Post yfw you realize Veeky Forums has given you the best financial advice of your life

Post yfw you realize Veeky Forums has given you the best financial advice of your life




>Veeky Forums got me in shape
>/pol/ and /r9k/ redpilled me, but so that I can still be open minded
>every board gave me a better sense of humor
>Veeky Forums made me insane returns on my investments

For being a "shithole" that I spend most of my day on, this place is amazing and I love all of you guys.

Now if only POSW would go back up...



I only made my first crypto purchase last night, so the jury's still out on that. Keeping things small for now but excited to see how things start to play out.

y-you too...heh

Welcome newcoiner, good luck to ya.


>buy POSW after biz recommends
>not looking good, might go up might stay low forever

>buy DGB after biz recommends
>amazing success, triple my investment within 24 hrs and looks like it will make steady gains

50% success rate so far. That's pretty good. Thank you Veeky Forums


100% succes rate is just impossible



I love you too motherfucker. We will all make it


now tell me which country to move to where I don't have to pay taxes


when you already sold but it keeps mooning

what do you guys think about investing into "legit" bitcoin dicing sites?

only coin I ever bought was eth
now I can't buy another

Actually it was reddit, here are just some shiitposts someone teel that, another one diffrent. And peaople stressing me.

Thank you senpai


>recommended reading list
>there aren't any books about crypto on it


I GPU crashed a couple months back; instead of buying a new one I just installed an old one and stopped playing vidya all together. Started spending all my time on Veeky Forums instead; thought shit posting was a waste of time untill I started exploring some more obsucre boards like Adv, Fit, Lit, G, R9k, Ck, Sci and finally Biz; It's amazing how I can get infinely better advice than anywhere else in the world. Its also amazing because I feel a sense of kinship that I cant relate to in my real life realtions; I was in a bad place but now I feel like I am slowly but surely taking control. I almost feel that the NEETs around the world are in it togher and we will inherit the Earth if we keep at it.

>yfw it all comes crashing down

It's true, it use to be pol is always right, now...

We will eventually see the worlds first non-rothschld trillionaires. the elite of the future will be non jewish hailing from ALL nationality's. may you live in interesting times.

new to Veeky Forums here, have you niggers actually made $$$ or is this another chan circlejerk?

Get the fuck >>>/out
Some here make years salaries in weeks.
People make real actual fucking cash on this, and in short amounts of time. See for yourself.

/pol/ack here. Made $40k in 2 months I shit you not

how much of that monopoly money have you actually cashed out?

>usually hang out in /b/, /diy/ and /g/
>casually stumble upon Veeky Forums on the front page one day
>DGB mooning
>decide I want in on it, like a filthy daytrader that buys after a moon mission
>2 weeks later I'm in for 500€, 4 cryptos and currently looking at a profit of 380€
>the number gets higher every fucking day

thanks Veeky Forumsbros

>Veeky Forums has given you the best financial advice of your life
At this point i've fully embraced that life is just a big silly meme

Please, from the bottom of my heart...teach me.



>put $100 or whatever you're ready to lose into potentially good coin
>leave it for a few days
>come back
>you've either lost $50 in which case you can just hold it and hope it'll climb back up in weeks or months or made $500-1000
Better than gambling desu

I've been here for almost a decade now.

The thing with chans is that the anonymity allows complete, unfiltered truth.

Nobody cares about forum reputation, your feelings, political correctness, laws or social standards.
The only thing people care about is WHAT WORKS and WHAT DOES DOT:

That's why you got Veeky Forums. Because a hivemind of autists spent thousands of hours filtering misinformation from legitimate programs figure out the best and most efficient way to train your body.

That's why almost every purchase advice you take from /g/ will end in being satisfied with your product, not having buyer's remorse and not installing shit software.
I remember bitcoin being promoted on /g/ back in the day when it was worth cents.

That's why Veeky Forums will teach you more about life and money than any university course ever could.

That's why /pol/ can influence world politics and get a presidential candidate talk about hate-speech frogs.

The things that evoke the emotions the most will get replicated. It's memetics.

I love this place.
I will never leave. You made me into what I am and without the chans I would have been lost.


Find Blockfolio threads and look at the gains.
I'm not saying anons can't fabricate those numbers but after trying it out myself with small amounts I found that it really werks and if I had thousands invested I'd make some big bucks. Gains are like 10-40% per week.

You guys won't be so fucking mellow when the crypto bubble finally bursts and you are all in debt

I've invested in a few things over the years. Usually a couple grand from my savings at a time, aiming for maybe 20% over the course of a year. A couple breaking even and one loss at $1500.

