what are some good history oriented youtubers out there?
What are some good history oriented youtubers out there?
Other urls found in this thread:
this guy does alot of whispering vids on historical things
crash course world history
>crash course
>how dare he portray non-western history positively!
>how dare he acknowledge that women are human!
>implying niggers, sandniggers, abos and chinks ever did something positive for humanity
is he like the official mascot of Veeky Forums? i saw some of his tank and army group vids they were pretty good as he does have a enthusiastic personality which is really good for conveying an idea.
Matt Easton Scholagladiatora
He should be part of the Veeky Forums banner.
chinks did have a pretty high tier society in ancient times. also the Persian empire was at one time the most advanced civilization on earth.
No, fuck off. He's everything that is wrong with Veeky Forums.
He's baiting.
Lindy is an embarrassment, he should be mocked on Veeky Forums the same way people mock that guy who made the "Loss" comic.
Jokes on you, Captain America is confirmed to be a Nazi.
Veeky Forums is tsundere for Lindy.
try again
>chinks mass murdering each other
>high society
>Persians getting BTFO by a handful Greeks
Also Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony
>Also Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony
not its not you stupid stormnigger pol is a containment board
>Veeky Forums is tsundere for Lindy.
Pretty much this. Just take a look at how many Lindybeige threads we have each week.
Tee bee aytch, Veeky Forums was the work of autists from /int/ and /q/.
I was there for some of the Veeky Forums threads on /int/.
I'm actually watching this guy's series, is it worth it? sound solid but don't know shit about WW1
i thought is was the same thing as the John Green spamming
hes the best out there in terms of content for ww1
thanks, so I didn't loose any hours watching his thing then
It's shitposting, not affection. The goal people have when posting him is to make some people angry, not actually discuss him.
But that's different. John Green, Voltaire, Max Stirner, etc were spammed for a couple of weeks then stopped. This guy keeps getting posted for months and every time he makes a new historical video.
forgottenweapons is gun history kino
shoo shoo John ' I dip my balls in my cereal' Green
He just has a shitload of subscribers and keeps making videos. It's not that enthusiasts here are fond of him that makes him getting posted, he is just popular even among the crossboarding normalfags.
>germans mass murdering eachother
>high society
>frenchies mass murdering germans
>high society
>russians mass murdering germans
>high society
>muricans mass murdering natives
>high society
Stirner posting has been pretty steady and consistent though. He's truly Veeky Forums's husbandfu
>time article
Is military history visualized acceptable?
Only history youtuber I know that actually cites his sources. He's great.
did lindy make his butthurt bren response because of his video?
Yes but actually for once he's correct.
What's your point? It's not wrong.
Even ignoring his historiography bias, he gets a lot of shit wrong.
Historia Civilis
If he somehow lives long enough to get into the Eastern Empire, it's gonna get good.
Fucking excellent taste user.
If you think Greens blatant Europhobia and bigotry is "portraying non-Western nations positively," you got issues you should see a psychiatrist about.
Shill elsewhere Lloyd
Well, after following what the great war channel posts, you will know shit about ww1
It can be hard to follow the weekly series and keep track,but the specials are always very enjoyable.
>not Veeky Forums
keep up, bruv