>he denies hitler was the most important World leader of the 20th century
He denies hitler was the most important World leader of the 20th century
No one denies this though.
>ruled for 12 years
>most important
'most important' is a meaningless term
People who think in superlatives need to be culled
I know you're the one who posted the "most important leaders of each" because you either don't know what the word important means or you inter propriately don't feel the need to define it for these
is hitler more famous than jesus
Who then had a bigger impact on world relations and meta post modernism in 20th century history I'll wait
>"most important leaders of each century" thread
typical Lindybeige fan
OP here I did post earlier but it was not that It was the salidin quote
I'm pretty sure that's impossible
Fuck off """""Paul"""""
someone from WWI is probably more important, a brit prolly.
He's right. Usually important means vital. The OC probably means significant.
Uhhhh... ok... to make an argument would kind of defeat his point that the terms of the OP are not well defined
What did he leave behind besides a smoldering Berlin?
Lenin carved a juggernaut of political influence and ideas that are in full form to this very day.
Any of these would be a more appropriate choice:
FDR - new deal and the formation of UN
Stalin - creating the first gommie state and redefining geopolitics
Mao - creating what will soon be the no 1 superpower
Mussolini - creating ideological fascism
As ever OP, kill yourself
Hitler will be remembered as the last man to conquer Europe.
His faults will be forgotten and a thousand years from now he will be studied like Alexander is today.
Screencapped and put in a time capsule
Better not let me down
If by full form you mean supported by a bunch of trannies and larpers (well, trannies are larpers so...), yes.
I don't even think anyone knows who Lenin is,Outside of gender studies of course
All of those are objectively wrong besides Mao and China by nature was always going to be a world power
Hirohito for drawing the US into the war
Till then the Germans could have won it if they got lucky
important means important, idiot.
You are one dumb Faggot.lol
Or the myriad of marxist/socialist countries that exist today, and the countless revolutionary groups that strive for the Soviet ideal
>Veeky Forums
Important- of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being
The fucking mongoloid I have to give English lessons now just to have a conversation
A moneyless classless society being none of them and rightfully so the retarted ideology is that "im lazy and I complain now give me" and China is capitilist state btw son
Importance is not the same as vital but that's besides the point. people hate hitler on this board and simply deny facts when they think that he made no cultural political and economic revolution to the paradigm of the 20th century.