1 fucking month of crypto and I'm seeing HUNDRED percent gains in a day.
I'm up two thousand fucking percent on DGB.

I love you guys so much.

I started in january at kraken and failed many times where I lost the big cash. I started with 4k and lost as high as 50k cash. But now i have 19k worth assets in eth and Taas. I will hold my coins now, Taas is good because there is a low coin supply and you get every 3 month dividends.

I'm running a business. It's doing well. Crypto is just gambling to me to feel like Gordon Gecko or whatever.

Fuck i never even heard of this, i take it i cannot get in now at all?

The bubble wont burst in one day you cuck

Juqt buy the next fucking dip and ride the bear market

you know jews post on Veeky Forums too idiot

god why is always about race/religion with you /pol/tards

fucks sake

>you are all in debt
Who was autistic enough to take out a loan for this shit? I think most people invested their own money.

get out

You can lose you capital once.
But you can win so many times!

I mad nearly £1000 this month. I really can't thank you enough, Veeky Forums. I bought a new floor, some anime figures, and some manga.

look at what you did Veeky Forums
you funded this SLUT!

Yo, dude remember to take some of it and reward yourself. But keep learning and investing dude. Now that you have more you can make more.

>no harald

Me everytime I check my portfolio.


>in debt

you're a special kind of stupid

"Dad, why do we have so much money?"
"oh son, sit down... it all started with some autistic retards who talked about a "trumpcoin" on Veeky Forums".

>t. nocoiner
I don't fucking get it. You should seek bubbles to make yourself rich. I hope btc is a spectacular bubble so I can sell it high and buy the floor after crash.
You act as if the entire value of crypto will be suddenly wiped away.
What amazes me always is that these anticoin people never try it. Not even a $100 blockfolio to test the waters - is it a matter of principle?

We're all gonna make it brah

I can almost forgive them for all the fetishes they infected me with.

>every board gave me a better sense of humor

Yeah normies love it when I repeat Veeky Forums jokes IRL

has Dave changed his tune on bitcoin yet. Everything I have heard from is was mocking it but that was 3 years ago.



Noob here. How hard is it to cash out these cryptocurrencies? Does it differ with each coin?

no, it's basically the same for all of them. Most the time you just buy back bitcoin and go from bitcoin to fiat, but some others are starting to get fiat exchanges directly too, like ETH or XRP


What about the shills, idiots, and the misguided? Anonymity doesn't protect from that. In fact, it helps the shills.

Stay poor retard

amen, nice one!

you can withdraw 10k daily from gdax if thats too little for you then you're already rich

"Dad, Ms. Nancy says rich people like us have to give all of our money away to the less-fortunate!"

Also noob. Recently heard of people getting a knock on the door when selling through localbtc for money laundering. I have some questions

>Is it acceptable to gain coin, convert to fiat, and transfer that fiat to my bank?
>How to pay tax on crypto gains?
>What are some ways I could possibly break the law by trading crypto? I.e. what to avoid in order to stay legal.
TIA all

It's true, always listen to Veeky Forums

>buy what Veeky Forums buys (except mooncoin unless at 1 SAT) and you will make money
>listen to Veeky Forums and you will make gains
>ask /g/ and you will buy the best consumer products

Bump. This thread gives me hope.

Glad it helped user


>those trips
ha i was just listening to depeche mode

>were all gonna lambo brah

Bless you, Zyzz.


Floppy disk drives! I haven't seen those in years.

But... you just saw one.

biz didn't do shit

if crypto weren't around we'd talk about our massive 10% gains a year with meme stocks

thank crypto, dont thank these retards that happened to be born in this timeline and can enjoy these easy gains

I can't wait for the crash to scare away all these semen covered anime-tier babby "investors"

>Get paid on zyzzies while working out and lifting.
>Platform where you get paid for doing tips to other people.
>Puts you in contact with experienced trainers and experts on whatever the fuck the sport you are trying to practise.

Veeky Forums got me interested in crypto

Thank you Veeky Forums; I will now collect my 500% gains.

Finally, the coin to capture the spirit of Veeky Forums is here.
Found it.

a-are we like f-family?
>tfw I've caught my girlfriend, mom, uncle, friends and coworkers browsing on Veeky Forums on mobile/computer
>tfw it's like masturbation and never want to talk to people about it IRL
>mfw you realize Veeky Forums is the ultimate influence in life

You can't lose all your capital if you trade a portion of it.