Is Sociology a legitimate field of study? Or an academic meme? Pic not related
Is Sociology a legitimate field of study? Or an academic meme? Pic not related
Mostly a meme. One of the fundamental tenets of science is the ability to reproduce results., If you drop a ball and it falls to the ground once, it means nothing, if you drop it a hundred times and it falls to the ground then you're in business and can confidently say "If I drop the ball it will fall to the ground".
The vast majority of sociology experiments cannot be reproduced. Using one sociology paper to try and prove anything is pointless because there's likely another one that contradicts it's result. Overall it's a poor science that can be easily manipulated to give the results the experimenter wants.
In essence it isn't that bad. But a very low reproduction rate, lack of peer review and the use in politics completely destroyed the field.
And that's a shame because there are some very interesting experiments and papers out there, repeatable too, but the field is in a complete fucking saturation so you have an enormous amount of papers that compete for place on journals
Sociology always had a hard time being scientific, but since post-modernism became popular, it stopped trying.
That would also apply to economics and all of humanities.
Really, if you can get the ball to ball 75% of the time under certain conditions, and only 50% of the time under other, well defined conditions, that's science.
It doesn't have to be deterministic as long as it's rigorously probabilistic.
It's filled with feminists so obviously it's nothing but pure illogical bullshit.
Sociology became complete quackery when it went out of its way to try and explain hyper criminal behaviour with anything other than race / generic predisposition to crime.
Impoverished white people aren't violent criminals
Poor whites living in urban and suburban areas aren't very violent either
There's nobody alive who remembers slavery and only a fraction of older black population remembers Jim Crow
Every race in the world has been enslaved or oppressed at some point in history
>UH UHHHHH YOU ARE A NAZI *autistic screeching*
Note how they complete ignore the extremely increased presence of the Monoamine Oxidase A gene that's linked to violent behavior in black males, it's all just complete asspulls and tabula rasa ideology. Sociology has about as much scientific validity as lysenkoism.
I thought a board like this would be free of STEMniggers?
Should've picked another field of study, you chump
>not voodoo
l o l
Dude everyone here has suffered enough /pol/ to know your contention and the other side pretty well. No need to strawman a topic that wasn't even brought up in this thread.
>*autistic screeching*
Irony because that's all I got from your post.
Not to mention the shaky ethical grounds for experiments in sociology.
inb4 spooks
Higher homicide rates by blacks can easily be attributed to afro-american culture which glorifies crime and the broken homes it creates.
You're not clever, and you're not controversial we've heard this same /pol/ bullshit a million times.
>implying this isn't what /pol/acks actually believe
You just made that up and I doubt you have ever looked into the field of sociology much. Or scientific theory.
That sociology is mostly a meme today has nothing to do with the ability to reproduce their studies. Even the most postmodern studies can be reproduced, exactly because they are made up trash.
>It's culture
lol fucking retard
>It's a biological impulse in every black male to commit crime
In about 60% of them.
Its thug culture. When you want to grow up to be a gangster drug dealer, just like your dad was before he got shot, you probably will. Its not a tall order.
Look at crime rates among blacks in Germany for example, where the gangsta culture is much smaller, and only due to globalism.
if Klingons were real how would sociologists attempt to explain their autism?
would they make mention of their redundant organs?
Really populates my pussy
I know the /pol/ believes it but I was talking about the argument he wrote out.
>UH UHHHHH YOU ARE A NAZI *autistic screeching*
This is a textbook example of a strawman .
>i-i-i-it's culture!
It's a meme now but I bet in 100 years it will be pretty decent at least.
Economics is very deterministic, I don't get what you are going on about.
If blacks are genetically predisposed to being violent and unsuccessful, how do you propose they fix it?
It would require blacks to reproduce with mates that aren't violent or unsuccessful and raise children to be nonviolent and successful.
Why don't they seek out and reproduce responsibly with the best of their kind...?
For thousands of years blacks have been able to live simple lives due to their situation in Africa. Their being thrust into the developed world is something the majority of them have not yet adapted to culturally.
