>Killing a human under any reason can be justified
Killing a human under any reason can be justified
>Implying it can't
liberals aren't welcome
I pity people like you who apply the liberal-conservative dichotomy to everything they see. I give you the benefit of doubt that you simply don't have the appropriate, precise vocabulary learned, though, rather than being in ideological fervor or simply being mentally handicapped.
Alright, I'll just go ahead and start killing you and everyone you care about. Good luck stopping me without using potentially lethal force.
>Conservatives literally lives by the idea that whenever someone does to you, you should just turn the other cheek
Oh wait, I forgot that American """""""""""""christians"""""""""""" has to be the biggest meme on the planet.
oh dang someones coming at me with a knife guess I better turn my cheek instead of ventilating the nigger :)
You don't have to kill criminals in order to stop them. We have weapons specifically designed to be non lethal.
Christianity is the biggest meme on the planet.
>I kill people that I do not like and are scared of
>I place more worth on the lives of those who wish to harm me than I do my own
>OP is alive because one of his ancestors, at some point, had to kill a man to defend himself, secure access to a food source, or just ensure his genes got passed off into the future and not those of the other guy
Neck yourself.
You are a disgrace to your ancestors.
It's a nice ideal when you're dealing with people who share the same thought. When that's not the case, there are more than enough people who won't hesitate to end your life if you ever find yourself in a kill or be killed situation
>killing ISIS is bad
With what, a taser? Ineffective almost 1/4 of the time with just one shot, and that's all you'll get if you're on your own. What now?
justness is a spook
Taser is not the only non lethal weapon. Take a look at Britain, they use firearms very rarely and yet they handle criminals quite well with non lethal weapons.
>Implying im not high on all the combat drugs possible so im immune to pain.
They overwhelm criminals with training and backup. One on one, what would you do?
>inb4 run away
If for whatever reason you can't run away, you defend yourself with non lethal weapons.
>Implying you need to justify it at all
why not lethal ones
>people don't know how to use a gun as a deterrent
>usually get thrown in jail for it
Good on the police force for removing gun totting maniacs from the street.
Because you might kill them.
Gee, the violent criminal had a heart condition and the taser killed him. Were you justified in defending yourself?
This hypothetical situation is dealing with less than lethal weapons under the premise that it is unjustified to use lethal force.
This is absolutely amazing.
how about beanbag rounds or rubber bullets?
Anything can be "justified."
Justice is a spook, retard.
Accidents are justification.
There's a reason why they changed the name from not lethal to less lethal.
But you still killed someone.
Sure it can, humans aren't valuable.
Holy shit it's amazing that you autists are allowed vote.
So, you like your "pizzas" fresh, right user?
well, the evidence is so overwhelming I guess I better go shoot some random restaurant
shut up it makes good OC
Go look up Poe's law, take a Xanax, and maybe you won't get baited into a frenzy so easily next time.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
injecting someone with a substance that causes all their nerves to emit maximum pain nonstop for no reason is perfectly justified and this should be done to billions of people
prove me wrong
No you didn't.
You're a psychopath.
>human tries to kill you
what do you do?
Run away and call the police.
What about self defense?
Smooth move, slick. You're shot in the back multiple times as you turn to run, and the police show up ten minutes later.
And if the people trying to kill you are the police?
Killing shitposters is perfectly justified.
Okay then, I guess i'm fucked because someone has a gun and wants to kill me. What does this have to do with justified killing? If someone is attacking you it's a lot easier to disable them non-lethally than to kill them. Even if you had a gun and shot them they have a decent chance of survival.
>Killing a human under any reason can be justified
>Implying it can't
It can be convincingly argued that there are many people this would be better off without. Applying your argument to killing in self-defense if your assailant doesn't stop after being deterred with their life intact and still try to take your or others lives, if they go to extremes to ry try and kill you and your loved ones, and/or if they try to kill you have an a advantage advantage over you with a weapon; and you kill them you're more than justified
And this.
I agree that non lethal disabling is prerferable over killing but for the sake of OP's argument what happens if they don't stop there, threaten others or the people you love and immediately continue after that? If they're in the process of killing you/somone else somehow? What if they just refuse to stop
And many not the police like user say's but what if it's someone or a group of people you just can't deal with in any way that moment aside from killing them
What about mercy killings and euthinesia?
straight on point
Say you have a gun next to you.
And in front of you, i will anally violate your wife, your young daughter and then strangle them to death.
Enjoy the view, cause you have no justification for shooting and killing me.
Fascists aren't human.
>We have weapons specifically designed to be non lethal.
And in places where such things aren't available?
When you murder another person you lose your human rights so it's okay to kill you
human rights dont exist
I'm a career criminal and I have several firearms specifically designed to be lethal. You can't stop me because the penal system (in my country) is a joke and I'll (probably) never be important enough to extradite some country where the prisons are shitty enough to act as a deterrent.
>implying most people aren't disgusting impulse driven animals
Yeah i agree with you killing humans is never justified, luckily very few are actually human, killing this garbage is a ok.
What if you kill a black person?
communists aren't human
It doesn't need to be justified.
Anything is justifiable under certain ethics or cultures.
But to the point defending yourself us the ultimate justification. Where the line can get blurry is with intangible/unprovable threats like with the George Zimmerman thing in florida a while back.
If there was a button in front of you that would explode an alien planet you've never heard of (or will) and drop $1 million next to you, you wouldn't need to be a psychopath to press it.
kill me pete
>you shouldn't kill people
>I think that abortion is OK
Tbh if you believe in both of these you are a hypocrite and should chose a side.
I only agree with that in regards to the death penalty. In cases of immediate self defense, such as stopping a mass murderer in the act, it would be morally permissible.