Can anyone explain wtf is going on with litecoin markets???Is China buying litecoin???? Market volume of chinise 15 times more than poloniex???!?!?!?!?!?? Wtf?!?!??!??
Can anyone explain wtf is going on with litecoin markets???Is China buying litecoin???...
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Is it really that much easier to grab your phone, take a photo of your screen, upload it to your pc, and upload it here, than just using print screen?
i swear you normiefags needs to have injected zyklon-b into your anus
Not my computer...;( can't do much on it
So wassup? Wtf is goin on???
it's even easier on mac
Ctrl+Apple key+3
>not wanting to log into Veeky Forums on your work PC or while on corporate networks
And I used phone to upload pic... so you are wrong
Every time I see CNY I think CNY = Cuny
>log into Veeky Forums
So no ideas? Only childish shit about picture? Volume is rly high... what does it mean?
China!!!!!!!!!! Explain yourself!!!!! ;)
The fucking chinese.
They see it as the cheapest and they are buying for this reason.
*unzips dicks*
>not following the chinese whales
seriously guys
LTC stealth lambo coin 2017
plus LTC being added to BitStamp in "early June"
I am literally all in litecoin right now
holding about 1100 LTC
Is there an badass traders on this forum who can explain this shit ????????????¿
>1100 LTC
and I have 21 and thought I was good
most people on Veeky Forums just want to chase the pump and dump of the week
this is my long term investment strategy
I never invested any money, I mined all those myself 4 years ago
Now I got $7k so not bad.
But very little LTC in the end
this nigga just took a picture of his monitor
China has always held a lot of litecoin.
The maker Charlie Lee is Chinese.
It's nothing new. The Chinese prefer it over bitcoin because the transaction/processing fees are much less and it's faster now due to segwit & lightning network.
The coin always seems to go slightly down between FRI-SUN (people cashing out for the weekend), and picks back up MON-THUR.
Some believe the coin will double this month. It's hard to say...
Bitcoin right now is doing well but LTC is down 2-3%. Usually when BTC rises so does LTC..I'm not sure what is going on I'm guessing it's just due to the weekend and will go back up on MON-THURS TO $29-$32 levels if not more.
Overall LTC is a stable coin but you won't get rich from it.
>Usually when BTC rises so does LTC..I'm not sure what is going on
yeah this
why has it stopped closely tracking BTC?
I think perhaps BTC/USD is at a shaky point right now, lots of uncertainty as it tries to climb back towards previous highs...
probably once we have solid confirmation that the great BTC selloff is over we will see LTC jumping and playing catchup as the money rolls back in
just a theory for the coming weeks, who knows
any LTC holders should be rooting for BTC to keep climbing right now
Thank you very much for a good answer !!!!!!!!!!!
The two chinese exchanges OkCoin/Huobi opened up limited withdraws for LTC/BTC now so that could be why. Many chinese are cashing out perhaps.
so why is BTC still climbing then
It's definitely BTC that is dragging behind (the orange line) the USD & Market cap are keeping it from going down further right now. Hopefully it goes back up to $28-$32. I'm growing impatient and am thinking about entering some altcoins that are growing 25%+.
>hes falling for the shills
ok be careful out there chasing the pump and dump of the week
I know. There's just so much uncertainty right now with USA regulations, USAF bitcoin fork, Metropolis ethereum hard fork. Might be better just to stay our of crypto until Jan of next year.
Nice try, nocoiner.
It doesn't make any sense that LTC is losing while BTC gains. It has never happened before.
I bought 100 at $29 on wed, $2900 ( $2850 after fee) it's now has $2650... a 7% loss for the last 48 hours.
It's fucked up. Everyone claims "LTC is stable". No it fucking isn't. If it was stable I'd still have $2850 in my account. If I went with bitcoin i'd have $3000+ in my account right now.
I went with LTC and it screwed me over bigtime. It better rise to $30+ soon or I'm out for good as there's other coins gaining 50-100% a day I could easily profit off of instead of waiting around for these chink coin to slowly make gains.
either you have patience or you dont
theres one rule i learned long ago with crypto trading
you never have to sell for a loss, you just have to wait for a new all time high
>a new all time high
It never reaches a all-time high.
