REGARDLESS of what you think about DGB and its future, buying before the Citibank presentation on June 9th (next Friday) is literally, L I T E R A L L Y, free money.
Get in now if you haven't already you FUDing faggots.
REGARDLESS of what you think about DGB and its future, buying before the Citibank presentation on June 9th (next Friday) is literally, L I T E R A L L Y, free money.
Get in now if you haven't already you FUDing faggots.
Where's the white paper?
I just see a lot of sponsored memes
Will the Citibank presentation be positive for DGB?
Can I get a quick rundown as to what a bank would find interesting about this coin in particular, rather than, for example, eth and ethereum?
>buying before the Citibank presentation on June 9th
I honestly don't think this has anything to do with it pumping rn
Gives the coin exposure to all the companies that will be there
Ethereum is more of a platform. DGB is just a straight up currency. The goal of DGB is to be quick while maintaining a value that isn't intimidating (thus the goal of $1-10) which makes it much more accessible.
>The goal of DGB is to be quick while maintaining a value that isn't intimidating (thus the goal of $1-10) which makes it much more accessible.
Has this been scaled at all?
Gonna continue to go up too. get the fuck in the space ship now
Also, whataboutlitecoin.
so we sell on the 9th or keep holding?
Hold till $1.99
buy the rumour sell the news literally
DGB hits the sweet spot of digitial currency; a 1-10$ valuation per coin is great for transactions because it's not as anxiety inducing as BTC; Quick and relatively cheap.
I just want you to share the happens with us bro's.
Literally world currency material.
There's something really offputing about DGB for me, the meme just a week ago was about how Minecraft integration would make it moon, fucking autismocraft that people have been playing without DGB just fine for years. The meme now is citibank presentation,
Also that shitty mascot looks like a chink knockoff blender model, feel free to make a small bump of your funds using the hype but it really doesn't solve anything that already existing cryptos do way better even if DGB has been stuck on trying to get their shit together for 3 years as stated on their website
I'll summarize
>minecraft (yes microsoft)
>gain while you game
You want a white paper, go read BTC's. DGB is taking the foundation that BTC laid and applying it to multiple industries for integration into daily life. Gaming, banking, information transfer and security. It's right in front of people and you don't see it.
Some of the "top 10" coins aren't mineable. I think these can be manipulated more than a coin that people can still mine. What is Ethereum? To me, the description reads like an updated Java environment.
DGB is actually using its blockchain to help with the average joe's everyday world.
sell orders on multiple exchanges overpower buy orders 5:1 right now
but yeah, it's not a shitcoin at all! buy DBG instead of STRAT!
my opinion: it will become the coin LTC should have been. simple as that.
buy, hold and forget both
Yeah, nah. Fuck off.
Yeah buy DGB and hold.