Is Prussia just a giant meme? They're hailed as a military society, full of experts in the art of war and its implementation, but they got shredded by Napoleon
Is Prussia a primetime meme?
Is Prussia just a giant meme? They're hailed as a military society, full of experts in the art of war and its implementation, but they got shredded by Napoleon
Is Prussia a primetime meme?
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Prussia was what happens when autists, who would in modern times be Veeky Forums posters, manage to get a country.
>jerk off to supremacy, military uniforms, penis-helmets and muh war
>get wrecked by some Corsican fuckboi manlet
Chad always wins.
Prussia was what happens when a homosexual fagget who had his lover murdered by his dad gets a country.
So many Africans, Latins, and the International Jewry hating on us Germanics. Pretty funny how we used to rule the world once and we will continue to until we are genocided for not stooping down to their level, or our Asian overlords step it up.
a shining example of what all of germany should be,dissolved and given to other countries.
What a proud country
>Thanks Shlomo
It's just an edgy autistic spook meme cuck.
>we used to rule the world
>like two thousand hours in EU4
>still haven't played Brandenburg/formed Prussia
Should I start a game right now? I need to fix my sleep schedule anyway and stay awake for about eight more hours. Should I become a Prussia pro?
They're hardly the exception, getting shredded by Napoleon.
Can we just ban Poles from Veeky Forums?
You were nothing in tell you appropriated Greco-Roman culture and screws everything up for the whole of Europe. Any disdain you get from latins is deserved.
Prussia is literally only liked because of aesthetics of their uniforms.
Prussia and the 2nd Reich was literally the pinnacle of western civilization.
Why are you a Prussiaboo, Veeky Forums?
My ancestors were Rhinelanders who had to leave Germany after getting shrekt by the French. I like Prussia because they counter-rekt the French several times afterwards, even though they eventually went full retard and rekt themselves. That and their uniforms were cool.
Because Staatsozialismus.
my acnestors are pfalz and danes. I should hate the prussians but I admire their virtues and values.
>cuckboi manlet
Kek, you won't even come close to anything he ever did user
Hell you can't even dream of accomplishments greater than his
Currently they are OP as fuck. Provided you make the correct opening moves and nab land from teutons, Pommerania, mecklenberg.
I usually ally Poland while at the same time working against it as much as I can. As soon as poland gets fucked you stab it in the back and kill it off before it blobs out. if Bohemia stays small and Poland gets fucked after helping you you can form Germany pretty fast.
Prussia is fetishized as a socially acceptable surrogate for Nazi Germany. That's all.
IRL manlet shitposter starter pack
eu4 is the manlets game of choice
pick one
Poles are not the problem user. At least they have a lot of reasons to be butthurt about Prussia/Germany.
The French are more annoying. Always whining about German imperialism and at the next moment they are circlejerking around their own empire (aka imperialism). Hypocrisy at its best.
>Why are you a Prussiaboo, Veeky Forums?
Because they had a cool flag
do people actually defend prussia and the old powers against based napoleon?
do you enjoy being fucked in the ass or something?
fuck off corsican manlet
Everyone got shredded by Nappy.
its more fun to start as teutonic knights, get invited into the HRE and form prussia that way
Why should someone with pfalz ancestors hate the Prussians? Genuine question
he was literally bullied his whole childhood for being a nerd who spends his time reading history books
notoriously bad with women
not chad at all
>notoriously bad with women
He was a kinky fucker though. Dude had a mad thing for pussy stank
>It's another butthurt pole or frog thread.
Russia had a prussia boo tzar - worst tzar ever, would make his soldiers participate in prussian LARPing instead of ruling the empire.
go back to your cuckshed monarchist beta.
Prussia wasn't a meme, but anything past 1871 is, in fact, a meme.
most actual latins don't really give a fuck tho, it's usually """"""""""latin"""""""""" americans going full muh huratige that get butthurt about this.