It stayed between $20-30 all of May, largely due to coinbase introducing it on their market, with some short jumps to $32-36. It seems like it's on track to do the same and not double at all unless some good news comes out.
I'm just going to move it to bittrex and switch to btc and buy altcoins. I want gains now... not in weeks/months/years.
>wow ive been waiting all of April and its still hasnt hit a new all timei high fuck this im pulling out and going all in on bean and posw!!!
What "altcoins"?
Chances are you'll buy into a pump and lose your BTC.
You will lose out as a huge pump starts tomorrow and will last 3 days.
Get on the LTC train now before it leaves the station.
I have inside info that a large group is going to try to pump it up to $100 starting tomorrow.
i want to believe but come on now
One from the group is talking about it here.
A large group of asians is doing it. Yay.
One from the group is talking about it here.
ok well i will be holding
lol please stop
here have this
LTC is the real hedge against Bitcoin. Most people point to cuckthereum, but it's fast and furious model will continue to burn itself, and so is not the best for stability.
LTC solves a number of current issues Bitcoin is facing, mainly high fees and slow confirmation times.
LTC was already fast and cheaper, but now with lightning networks being's going to change things. Exchanges and Institutional Bitcoin vendors will mainly benefit from the lightning network.
So that's the up side for LTC, it'll take some time though for this to roll out.
On the other hand, BTC is encountering a potential existential downside event on August 1st. Flag day, to signal segwit. By all current indications this will fail, there just has not been the needed economic actor support needed for BIP148 to succeed, and even if it does, Jihan can still split the chain.
This significant potential existential downside event is to the benefit of LTC. There is a real chance that transaction fees and confirmation times for BTC will continue to rise, and that the proposed solutions to scaling will continue to fail. (AUGUST 1ST is a joke at the moment). Not to mention the potential for a split of the chain if Jihan decides to go nuclear.
All of this boils down to the question: who benefits from such a scenario unfolding?
And the default answer is Litecoin. It has the same code base, is the second oldest coin, has a fair allocation of coins (unlike etherum), is stable, and has solved scaling.
At the very least hold this coin until August 1st
The Chinese are buying because they know something. they can read the subtleties of their fellow countryman, Jihan, and are acting accordingly.
It's also possible that Jihan-co are buying up LTC on the cheap before flipping the switch.
>It's also possible that Jihan-co are buying up LTC on the cheap before flipping the switch.
it pisses me of LTC is so devaluated it's way better than any memecoin out there. it is something that really has real world applications.
it just doesn't make any sense to have ztrash at 100+ and LTC at that price.
LTC is my go to for moving crypto, its so fast and them fees are so god damn low compared to bitcoin.
you must get into a lot of internet arguments to have a library of pictures to use in different scenarios lol
Chinese have 22% in Zcash I just noticed.
Chinese have 55% in LTC
Chinese have 41.5% in Dogecoin
Chinese have 31% in ETC
Chinese have 30% in SiaCoin
Chinese have 12% in BTC
Chinese have 11.47% in Golem
Chinese have 10.5% in ETH
Chinese have 8.8% in Augur
Chinese have 8.7% in NEM
Chinese have 5.4% in RIPPLE
Chinese have 4.41% in Gamecredit
Could just be coincidence that they have so much in LTC & DOGE & ETC & SIA.
can somebody help me understand market depth charts? there are 2 big buy walls and 1 small sell wall right? does a buy wall mean that people are willing to buy only at a price higher than the market is willing to sell? sorry for being stupid
where the green goes vertical is a large buy order. someone is trying to buy like 1000 BTC worth at that price
that is the maximum price he is willing to pay
the sell wall is inversely someone trying to sell at a specific price. that is the minimum price he is willing to sell for.
the large green vertical can be considered an area of strong support. It will take a lot of selling to completely fill his order and push the price lower
the large red wall can be considered an area of strong resistance. it will take a lot of buying to completely buy all of that guys coins and move the price higher
If you'd put $1,000 on DGB at 100sat you'd have $30,000 right now
yes i am aware of how pump and dump schemes work thanks
ok, so that's why it's called buy walls, that guy is stopping the coin value from going down, right?
well yeah it would take 1000 BTC worth of selling to fill his order. as long as his order at .095 stands, none of the buy orders below (to the left) of his will be filled
so the price isnt going to be .094 until his wall is totally taken out