Genetics are a result of reproductive habits which are ultimately a response to demands of environmental niches.
The argument that their genetics are completely at fault does absolutely nothing to solve the problem, only perpetuate it further by neglecting the problem altogether.
>For thousands of years blacks have been able to live simple lives due to their situation in Africa. Their being thrust into the developed world
you just proved his point retard
>Despite hundreds of years of opportunities in white societies
How is it a strawman lol, screaming "you're a nazi" and not actually contesting the point is literally standard textbook behavior by radical egalitarians.
You have literally no evidence to support that at all.
More evidence than >muh violent genes
>Oh, a sociology thread.
>I wonder if people will be talking about Weber and Durkheim.
>Full of IQ and genetic science about how black people are naturally inferior to white people.
Thanks for the stimulating discussion, Veeky Forums!
Except that's false.
People with a certain variant of the MAO-A gene on average react more violently when under stress then people with other variants.
African americans are more likely those variants.
The sociological fallacy is very relevant to sociology.
*to have
Here, have this.
have any of you actually read some sociology? What's it about?
>Economics is very deterministic
Recommended read: Foundations of Economics by Yanis Varoufakis.
Sub-saharan Africa has so many environmental causes for not being developed it's retarded to make this argument.
Having very limited access to the rest of Eurasia isn't a benefit, it's a huge fucking drawback, if Europe was disconnected from the rest of the continent and the mediterranean they may well still be living in mudhuts today, since they rarely came up with any innovation independently before the XV century.
>B-but Africa is rich, it has diamonds and shieeet!
Useless to building a civilization, for that you need farming. Sub-saharan regions can't grow wheat, so they had to use cereals with a much lower caloric value. And, they had to constantly deal with tropical diseases like malaria. There's a reason the european countries didn't bother colonizing Africa until the industrial revolution, it's not a fucking tropical paradise.
And even so they did have some slightly kind of relevant civilizations, like Mali and Ethiopia.
Another thing, if whites are superior, how come this superiority only manifested in 500 years out of tens of thousands of years where the same genes have been around?
How come if asians have higher IQ, most asian countries are still shitholes today while most white countries are developed? If only culture could explain that... Oh wait it does.
Weber's ideas are still taken seriously today, while Durkheim's are only taught so we can be amused at how backwards ideas were. It's not even a contest.
Durkheim is science, Weber is... I don't know. Not science. Fucking quasi religious faith shit.
It just a simple case of shitty people wanting to feel better about themselves, in this case by saying all the people of a specific skin color must be naturally inferior to themselves. Suddenly they have a reason to feel better about themselves.
Seems like the incredible subjectivity of it allows it to be used as a political tool and point of contention for anyone who desires
>Thinks science and religion are adverse
Yes but it's infected by politics so people watching it from the outside tend to go full retards. Environmental science suffers from the same shit.
Majority of Sociologists i know completly hate post-modernism.
Blacks born in suburban/middle class families don't gangbang, don't deal drugs or leave pregnant women and essentially make them single mothers. Outliers do exist but they do so in every society (See Elliot Rodger, HAPA upper middle class manchild who went on a spree)
Blacks in ghettos stigmatize middle class blacks for being "whitewashed" or not ghetto and you tell me that cultural differences don't do anything to attribute to the violent behaviour of poor blacks? I don't think we should coddle blacks and give them feel good points just for being black but believing that 60% of the black population is born to do crime is fucking stupid. I'd suggest you compare American blacks to European blacks and then tell me that culture plays no part in the high violence statistics in the US
>Durkheim is science, Weber is... I don't know. Not science. Fucking quasi religious faith shit.
What did he mean by this?
>since post-modernism became popular
This is how I know you haven't studied sociology.
