What is the concept of "Master Race"? How do you define that term?
What is the concept of "Master Race"? How do you define that term?
german people?
its usaly defined as ''us'' particularly in so far as it relates to ''them''
The race that i am is the master race
me to
A superior race in tecnology,culture,military tactics,etc,etc,etc.
Something subjective and ridiculous.
>biological categories are dependent on time periods
The race that invents good shit and fuck other civilizations up.
a fabricated concept used to justify imperialism
although i support imperialism on behalf of my country because I'm an american.
it was just 18th and 19th century rhetoric
*and 20th
>invent stuff
A fabricated concept. Something that isn't real. The manlets of Vietnam terrorized the superior white empire of the US. The Russians got fucked by the goat fuckers in the middle east.
Even a bunch of spics in the ass of Central America btfo the Filibusters.
It's just a pretty word made to justify something that no longer is acceptable and probably never will be.
They invented innovative ways to fuck up people.
Mixed people who inherited the best genes from each race.
Why did people feel the need to justify imperialism with abstractions? Isn't the acquisition of resources for the benefit of your ingroup as good a reason of any>
Because they feel guilty. Look at Vietnam. Guilt does that shit to a nation.
>no longer is acceptable and probably never will be
m8 war isnt going anywhere
periods of peace like the one we are in are scattered throughout history
>Because they feel guilty.
Did they though? It doesn't seem like they did.
*did not
They're more butthurt about losing than guilty
Not talking about War. War is part of the human psyche. I'm talking about the concept of a superior race as a motivation.
Right now you just terror and boom.
The race that will eventually win dominion over the earth and impose a one world government. Could be a modern race, like whites or asians, or could be a blend of modern races. The German's called themselves the master race, but that was a prediction, and one they failed to realize. Make no mistake, however, the world will homogenize and assimilate into one unified people, or else one race will dominate and destroy the others. The world is reaching equilibrium, the end state is one of order and collective unity.
Take our homo sapiens ancestors for example. For some time they lived among other hominids that they could interbreed with. We assimilated some, we destroyed most. At that time the groups didn't know who would win, but we know now that homo sapiens was the master race.
We're the next stage of refinement. Our descendents will know who won.
Well, the hippies are one of the main reasons the US had to retire from Vietnam (that and the brutality of the Vietcong).
i think term of master race mean the race who have progressive features "smart,powerful.ect.."
pic related
What's progressive about being emotionless, cucked nordids?
Ashkenazi Jews
Is there any real contest?
People who own personal computers
>tatar larpers who converted to judaism
It's possibly the purest version of a spook you can get.
Forever Young ayy lmao
Seriously though who made that dumb fucking chart