>Some people actually think Japan surrendered because of the Soviets
Some people actually think Japan surrendered because of the Soviets
>first bomb: lol is that the best you got
>soviets join in the war against Japan: pls no, we surrender
>Some people think nuking Japan was justified
>burning subhuman savages
>not a good thing
Really trying your hardest to take any american credability during the war, they fought the japanese, and they won over the japanese. The Soviets didn't do fucking everything and did jack shit to the japanese
>OP actually thinks Japan gave a shit about having their cities nuked
Their entire country had already been fire-bombed into oblivion. If their capital being destroyed like that wasn't enough to stop them, bombing two more cities just wouldn't have done it.
>take well over half-a-million japanese as pows
>remove japan's planned negation route
>not doing anything
Let me rephrase that:
>Some people actually think Soviets won the war against Japan
Why would they care that much though? They had already lost the war before that
>invade nearly every nation/island around you
>absolutely no plans to stop
>raping and murdering women and children from these conquests is A-Okay
>tell own citizens that an invading army will be pure evil and they will eat your babies
>encourage everyone to either fight or commit suicide
>nuking that place wasn't justified
Us dropping the bombs wasn't even the worst thing to happen in that hemisphere, thanks to Japan.
But the bombs weren't dropped on San Francisco and Los Angels.
>Some people actually think only US fought and defeated Japan
I read that horribly wrong, but the Us really did most of the work against Japan, it was the soviet union of the pacific
It was strategically irrelevant at that point in the war
>it was the soviet union of the pacific
Yes, something like that
>Using nuclear weapons
>Wasn't even the worst thing to happen
If we wanted to do that we'd have bombed the Middle East and Africa.
I was implying that the nips would the ones bombing those cities.
It really wasn't, desu.
>Russia like totes won WWII by themselves, they dont tell you that because like capitalism wants us to stay sheep, like the number of Soviet deaths shows they were the most important fight against Nazis, we should actually thank Russia, my fucking bitch history teacher flunked me she was just a puppet
They were already negotiating terms of surrender because of the combined threat of Soviet and American invasions.
Then the nukes came and the Japs were forced to surrender unconditionally.
>Japs keep their emperor
Allowed by the US for the stability of the nation. Allies didn't want to deal with the possible fallout of removing the emperor.
Hell the emperor even asked to be tried for the war crimes of the nation and was told to fuck off.
Funny way to spell MacArthur.
The British created the nuclear bombs which the Americans then used to bomb Japan. That proved unnecessary because the Japs were completed devastated by the British in the Burma Campaign and were about to surrender, but of course the Yankees had to go for the overkill.
>I wonder who wrote this
>some people actually think Japan surrendered
Aren't Japan and Russia still technically at war, though?
It really wasn't.
Alternative was massive invasion supported by mass firebombing and use of cheical weapons.
Civilians deaths were expected to be in tens of milions.
>Fully indoctrinated society,infamous for their fanatism and complete disregard for casualties.
>Fully militarized at this point.
>Still a somewhat coherent army to defend the home islands.
Can you even imagine the fucking slaughter? The consequences would have been worse than two low yield nukes.