Germany had the highest GDP of any nation from 1900 to 1938, only interrupted briefly by Russia in 1913.
depends on the guy in charge really
>but they got shredded by Napoleon
>but they got heavily defeated by one, or possible THE, most genius military commander in history
It would surprise me, if you actually thought that was a good refutation.
>my acnestors are pfalz and danes. I should hate the prussians but I admire their virtues and values.
Palatinatians are huge Prussiaboos, despite the Bavarian ties.
t. Palatinatian
Can't remember the figure, what was it, 18 days?
>b-but Napoleon was amazing
really obscures just how out of date and poorly prepared the Prussian military was in 1806.
I actually think Prussia's contributions to culture and philosophy are underrated as fuck. And, of course, they had a top-tier education system and a pretty good bureaucracy.
Bavarians are better and you know it
a ruined warzone turned into a area to give help to those in need?
that seems like something the germans should be proud of desu
forgot pic
Prussia acts like the stereotype that Americans assign to German people
They're a state that had every disadvantage against it: shitty land, one of a number of bumfuck HRE states, decimated by the Thirty Years' War, a bunch of other states already either on the ascent or in the prime of their power. But through great leadership and a little bit of luck they were able to quickly build themselves up into one of the premiere powers of Europe, just about lose it all thanks to complacency against one of the greatest military leaders of all time, find their balls and become one of the main contributors to his defeat, then more GOAT political and military maneuvering allows for the unification of Germany. All while also becoming a center and future model for education, modern philosophy and other such pieces of culture.
It's really a shame that Nazis, like usual, ruin everything.
Honestly I'd say there's really only three legit bad rulers in the entirety of Prussia's history: George William, Frederick William II and Wilhelm II. Maybe Frederick William III is arguable but he was going with the military that had been left to him and didn't have the demeanor early on for war but eventually found his way.
Pretty good track record in all honesty.
W-what are you talking about user? Angela says everything is fine...
>a ruined warzone
>in need
nice bait
Why are you racist, user?
Try going Poland->Commonwealth->Prussia user, the irony is delicious
Napoleon is an anomaly in European history unparalleled except maybe with Alexander the Great. Saying losing to Napoleon discredits your state means that only the eternal Anglo and the eternal Vodka are respectable nations.
Isn't it because everybody who lived in Germany and was not Prussian should hate them? Same thing why every tribe is hated by everybody else.
True. But noone as hard and fast as Prussia; especially if you remember that they still were seen as the best military of europe then (and actually had the best military record among the allies during the First Revolutionary War, desu)
Everyone was ready for a showdown of the giants, now that Prussia finally went serious after sitting out the previous two wars and didnt really try in the first, and then it all just collapsed.
Because Prussia was essentially TAXATION country.
Everything was taxed and regulated. EVERYTHING.
Highest taxes per capita in Europe in pretty poor country(prty poor before Prussia steal some Polish clay that was rich and take Danzing that give them full control of Vistula trade).
Before it they countrefit money, extort money from merchants, abducted people to serve in amry. All silly stuff.
It is extremly funny when you see Amerifats Prussiaboo getting high on Prussia when its essentially completly opposition to Freedom TM.
It was mostly because when Prussian army was well drilled it was trained by whip.
Plenty of force drafted Poles, Germans or Lithuanians with no chance to advance and more hate fortheir officers that for enemy.
No wonder they gt PWNed.
Might be that he's referring to the Danish ancestry.
Danes hate Prussians because of the mid 1800's wars.
Prussia most humiliating defeat against the french didn't happen with Napoleon at Iena, it happened in Auerstaedt against Davout, this guy literally shattered the confidence of prussians, it had a huge impact on Prussia and its institution after the Napoleonic era
Everyone think that Napoleon was some sort of ubermensch strategist leading an average army while in reality the french had dozens of brilliant generals like Davout or Lannes and the low level officers were just mercilessly selected battles after battles.
The reality is that Prussia got BTFO by french because the frogs were more modern and battle hardened than them.
