Post your love of European history and humanities.
Europe love thread
>Europe love thread
>posts a Palestinian
She's venerated in most of Europe.
>everything originates in in one place
Nope. Europe is named after a phoenician goddess.
Venus was an asiatic as well. Is she not a symbol of Europe? Binary thinking needs to stop.
>Venus was an asiatic as well
Goddess veneration has its origin in Asia.
Wow so you mean to say no one had female gods until some Asians invented it?
>Wow so you mean to say no one had female gods until some Asians invented it?
They venerated solar deities. Aphrodite worship began in Asia minor. I know your trying to sarcastic but you just look like an idiot :)
Cool pic OP, derailed your own thread.
Oy vey, what will we do goys?
Right click, hide
>bumps thread that triggers him
kys kike
Is pic related the most iconic representation of European civilization?
Can David represent a small continent that goes up against the world and wins? I'd say so.
>the most iconic representation of European civilization?
A Jew with a microdick? Sure, why not?
>Europe is named after a North African
>We interacted heavily with Asia and North Africa for most of our history
congratulations. You win the faggit who thinks the world has always been like 2017 award.
varg pls
But user, he's clearly uncircumcised.
Not to mention David is clearly of European descent and handsome as fuck, so he can't be a Jew.
David the Biblical character? Yeah, you're right, he has nothing to do with Europe, but the statue is very related.
Europe is a cool guy, eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything
Can we please stop pretending that the Bible has nothing to do with European civilization? I get it that it's fun to go ultra-jingo and shitpost about "muh magic sandpeople book" but a high level of discourse is expected on this board and it is obvious to anyone with a brain how much influence the Bible has exerted over the development of Western civilization.
This. Just like Asia received Platonism and Greek art from Europe, Europe received a lot from MENA do to simple geography. A bubble hadn't surrounded the two continents for all of history. On the contrary interaction between South and Southeast Europe with MENA was probably more meaningful than interactions between groups of Europeans in tell the Middle Ages.
Fuck all this crappy bullshit
Stop forcing your fucking culture down my throat
GOD DAMN why did you make a thread I could easily scroll past if I don't like it?
Very true
Buddhism is Indian but you wouldn't claim it has nothing to do with East Asian civilization
>Wanting to go back to non-western influenced culture
>The mere image of the Virgin Mary and the idea of loving Europe trigger the Jew
it is LITERALLY only butthurt snowniggers and kike infiltrators who refuse to acknowledge this
Europe was cool until Germanic autism began.
Attila should've finished his job
He's just flaccid, do you like, not know how penises work?
>cognitive dissonance activated
>must be joos!
fuck man if you want to be some ultra-masculine pan-euro nationalist you're going to have to drop worshiping that pacifist jewish guy.
Who said anything about that? Seems like your strawmaning traditionalist and conservatives.
Christianity doesn't have it's origins in Europe, but it moved there and like it or not shaped its culture by infusing itself with the practices that already existed. For this reason Christianity in Europe looks different from that seen in Africa (Ethiopa), the Middleeast, the Americas (latin america).
I'd deus vult that thiccness anyday.
It does have its origins in a very hellenized, romanized Mediterranean world.