>be STEM major
>have to take Sociology elective for credit
>go into it wary of what I'm going to experience
>be pleasantly surprised sometimes at the good well rounded examination of a chapter and discussion
>suddenly the author has to swerve to interject some drivel about "feminist X" or minority opinion of the subject and snap me back into reality
It's a cucked field. Women were the mistake.
also I got into an argument with my professor after he insisted that the private sector was more hamstrung by bloated bureaucracy than the public sector, but I let it rest after a bit
he was a pretty cool dude in general
>I'd suggest you compare American blacks to European blacks and then tell me that culture plays no part in the high violence statistics in the US
It does, I didn't say it doesn't. It also doesn't explain all of the variance, it only does so when coupled with genetic differences.
Sounds like a moron desu.
I can understand defending the public sector based on certain aspects of it but less bureaucracy than the private one? Just lol
Second generation Africans in Australia commit crime and especially violent crime at a massively increased rate compared to anglos and Asian immigrants. They have the same access to public housing, welfare, healthcare, education as anyone else. How do you explain such a thing?
Yeah I mean I was pretty taken aback that anyone would actually hold onto that stance. Private sector has the impetus to purge itself of needless bureaucracy, public sector is actually encouraged to build bureaucracy since that's most of what it is. It's why college costs are soaring.
Blacks are over-represented in literally every single society in which they have a statistically significant presence, i.e. where they can be measured.
>It's why college costs are soaring.
Oh god are you that autist that claims tuition is rising because colleges are hiring more secretaries
>fix it
Why are you projecting yourself onto them? Most of them dont see anything to "fix". Most of them dont care to rise above anything and remain exactly where they are.
You only object to that because youre above average (which isnt saying much) and fail to understand that if they wanted to be better, they would have willed it already.
Not him, but it's a pretty well-accepted fact that tuition is predominantly going towards college administration and not actual education benefits so that kind of ties in pretty well. College administration offices, including secretaries, are sucking the funds out of colleges and steering them away from their intended purposes.
Who are you quoting?
In a vacuum, this would be correct.
But it isn't. The Celts were about as advanced as Sub-Saharan Africans UNTIL an Empire desired their goods and services. Trade flourished, armies marched, culture and societies changed.
If you live in a shithole where hippos live, with one of the most lethal terrains blocking access to the northern empires of Rome and Persia, you struggle to survive.
"It's genetics" is a 19th century reasoning.
Sociology is marxism. It propagates relativist thinking styles, which can then be used to alter the public discourse at large.
Exactly. And sociologists don't have the balls to come to the obvious conclusion. You can't take sociology seriously when the people doing the research are letting their own preconceptions of social justice interfere with their methodologies and conclusions
Revisionism of the worst kind.
The Celts were much more advanced and had a longer life expectancy.
You haven't even begun to describe what life is like in Sub-Saharan Africa. The women wear little to no clothes so rape and even pedophilia are rampant as a result of this. Life expectancy was 20-35.
it's poor man's anthropology
>Lack of peer review
Bold faced lie.
>The Celts were much more advanced and had a longer life expectancy.
What do you mean by legitimate? Personally, I've never met a sociologist who considers it a science. The thing is, sociology relies more on external validity rather than internal validity. Its subject matter does not lend itself well to a laboratory setting. The social aspect of humanity is simply harder to control and quantify. That said, good researchers try their best to be as rigorous as possible. It's all in the methodology.
Are you ball to the walls retarded? Celtic culture was heavily focused on metallurgical techniquesls that supprassed the Romans. All of it before before christ, thus 1000 of years before niggers got together to from a city state that had barely got around to smelting iron in a single valley with heavy arab influence.
Fuck you goys are mongs
>Impoverished white people aren't violent criminals
Impoverished white people are criminals at higher rates than wealthy whites
>Poor whites living in urban and suburban areas aren't very violent either
But they are more violent than wealthier whites
>There's nobody alive who remembers slavery and only a fraction of older black population remembers Jim Crow
Are you implying the effects of a law ends as soon as the law is abolished?
>Every race in the world has been enslaved or oppressed at some point in history
No race has been oppressed on the same scale as blacks have in America, which is the economic and cultural powerhouse right now
Sociologist here. Its a meme. Retarded meme.
I saw that something like 70% of published sociology studies can't be reproduced.
Not one of you fuckers has used a source yet.