>you are now aware of the fact that Pygmy people exist
You are now aware of the fact that Pygmy people exist
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Of all people who should be taken in as refugees they should go to the front of list desu
They got fucked hard by the bantu expansion from west africa
>muh good hearted oppressed forest niggers living off the land
Just wait their American cousins in Detroit and Baltimore will corrupt them with #fuckwhitey bull shit and they'll start selling drugs and shooting at cops in a generation
are they short due to genetics or environment?
>Just wait their American cousins
The Americans (West Africans) and the pygmies have as much genetic distance, in some reports that I've read, as Europeans and Asians
Nowhere they go can they escape the eternal Bantu I guess.
Same thing
>Various theories have been proposed to explain the short stature of pygmies. Some studies suggest that it could be related to adaptation to low ultraviolet light levels in rainforests.This might mean that relatively little vitamin D can be made in human skin, thereby limiting calcium uptake from the diet for bone growth and maintenance, and leading to the evolution of the small skeletal size.
Other explanations include lack of food in the rainforest environment, low calcium levels in the soil, the need to move through dense jungle, adaptation to heat and humidity, and as an association with rapid reproductive maturation under conditions of early mortality.(See also Aeta people Demographics. Other evidence points towards unusually low levels of expression of the genes encoding the growth hormone receptor and growth hormone compared to the related tribal groups, associated with low serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and short stature.
black people exist? I kek'd OP.
well I meant that if you took them out of that environment if the next generation of pygmies would become an average height or not. but this answers my question.
Are they supposed to be wood elves or some shit?
They occupy a similar niche in Bantu mythology
Who is that man? He appears to be their god and leader.
I wish I could go to just one thread without getting triggered by some guys autism.
We really a safe space to send you mongs where you won't get triggered by something different than your usual
>tfw anons peas and carrots touch
Negative. I think he's a missionary or anthropologist.
The Pygmies believe that the forest is God.
Anyone know his name?
That sounds like some Miyazaki tier shit.
I'm fascinated by the genetic diversity humans are capable of, the fact that our ancestors interacted with entirely different species of hominid never ceases to amaze me.
>tfw know how they feel to lose their religion
Dr. Jean-Pierre Hallet
Guy spent 30 years living among the pygmies and studying them.
I read a book about how the Pygmies are basically like modern Native Americans on the edge of bantu villages. They spend all day getting drunk, looking gloomy, and trading with/serving the bantu. But every so often they'll go back to the forest then become energetic and cheerful.
>Dr. Jean-Pierre Hallet
The Madman. Somewhat ironic that he was a Belgian.
Kek he also worked for their ministry of colonies at some point.
>Indonesian folklore describes mythological "Ebu Gogo" people living in the forests
>archeologists discover remains of ancient non-homosapien hominids in Indonesia
>tfw it's plausible that other species of human could have survived into early modernity
Some user in an earlier thread was giving anecdotes about supposed interactions with the Ebu Gogo, apparently the Indonesians have records of themselves interacting with, trading with, and having skirmishes with the Ebu Gogo up until the 19th century
Anything's possible. Explorers thought the Bantu were bullshitting about a race of tiny forest people.
>tfw their god still lives in the forest and they go to see him
Anyone have information on his academic background? Imagine he didn't publish much living among dindus but it'd still be interested to see where he was educated and was his thesis were.
>the eternal Bantu
He wrote Congo Kitabu, Pygmy Kitabu, and Animal Kitabu. He was an ethnologist, naturalist, and humanitarian. Collected over 100 awards and honors. His father was a painter and good friends with the king of Rwanda.
i was already aware of that, nigger
That's obvious. Where did he get his PhD? Masters? What were his thesis? Who were his academic mentors and advisers?
You just listed a few books he wrote and some other basic stuff any pleb could have lifted from Wikipedia.
This guy gets it. It'd also probably be interesting to know what schools he went to.
see also Orang Pendek
We should employ them in a candy factory.
that's extremely heartwarming
I was on acid and watched the BBC superimpose their faces over the local lemur variety to entrancing drumming. It helped me lose my shit.
Ask me anything about Aka/Baka/Mbuti/Efe/baTwa
T. Resident Pygmyboo
Who or what are those people/things?
