What's your endgame?
What's your endgame?
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To have enough money to travel, and never have to wageslave.
Fuck, are you me?
Pretty much this. Achieve financial independence, live off the gains, maybe start a business or work part-time, see the world, settle down with gf and start a family.
I feel like it's a common goal of many men.
I don't plan on reproducing though, no need to force an innocent being into the world to suffer.
World Domination
I'm planning to become a foreign service officer, I didn't pass the test this year but will try again next year. My plan is to make enough money to bribe my way to the best destinations, network with the world's elite and send my future kids to the top international schools so they'll grow up with the best life possible.
used mazda miata NA
house big enough for one
new clothes
im 19 so i tell myself that throwing $2475 into this now is going to keep me ahead of the curve
Living on my estate. Drinking wine in peace and quiet. Alone or with a genuine female companion (thats not reasonable desu).
I can't say I deserve it though. I was at the BTC exchange in NY when bitcoin first hit 1k. Had $5 in my
pocket so investing was out of the question, but I gave up on it and became nihilistic af working dead end jobs. Never again. I'll make it no matter what.
godspeed user
we're all gonna make it
Buy a house and land cash and stick it up the banks, my family, friends and traditional "wisdom".
Live debt free, beholden to no one. Or only take on good debt. Debt that's used on startup capital with a guaranteed ROI.
I want to do something with the money in order to make a difference in the world, To make up for my neetness and literal lack of fucks given. I don't know what it would be, Or if I'll ever even have a chance to do so. But that's the promise i made to the universe and I intend to keep my word.
don't start a bussiness. just don't.
Waking up next to my beautiful wife in our home in the suburbs without ever worrying whether or not we'll have enough money to live comfortably.
Stage I - Pay of Student loan (Goal $75,000)
Stage II - Get my own place (Max rent of $1.2k/month)
Stage III - Stop being a wageslave
Stage IIII - Travel
fund local politicians maybe? I want to donate to this old grocery store in my hometown. built in 1945 by a soldier after the war and his family still runs it.
>send my future kids to the top international schools so they'll grow up with the best life possible.
>sending your kids to prestigious schools ensures they'll have a good life
How about yoy just don't have kids?
It's all about networking, if you surround yourself with the big fishes and send your kids to the same school as them success is pretty much guaranteed
Success is relative
They'll just be spoiled trust funders and probably drug addicts
I've seen that movie.
I was actually thinking a bit bigger. Something that could help counteract the evil in the world for many years to come. Not sure if you pay attention to politics and conspiracies, But theirs some damn evil people in the world that make most of us dirty Jews look like babies in a playpen.
I know the truth about crypto and where it came from (Or should I say what gave it to us). I also know this is humanities first chance to cripple the evil that holds our planet hostage. There's a war going on that most of you are completely oblivious too.
But i probably said too much about that as it is. We're in for a wild ride and i want to help! :D
I wish I had been a spoiled trust funder...
Pay denbts, go parachuting, buy a lambo and financial freedom.
Why are you trying to shift blame away from the jews?
Oh don't worry some of the jews are up there :P. But theirs much more you don't know. There is always a level higher, has anime taught you nothing user? :\
no reason to project that onto your kids
Are you the kekchan developer?
make a living day trading crypto so that years down the road i can do it with broker firms while parting like a rockstar, no, like jordan belford.
in the meantime, while trading i want to support myself while getting full service at asian spas.
to reach the highest score of all my family
money is just merely a number, and life is a game
being able to buy a house in a nice (but not that nice) area of London
a bit of income from renting rooms, and will mean my day job income is all disposable.
ideally work 4 day weeks from 30 years old onwards, retire at 45, live on passive income.
>it's your endgame too
Move permanently from the United Caliphate of Great Britain to Ausgaylia
>to reach the highest score of all my family
>tfw first thought is that you have a family of killers and you want to get more kills than them
Also, having a considerable side income, apart from my work.
Not to mention the excitement. My life was starting to get boring before I started trading cryptos.
Pay down my credit card debt! I bought 100 bitbeans and 5 stratis now and will hold for 1 year
Get my own apartment
Buy a car
Freelance web dev
Crypto trading expert
Life's going to be good Veeky Forums
Pay off my debt, pay off parents' debt, pay off siblings debt, pay off three closest friends' debt
After that, enough to quit my job and be comfortable traveling, making music, and climbing without a second thought of "oh I don't have enough money"
Also, a new truck would be nice
I just want to buy a T-72 tank.
A girlfriend
>Put my gains into a high interest mutual fund that nets me a liveable sum every month.
>move to a place where tax is low and sex is cheap
>work out, get LASIK and get a hair transplant.
>laugh at all the chads and stacies
>send my future kids to the top international schools so they'll grow up with the best life possible.
Top international schools will turn your girls into instagram whores who pretend they're worldy and make beta cucks of your sons.
I know this because I was a beta cuck but I snapped out of it.
Thailand man. I just got back from living there for 6~ months and if you had about $2-3k income a month you could live like a god
Where did you stay in Thailand for 6 months?? Seems to me its the sort of place thats nice for a 2 week vacation but anything more than that the language barrier and resentment the locals would get from all the farangs would grate on me.
I'm Canadian, how hard would it be to just pack my bags and live in Thailand forever? I don't want to harm anyone, I just want some good consensual sex and a place to enjoy my money. No drugs for me either.
Maybe Phillipines might be a better option, they speak English there....
"short" term, I've jumped in mostly curious to see if I can build up enough to finance a trip to Japan. Beyond that, if I can surreptitious sneak out enough to cover my taxes every year I'd be ecstatic, anything beyond that is gravy. I'm really not that big on muh-lambo, honestly.
