than a shitty job raising a kid you don't want/would have had at the wrong time/etc.)

Many feminists wish to end femininity, seeing it as a slave mentality, taught and enforced by a masculine society - they want women to be as equally masculine as men. They want to end the traditional two-class social system of western society.

Granted, they tend to go a bit over the top, and many seek to have their cake and eat it too, by retaining their protections while increasing their freedoms, but such is the nature of human self-interest. The oppressed seeking, and sometimes succeeding, in becoming the oppressors, isn't exactly without historical precedent.

Whether society can function without a feminine aspect, well, we'll cross that burning bridge when we come to it, but we're well on our way there.

The salvation of woman is in her ability to produce children, not in her murderous acts of killing her own children.

>patriarchy free me
>patriarchy save me

That's all it's going to oscillate between from here on out. Forever and forever.