Fuck lamboland
How long would it take to get to used rolls land
Fuck lamboland
How long would it take to get to used rolls land
>Rols Rojs Duch
Rolls Rocye a shit. Can't even go fast. Real men drive McLarens.
Ugly rims, non-aerodynamical shape... I hope at least it includes natural leather interior.
Don't buy a rolls if you can't afford two.
i thought they were built to be a comfortable ride. how about starting with actually having rubber on your tires
>tfw only want a mustang 2015+
They are rare here in my country. Super expensive too but damn cheap if i bought in germany.
unless you want maximum comfy and zero excitement you shouldn't get one
>buying a depreciating asset
I will drive a shitbox for the rest of my life even tho i could actually afford those rollers you posted with my crypto gains