What would you so?

> Wake up
> Be able to control time
> Imortal
> Shape shifting
What period/s would you go to? How badly would you fuck up history?
No loopholes or consequences for time travel

>implying I wouldn't be using it to pause time and commit heinous sex crimes

That and spend several dozen lifetimes existing as various forms of government official and artisan in ancient civilizations.

If you could shape shift why would you need to pause time to get laid?

>see qt grill
>pause time
>fetch roll of duct tape

I mean, I could presumably undo whatever damage I did by reverting to an earlier timeline.

Also, I want to figure out what was going on in the five thousand years or so before writing.

All we have is a bunch of megaliths and I feel like we're missing most of the cool stuff from the neolithic.

>go back in time
>things look completely different than what historians said they looked like

>come back
>tell everyone how it really was
>no one believes you
>yfw the Romans and Greeks really were pure Norwegians
>yfw the Pharaohs actually are Kangz
>yfw the Finn-Korean hyperwar really did happen
I would go back to 2014 and unfuck my life.

>travel back in time to the Nuremberg Rally
>pause time
>squat on Adolf's shoulders and take a massive ogre shit on his head
>steep back into the crowd and watch it go down

You could change history then

>go back in time
>force Vikings to wear horns

>What would you do?

Go back in time to 1115 A.D. and convince Polish King Bolesław III Wrymouth that dividing his kingdom amongst his sons is a bad fucking idea that will fuck up Poland for the next 200 years.

The entire history of Europe is then turned on its head.

Something something communism doesn't fail.

Id pause time and rob around 1000 people.

literally every being dies unexpectedly quickly and you are alone in the universe

>shape shifting
can only shift into ugly and terrifying forms

>control time
Time only stops when you are alone

Pick your poison.

literally start a completely new timeline beginning 20000 bc and breed my chosen people, creating the perfect humans through eugenics (lots of trial and error, so i would start several civilizations of chosen people; the failures will be used as subhuman slaves for the übermenschen). Educate them; teaching them the foundations of scientific methodology and thougth. Create casts of scientific elite, warrior casts, etc.
Lean back and watch chaos unfold, intervening in crucial moments to make sure that one of my civilizations becomes an interstellar society.
Travel the universe until it dies of heatdeath
Spend eternity in the nothingness full of regrets

Give Aztecs horses, cannons and steel armor

nice reading thanks

>that image

It's lacking the hundreds of squalid, wooden insulae tower blocks that would have existed.

>Go to 1800 romania
>kill all politicians
Finally kick all gypsis out and start wageing war against all balkans

Shapeshifting ugly and become a super villain doing heinous crimes across time

Step into a bank alone, steal everything, repeat ??? rich


Probably all of them in every time period in every possible Universe. I don't you think realize just how long an eternity is.

>Go to 50 bc
>teach romans how to create and use future technology
>romans with tanks, planes and artillery rule the world
>wealth and decadance happens anyway
>barbarians with nukes fuck the earth

If you made it like fifty years earlier you might be able to save the republic.

>go forward in time and find the cure to that disease Steven hawking has
>grab some party food
>party with hawking
>then go check out the library of Alexandria >maybe with hawking alongside
>find out who the sea peoples were
probably lots of stuff like that.

What period/s would you go to?

None. I'm not the feels guy bit a man who lost his true love to death. I would revisit every moment I was allowed to spend with this wonderful being.
Falling in love is a curse and the powers you describe would enable me to live through hell for eternity. The worst kind of hell.

>not going back in time to 545mya, shapeshifting into dickinsonia rex and feasting on cyanobacteria for millions of years in your predator-free ocean

why are there so many casuals on my history board?

>not going to cambrian explosion era earth and fishing a bunch of bizarre shit

Ya but you could see them for ever if you just go back in time over and over

I have thought about this often.

I have quite a few ideas when to go. Since I want to go to historical moments I have knowledge of, I will go to each in reverse chronological order so as not to alter the history of my next destination.

First I would go back to 1999, win a lottery, use the millions to live ten years in a Spanish castle with a family of slaves.

Then I would go to 1961, and enjoy ten years as a dirty beatnik. Maybe become a rock star, if I can shapeshift into a creature with a talent for music. Otherwise some kind of guru.

Then I would go to 1919, and kill Stalin, in the hope of saving communism. I would then go to France and become a boxing world champion, and watch fron afar to see if real communism ever gets tried.

Once I'm satisfied with the twentieth century, I go back to 1812 and stop napoleon from starting a land war in Asia. I will impersonate his son, and some years later after some accidental horse accident, I will try uniting Europe from Lisbon to Hamburg and Riga to Nicosia. Wars are easy to win if you can restart when things go wrong. Politics are harder to manage, but an emperor ought to Die in a revolution, it is proper.

Then I would explore the new future, and after that go back to 1560. I would replace François II, and his successors. I want to win a war with Phillip II, take burgundy, Aragon, catalonia and valencia, give the Italian territories to genoa, make my brother king of the netherlands, and then annex them through inheritance. Push the Germans to a war of religion to seize the west bank of the Rhine. Then concentrate on colonizing America, new Zealand and Taiwan to form French speaking nations and free the world from the Anglos.

Then if I'm still not tired I will go give Augustus his legions back (as Drusus' horse), take the Carthaginians to the Cape Verde and build a civilization on the banks of the Niger with Mediterranean people (as a three-headed Egyptian priestess), and counsel Alexander (as a talking crow).

>prove to Jared Diamond the Aztecs are objectively inferior savages worthy only of being ruled by righteous soon to be Governor of His majesty's Cuba

I was thinking I'd try a bunch of before and after experiments with human history.

Like, Marx vs. no Marx. Lenin vs. no Lenin. Hitler, no Hitler. Gore wins in 2000 vs. Bush wins in 2000. OJ gets convicted. The Rodney King officers get convicted. 9/11 never happens.

There's a lot of specific turning points in history I'd like to play with.

Go to the Cafe Central in Vienna at January 1913 with an M249 SAW.

Slaughter Tito, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Trotsky all in one day (sorry Freud).

Laugh as the entire 20th century unfolds in a different manner.

I never knew they all lived in the same section of Vienna. Just looked it up. That'said pretty cool.


I would help Hitler win the war

Kill Mohammed then fast forward to present day.