>T. Resident Pygmyboo
What made you become a pygmyboo?
Very, very broadly Pygmies are an indigenous people found from the Woodlands of Cameroon down to the kafue of Zambia.
It is originally believed that they came from the northerly woodlands only later migrating to the rain forests with Bantu agriculturalists.
This however ignores the great climatic shifts of the African continent where for substantial periods of time the Rain forests as we know them existed in two refugium in Equatorial Guinea and the Far mountains of the DRC.
Pygmies like Khoisan retain significant proportions of an unknown Hominid species. However it must be mentioned that eastern and western pygmies have split of tens of thousands of years ago.
I can give you my personal take more in depth if you like.
Khoisan are pygmies? You sure?
Khoisan are not pygmies but like pygmies they retain greater degrees of Paleoafrican genetics.
Paleoafricans are the peoples the remained in Africa that were genetically divergent from one another -think of them as first cousins or half siblings to Homo Sapiens; with the same capabilities and intellect given our knowledge of the Ishango Bone- and secondly come from Afrasians who later expanded across the globe from Upper Paleolithic Europeans to Aboriginals and Asians and Native Americans.
It's in my opinion from the archeological, anthropological and genetic data that Pygmies and by extension Khoisan and all Africans descend partially from genetically diverse non-human hominids like Neanderthals and Denisovans but of vastly distinct genetic diversity from Afrasians who migrated south from Ethiopia/Arabia Felix.
Bantu and most other Africans are much more genetically related Afrasians. While Pygmies and Khoisan absorbed significant Afrasian ancestry they are retaining substantial genetics from these disparate unknown peoples.
The belief now and days (I'm one to agree) is that there were multiple waves of Afrasians into West, East and South Africa the oldest mixing and forming proto-pygmy and proto-khoisan populations most likely of average or near average sizes that as the forests expanded and contracted with great climatic fluctuations and disease loads shifted in size and phenotype to best adapt to said variables.
In the case of pygmies and more specifically Eastern in the past 2-3k years with the arrival of banana from Southeast Asia via Waq-Waq the spice traders that have been sailing the monsoon winds for 4k years did farming people find a crop that could persist and thrive in Forest and Equatorial locales .
Being a people of the woodlands that were honey gatherers and hunters, paracultivators of forest yams and hunters they formed mutualistic relations with banana farmers who over the times took pygmy wives and mixed with them.
Nope, they have more.
Pygmies are the second group of humans (after the San) to have separated themselves from the rest of the human population.
Did you also find me a demigryph to ride?
out of curiosity
what group/tribe is the closest to the original homo sapiens?
>what group/tribe is the closest to the original homo sapiens?
Do you mean the group with no or close to none ancient hominid admixtures? Or something else?
Probably some subsaharan africans. It's very difficult to say because we are finding more and more info on ancient hominids as time passes. Like, 10 years ago we knew almost nothing about the subject. DNA sequencing technologies are very, very young.
addendum: africans have ancient hominid admixtures but it's from people who were probably closer to homos sapiens than the neanderthals were. So...it depends on how you measure it.
I disagree. At this point in the game a "pure" Afrasian is non existent. I'd even argue it may never have existed.
Enough about the people. Can someone give me more information on the ethnologist please?
^this I agree with
Good post just curious do you have a formal background? You seem to know your stuff.
As far as I'm concerned Jean is the father of modern Pygmy studies and critical in contemporary Anthropology.
Idk if you read anything about him you'd know he was raised in DRC during the colonial era shipped back to Europe, fought in WWII, got a degree in sociology at Sorbonne and moved back to DRC were he continued his immersion into the cultures of his childhood for like 30+ years
Autodidactic with access to academic research and researchers because of colleagues from other kinds of work I've done over the years.
I have main areas of interest in African genetics, "pygmies"/"khoisan"/Mesolithic Southern Sahara, Paleolithic and early Neolithic Southeast Asia amongst other things.
Thank you. So BA, MA, and PhD all from Sorbonne? What were his thesis? Who were his advisers? Any similar anthropologists I should look into given that I consider him fascinating?
