What was the peak of human civilization?
What was the peak of human civilization?
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The United States and Western Europe, 1945-1979
Volcker/Thatcher/Reagan ruined it.
Probably around 1998.
Not after 2003.
That was the last year mankind had regular supersonic civilian flights.
This. Fuck, it hurts.
The Golden Trump Era is the peak of human civilisation.
This but the actual effects were delayed such that the 90s were the actual peak years.
Maybe we won't fail and die. You never know.
it has yet to come.
1950s America.
I think you mean the Golden Shower Era.
Utopian pan-galactic immortality.
Fucking obviously the modern West.
The period shortly before the finno-korean hyper war
United States Pax Americana, c. 1946-1966 or so when the hippies started ruining society.
T. my father who lived through most of it
We haven't even begun to peak yet
meant for
European Middle Ages and early modern period.
Apart from cathedrals, you are wrong.
I would exclude early modern period. Globalization started there.
one second before the Singularity
pretty cryptic, but also accurate.
european social democracy and welfare state.
>What was the peak of human civilization?
Technically right now, we're shooting up in the Social Development charts* right at this very moment, i mean seriously you decadent fucks do not comprehend how easy we have it now compared to even 50 years ago.
FYI we only started skyrocketing in social development because of Industry.
*Note The Western Core is slightly above the East's in social development
1950s - Mid 2000s
Old Kingdom Ancient Egypt.
Around 1200. Before the church became totally decadent and before the protestant reformation which lead to the (((Enlightenment))) which lead to humanity being a mistake.
The present.
Redpill me on this
>muh peak civilisation is technology and liberalism
So many filthy moderns on this board...
High Middle Ages are the peak.
enjoy dying from preventable diseases and living to age 50 with heavy arthritis from all of the farm work + grinding grain
The part where my ideology was prevalent in the U.S
1970s East Germany
Early 1300s.
- Gothic architecture
- birth of great Western art
- the beginnings of a Scientific Revolution
- chivalry and courtesy
- healthy traditions and values
- prosperity and even social mobility
- cultural and spiritual unity on the twin pillars of French hegemony and the Catholic Church
Then the Plague and the Hundred Years War hit and everything went to shit forever.
I disagree, it was the part where my ideology was prevalent in Europe
>- cultural and spiritual unity on the twin pillars of French hegemony and the Catholic Church
What do you think that show is based on?
i'm well aware, just the bit about twin pillars and unity was very specific
The Bosnian war
Just before ww1
Literally now you reactionary autismos
Trump is the proof of the Western Decline you evangelize. You are the cause of what you preach.
>pinnacle of anything but shit
The 70s are the one decade when I think living standards in the USSR were actually superior, it was just that horrifyingly bad in the US.
>Authoritarian regime
>Ethnic purges
>Books are being burnt
The 3rd Reich was the worst regime of the 20th century
belle epoque as a whole but that was the golden age
>liberal Whig history
Dustbin of history
>when I think living standards in the USSR were actually superior
You would be profoundly incorrect.
h-hasn't happened yet
>peaks immediately
Pre-agriculture hunter gatherers. Farming was a mistake.
I think there are at least several below them just based on sheer material deprivation and lack of safety. Khmer Rouge-era Cambodia is the worst I can think of.
>being this deluded
So, the period when the Western world didn't had to compete with Asia because most of it was under socialism?
We owned most of Asia during the 19th-early 20th century.
We haven't peaked yet.
We're on a downgrade at the moment, but we've been steadily moving up as long as we've been around.
19th and early 20th centuries desu
Quite probably the 90s and the 00s until 2008.
I'd say until 2001.
Both because of post-9/11 paranoia and unrest, and because economic growth from 2000 to the recession was actually extremely sluggish.
German Reich without a hint of doubt.
We have yet to hit it
You are fucking retarded it was when my ideology was prevalent in Asia
This T B H
It's hard to see another Golden Age unless something radical such as much cheaper space travel happens.
The Mesolithic period.
I don't think we've hit a "peak" yet. There have been higher points than we are at now in terms of culture and morals, but I don't think that means that were are going downhill forever. The ideological shock of the World Wars and the end of the Cold War will obviously have reverberations for a long time, but that doesn't mean we won't eventually bounce back.
The highest point collectively we were at was probably in the early 1910's. Society still had high culture and morals, and technology was dramatically improving lives as well. Had there been peace and not the utter ideological collapse of the world, then things would have continued improving overall; however, due to this collapse, we have only advanced in terms of technology and increased material living standards, rather than also in moral and cultural standards.
This is where It all went downhill. A few heroes tried to save it but it was in vain.
Who pay for life insurance every month so I can be cryonically frozen when I die here?
I am going to be fucking my waifu while you spend the afterlaifu underground being eaten by worms.
>authoritarian regime
Yeah but Hitler's regime followed the leadership principle and it meant that he ended up giving power to really competent people in their respective fields. It also meant discussion took place as ideas on policy competed. There was still an elected body and members of that body had legitimate advising rolls to play though they didn't have the actual power a US senator had they still had a lot of influence and ability to change the system.
>ethnic purges
It was a race based state and non germans had to get out
>books being burnt
It was only one time and it was symbolic mostly porn, karl marx, and some hack plays. All the books were still available to read in the library.
No different then some college burning some porn, Star Wars VII and karl marx.
Late-early and early-high are peak
>middle ages?
Bitch where?????
>slavery, surfs, peasants
Modern era.
>mass genocide
>wars wars wars
>fall of Constantinople
>he ended up giving power to really competent people in their respective fields
this should be obvious unless you've been in a coma for the past 50 years
are you brain damaged or homeschooled?
first response best response
the whole country followed a syphilitic moron into a meat grinder and took tens of millions of other people with them. cool system, bro
But user, Nubians didn't control Egypt until the 3rd Intermediate Period.
> tens of millions of other people
> people
This, and then the Boomer's came of age and ruined it for everyone else.
>>Authoritarian regime
>>Ethnic purges
>>Books are being burnt
is this 2017 or what
Are you a beaner?
Did the 70s USSR have
>outrageous level of unemployment especially in the midwest
>worse murder, robbery and rape rates than African countries, urban centers become completely unlivable thanks to crime
>wacko cults and serial killers run rampant
>gas crisis
>foreign-funded domestic terrorism up the tits, bombings, arson, assassinations
>widespread drug epidemic
>malaise, aparhy and hostility towards your own nation rising to grotesque level thanks to a lost war and avalanches of counter-culture propaganda
Because if it didn't then it probably was a better place to live. 70s in the US were the worst decade since the Great American Depression and posibly ever.
You just described the Russian revolution complete with the syphilitic moron in charge.
>peak of civilization
>having bad opinions
>competent people
The Battle of Stalingrad: Dude Where's My Airlift?
Right now.
the future
This was down to an oil crisis used by ideologues as an excuse to abolish the system.
Well actually adding some nuance before I go to bed:
It's actually the end of Breton Woods in 1971 that fired the first shot. Free movement of capital is the devil incarnate.
They recognized this at Breton Woods but Americans insisted on using the USD instead of Bancor as the unit of account in the capital-control system, yada yada yada, US self interest came first in 1971, they killed the system.
gotta get this.
You are made of physical retard.
The revolution was a mistake
Unfortunatly very accurate