What made Ethiopia turn out so different from the rest of the sub Saharan African countries?
What made Ethiopia turn out so different from the rest of the sub Saharan African countries?
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It didn't though.
It's a poor cesspool.
In modern times but wasn't this different before ethiopia's modern decline?
greater connections to Arabia and Eastern trade routes of the Indian Ocean as well as connections to the north and Mediterranean
the core Ethiopian homelands are fairly temperate compared to other areas of Africa because of the mountains. valleys produced rich yields and made them hard to conquer. mineral wealth for a robust ancient mining industry.
claimed divine authority gave the emperor significant diplomatic power
because of communism
Because it was populated by Nordics until the great migration of Blacks from other places in Africa to Ethiopia, then it became a shithole like the rest of Africa.
>thinking wealth is the only thing there is to a country
You're an Anglo aren't you?
I am.
You're poor, aren't you?
fucking anglos m8. would sell their mother for six pence and then complain about greedy jews
I imagine it was much better connected with the rest of the world than many sub saharian countries.
Most innovations are not really natural, and a flow of information and trade with outside civilizations really helps get things going
They have a lot of ancestry from the Caucasoid Eurasians from the earliest periods.
The horn of Africa at one time was a place of great trade with Eurasia.
And then we used our ill gotten gains to invent the internet.
It's an Anglo world, you just live in it.
It has fertile, temperate climate without tsetse flies and in close proximity to ancient trade routes and civilizations such as Yemen, Egypt, Greece and Rome. The D'mt and Aksumite civilizations flourished there by tapping into those trade routes and built an urban, classical civilization. It converted to Christianity along with Rome before being cut off by the expansion first of Sassanid Persia and then Islam. After that urbanism declined, and they were effectively city-less until the late 19th century, but they still possessed a Christian culture and imperial ideology and a semi-feudal social system based around aristocratic land ownership (in contrast to West or Bantu Africa where land ownership was less important than control over people/slaves).
It turned to shit after the 16th century when it was invaded by jihadists and then Oromos who took over the southern half of the empire and suffered from civil war due to Catholic influence.
not talking about wealth
Long before that it was a trade hub. Go research the Donkey, ya donkey.
If you're talking about Punt, that was probably on the coast, not in Ethiopia.
kek at this pridecuck
Well yeah, he's an anglo. If you hate us so much, sell your computer, sell your phone, and move to central Turkmenistan and experience the blissful ango-free life.
>anglos invented everything
Christianity and their geographical positioning.
They had the advantage being in the Highlands.
Amen to that brother
They invented all the important stuff, yeah
They are Cushitics that adapted to the highlands giving them different features and genetics than their surrounding regions
This + some Semitic genes = Habesha QT 3.14s
Caucasoid DNA
Incredibly fertile land (back in the day)
Great positioning militarily (Highlands)
The Royalty claimed to be members of the Solomon line reaching back to the Queen of Sheba and king solomon giving birth to the first emperor Menelik I. This made it hard for civil wars to erupt and tear the country apart because of the respect for that position. (However this happened in the age of princes)
They were right next to Egypt, Nubia, and the Arab peninsula and kept VERY good relations with Greece to the point were they used greek as a second language and minted their coins in ge'ez and greek. This made the sharing of ideas and technology very easy.
Plus they were in ample position to control the Red sea input from the Indian ocean. Making them very rich.
This means that African Americans and Black Hispanics are superior to all other blacks.
>implying it wasn't your son
So wouldn't that mean that it's not European? If they didn't do or live in Europe, they're not European. To be fair, this is all bait anyways
That was the US military you tool, not "Anglos." Even if it was Anglos you would've most certainly had NO involvement with it