They were just superior soldiers after more than a decade on perpetual warfare and the Revolution happened to be the perfect time to bring new things on the field, especially since the Empire was a meritocracy (see a guy like Bernadotte who was a nobody and ended up king of Sweden).
was Prussia getting BTFO'd the only constant in the Napoleonic era?
It's not the fact they lost to Napoleon that's shameful, it's the fact they did in 19 days
As comparison, Shitugal lasted 11 days (almost as long) and Memestria lasted months each of the three times Nappy conquered it
>literally every Prussian military genius of the age present
>Blücher, Clausewitz, Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, Boyen
>somehow get massacred by a force half your size that had to fight two battles at once
>don't even get raped by Boney, but by Davout
fuck off, Prussia was the weak man of Europe
>that only the eternal Anglo and the eternal Vodka are respectable nations.
Objectively true though
>19 days meme
DId you guys forget the war went on for longer than that and Prussia was wrecking France when they came past the Oder?
>Age of reform started after that
>Prussia learns and adapts
>Wrecks Napoleon off of Europe
Fuck off frog.
Shhhh, don't want these guys to have their narrative shattered.
So Prussia was behind that Russian winter that defeated Napoleon all along?
Damn, they're truly masters of warfare....
One army went to Russia. Napoleon still had enough manpower, supplies, generals and resources to continue the war twice. And he lost twice, guess who was the one who finished him off for good.
user, the First French Empire was a Beta Uprising.
Personally i don't give a fuck about germany they've just gone full reeee against us and this is understable what i care about and i'm not the only one is those fucking anglo circlejerking over EVERYTHING that composed their history that's why there's people like lindy and it annoy me like nothing else
>Napoleon still had enough manpower, supplies, generals and resources to continue the war twice.
Lmao, have you looked at the number disparity in the sixth coalition?
Even Napoleon's genius couldnt have possibly compensated for that
And don't get me started on the seventh coalition
Voltaire said it best. "While most states have an army the Prussian army has a state"
>he gives a shit about who his ancestors were or what they did
Why does the white kid have such horrible hair
That's legitimately what's frustrating me the most about this picture
Do you mean European nation? Because USA had much bigger GDP
>not a monarch
u wot
Because they learned from napoleon and France, and invented mass conscription on a nationalist basis and meritocracy for officers, which then quickly became the rule for all continental powers in Europe.
>"How can you be proud of what your ancestors did in History?? That's nonsense, only your life matters!!"
>"By the way don't forget to pay reparations for slavery even if your ancestors have never seen the Atlantic and were lumberjacks in the Alps and barely even knew the existence of a slave trade"
He was an enlightened dictator, not a monarch
Nice putting words in my mouth. You should bear neither the burden of their sins nor the honor of their achievements, and anything in between.
>literally a CROWNED EMPEROR
>not a monarch
u 'avin a giggle m8
Prussia had an outdated army that hadn't fought a real war (or indeed even needed to fight one) in essentially 40 years. The War of the Bavarian Succession was nothing and they only fought a few times during the early part of the Revolutionary wars where, Valmy aside, they won (and then it was another 10 years after that). Meanwhile, by the time the Prussians started getting blown out by the French, the French had been fighting near continuously for 14 years and once the Prussians were able to get back up to date they were one of the key armies in taking down Napolean.
You mean once? Then they kicked France's ass twice
That's some great cherry picking.
France alone conquered them in 19 days
Then, Prussia + a lot of other great powers who contributed more eventually beat Napoleon in two years the first time and 4 months the second
Yeah, because 1.2 million vs 400,000 is quite balanced indeed
Yeah, a lot of great powers took down Napoleon besides Prussia. Napoleon was beaten by Prussia and Navy Nation.
Also, are you seriously arguing numbers win in the series of wars the absolutely proved that numbers do not win battles or wars but skill and supply do?
The French had superior numbers at Jena, it's well known to anyone whose source of information isn't just wikipedia