>Zizek teaches the pygmies the dangers of ideology
Yeah, sure, "pure" doesn't even make that much sense in biology since genetics has been a thing.
Tbh I actually don't believe he got much formal education.
He is rather exceptional in that his early lived experiences provided much more education than what would be taught in school. I believe because the anthropological community acknowledged this fact he "got" away with his dearth of formal education.
That's sort of the conclusion I'm drawing now. Especially since I can't find too much beyond generic basics.I'm more interested in academic and theoretical anthropology myself and enjoy looking into names that have contributed significantly to the field.
So theyre from some type of human that we are unaware of?
Yah, the Ebu even stole and raped women from human tribes in some of their folklore and produce hybrids
Sounds like the Muslims in Swedistan and Germiraq
Hmm, well are the top of my head I cannot name many figure heads. Claude Lévi-Strauss , Margaret Mead, Franz Boaz, James George Frazer, Tom Harnett Harrisson.
Personally I think the Kyoto School of African studies produces many great people to look out for too. I don't really care for academic rankings, I find them drawl and honestly more politics than substance. It's the main reason why I never fell into academia.
Don't read into myth and folklore as literal too much
No. Read the above
Do they really hit menopause at 30?
What about their lifespans? Why are they less than others living a similar primitive life to them?
Depends; pygmies aren't just one genetic monolith and disease load over the past 3kya arguably has influenced life expectancy and maturation in Mbuti.
Until systematic reports are done from Cameroon to Zambia I hesitate to say yes or no.
Primitive implies that they are anachronistic rather than the result concluding thousands of years of dynamic interaction to various pressures from disease to iodine deficiency.
So what happens when a Bantu impregnates a pygmy?
Well given that the Bantu and Central Sudanic linguistic groups are also patrilineal in DRC and Cameroon/CAR the child takes the father's identity and lives within the village. Some villages and farmer ethnic groups without blood ties have their sons initiated into Baka and Aka or Mbuti rites of passage though.
If course many women return to their families into the forests taking children to be raised with extended families. Until recently most pygmies could and would make allegiances to other villages and ethnic groups if strife remained.
However in surrounding communities "pygmy" ancestry is only ever maternal and I can think of only a half dozen times that I read or was told of a sudanic or Bantu woman marrying a pygmy but usually this is a pygmy who is "half".
Can I get a general reading list going on both Africa and Anthropology, each in general?
As a 5 foot 6 guy of course I'm aware we exist
Yeah I know since I was 8 at least
t. you are the giant man in the picture
fucking manlets.
What do their women look like? My cock would be massive next to them.
But just how short are they, really
Google wouldn't be any fun sempai
Their lives are absolutely tied to the forest. If you take them out into a western concrete jungle they will probably become depressed alcoholics.
It's funny
The Bantu hate and fear the forest, but the Pygmies adore it. When bad things happen in the bush the Bantu say it was evil spirits.
The Pygmies in contrast say "Oh, our father is just asleep so he wasn't looking after us". So they play music to wake him up.
Whats gonna happen when that forest is torn down for lumber?
A lot of anti-Bantu pro-pygmy propaganda on Veeky Forums I see.
why would anyone prefer nignogs to hobbits?
>you are now aware of the fact that Pygmy people exist
Actually, I went to the school.
What to do with pygmies and similar groups in 150 years?
Can they ever bring their lifestyle into a compromise with modernity, do they even have to?
Prime Directive
>People are going to forsake their ancient traditions for McDonalds and iPhones
Little guy on the left is Sinafasi Makelo. He's seen some shit.
sounds like a good trade off to me
what's the big deal? They're slightly shorter, how's that a justification to deny citizenship and other things?
So are the Bantu or the Congoids objectively superior to them?
What's his story?
>early neolithic southeast asia
interested in where I can begin with this subject.
Why can't we breed them and send them to the coal mines?
>tfw no pgymy hand slave I can keep happy with cigarettes and cheap whiskey
Its Colonel Kurtz
They're literally a different race you fucking idiot, only the Khoisan are older than them.
>from West Africa
That sounds like you're implying that it was all of West Africa and not just Southeast Nigeria.
>black Americans
The San are similar, but are given basic human rights (for South Africa at least).