From a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our timeline?

From a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our timeline?

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its alright

I like the 40k Lore, I'll take this Timeline thanks, wouldn't wanna reroll on that

8/10 until 1709.
Since then a solid 3.

10/10 so far but I'm biased from having access to modern medicine.

XX century wasn't very good, but when you think of how bad it could have been, i think it's acceptable.
>least authoritarian ideology won WW2 and the Cold War
>no nuclear war

>10/10 for modern medicine
>when we're not even ageless yet

nothing to compare it to/10

so I'll give it a 5

Well, this age contains the concept of thumbnail.


>he doesn't know about parallel universes

>turks own constantinople
>the ussr existed


Born young enough to understand what it feels like to grow up human but still be alive to witness the singularity and become posthuman

we're the most privileged desu senpai

wow... never thought of it that way......

Kill yourself.

i think something big is on the horizon there's simply been a slow simmer since 9/11 the big one always seems right around the corner

mexico in revolution, America in open race war, MENA is in complete collapse and Europe full blown fascist by 2020

j-just watch


maybe your grandkids will get to enjoy that, but not you

>actually thinking this will happen


1/10, History is constantly being re written. When the biggest nation in the world 200 years ago is completely wiped off the map (Grand Tartaria) to the point where if you type it in google you get nothing?? The Chronology has been questioned by great minds since the 1600's. Only the victors write the history books.

Excuse me, Grand Tartaria? First time i heard about it. Any information, sources, anything please?

ur fuckin dumb

Be careful, the subject although interesting seems to be influenced by speculations and exaggerations.
This seem to touch a bit on the weird theories of Fomenko.
>Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a name used from the Middle Ages until the twentieth century to designate the great tract of northern and central Asia stretching from the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean
wow, such secret.

>reading comprehension
The controversial part is the claim that this was an actual country, not just a geographical region.

obviously just the remants of the mongol empire + taking liberties with terra incognita


>I'm not with my waifu
-100/10 desu

>From a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our timeline?