I want to buy a house. It doesn't have to be a mansion. I just want to be able to afford a nice home.
Not work anymore, and use the time doing what I enjoy the most (creative bad paid jobs). Also, buy some politicians in order to remove unfair laws about the age of consent.
I traveled for 6 weeks with gf, then we lived in Chiang mai for some months then Bangkok. Taught English some and just relaxed overall.
The resentment thing is def some what true, but very livable, I made the mistake of not trying hard enough to learn the language. If you take the effort to learn it and integrate it seems like a great life as long as not living on shitty english teacher salary alone. Living there forever would be very easy, just get a hot thai wife, which is basically guaranteed and relax. It is alarming how many complete cucks have 8+/10 gfs.
I know sooo little thai considering how long I was there and I never had any problems, they know enough english. Thailand is nice because it has everything you want, some of the other neighboring SEA countries lack good stuff like fast internet, stuff like tons of video game shops, and music etc
Help my parents retire, buy a shiny mercedes SUV and live a comfy life
An interesting life
Lots of interesting business ventures revolving around cool and as of yet unexplored economics.
not having to work
i'm about a $million short
why the hell do you have credit card debt?
>house in london
aren't prices insane there? particularly given what a shithole it is
50-100MM, Cash out half, leave the rest spinning in crypto.
Get a job at mcdonalds / starbucks etc. Pretend to be poor and snigger among the peasants
boy were you never taught proper roman numerals in school?
>be rich enough to provide the best possible housing and care for my mentally fragile grandmother (too late)
>buy historically significant house in my home town (dating back to early middle ages)
>write a novel about my home town and its people to restore regional cultural pride
>enter politics and put an end to multicultural madness
>leave behind children and a lasting legacy
>put my godlike baritone to good use
Is there a pastebin guide here? I want to get into this crypto meme.
pa...the...tic , such small minded drivel, localized allegiance faggot idiot
Buy a house with cryptogains, if more then obviously travel and do whatever the fuck. I'll be satisfied with a house though.
I need £300k
150k to pay my house off
100k to pay for full pilot training
25k to live on for 2 years
And 25k in safe crypto to continue gains
Oh God you guys are reinvigorating my hopes for this group I thought it was all autistic socially crippled guys that want to make money just to be bosses and shit coz they hate their lives but it's, as I said refreshing to jave been able to witness this
A permaculture farm
Did the big mistake of taking advice from normies and my mom and bought an apartment 18 months ago because it was the 'safer, easier thing'
Have been stuck in semi-depression since, best time of my life was when I rented a house in a forest with a huge garden
Oh well, saving up and doing the grind, the apartment was cheap, so I can mortgage a fixer-upper farmhouse easily and rent out the apartment
Make enough money to be independant. Find compagny with project and team that i like and work for them without having to worry about being fired or quitting if i find it lame.
To be financially independent so I can focus on my writing and art wholeheartedly.
And maybe get some better clothes.
To initiate...THAT project.
I speak 4 languages, of which three at native level, and one mutually unintelligible dialect.
And I have basic knowledge of 2 more languages.
Fuck what you say.
By a decent house and car so I can make an average salary and not have to worry about my finances.
well, thats what i would say a solid investment for the future
>have gold, fiat, three or more suburban properties and crypto saved up
>have mining rigs that produce three times the money I use monthly
>cash out 1/3rd of the money from mining every month, divide the rest 50%-50% between fiat and crypto
>live in flat with gf until I can buy a comfy farmhouse
>buy some synths, two gaming pcs and paint supplies
>one day "kidnap" gf from flat without any warning (her fantasy and I told her I'd do it one day and she said she looks forward to it)
>take her to farmhouse but don't let her see it from the outside, and lock her in a room with one of those foggy windows you can't see through
>keep her as a pet slave and progressively give her more and more freedom as rewards for carrying out tasks and being obedient
>make sure she gets really bored in her room
>give her small animals to take care of as rewards
>eventually let her venture out into other parts of the house like the kitchen, but still keep doors locked
>one day offer her the choice between her "freedom", or staying with me and getting a surprise
>surprise is that this has been a comfy farm house with a field and some cows all along (her dream pretty much)
>live happily everafter with farmgirl housewaifu
>always buy the latest videocards for mining
>shitpost on Veeky Forums and /r9k/
>make some dank music hopefully
>kms when 40 because don't want to be old
is this a good endgame?
>work out, get LASIK and get a hair transplant
This. Also exponential financial growth into all kinds of avenues while traveling the world, turning my whole family into the first generation of a dynasty.
Owning a decent house in a safe neighborhood is the main priority. Secondary to that is play money to spend on a pet project of mine, contracting programmers and starving artists to help me realize a game I want to make.
>settle down with gf and start a family
bretty strong desu
To become a billionaire here in the UK so that I may be able to buy a small place to live, since I wasn't intelligent enough to chose to be born before 1970.
>living off £25k for 2 years
jfc where do you live? stevenston?!
gonna need more than that to live in london desu
>kms when 40 because don't want to be old
Does anyone know what game that is on the screen?
>Not sex slaves.
Building literal castle with a dungeon for my fetishes.
Making $80k+ from passive income and never working again.
To get a BitPay card and buy guns and a car. The elliot mobile desu
i want to move to some third world shithole and marry a great woman with a great family in a small town/village. i want to use my money to make my family and community better and i want everyone to respect my actions. i want to make an impact locally
Nice desu
this, and live off gains, and make a like minded collective, as self-sustaining as possible community - buy a few Ha of land, build eco houses along with the community, create infrastructure (possibly wind/solar, sewage, water etc.), farm the surrounding land, and just enjoy stress-free life.