If SC goes over 585 (Which was last max highs) it will MOON!!!! GET INTO THE TRAIN!!!!!
Theme of the thread: youtube.com
If SC goes over 585 (Which was last max highs) it will MOON!!!! GET INTO THE TRAIN!!!!!
Theme of the thread: youtube.com
Stop spamming that picture.
>You will never make sweet love to siachan
Why live?
Nocoiner detected
I dont think so kiddo, the sell wall in 600 is huge. Prepare to SELL SELL SELL and buy the dip cucks
Look at the orders. The party is over.
t. sold at 570
This guy knows. Buy the dip though
Somebody sold 5 btc worth a few mins ago on polo. Sell sell sell.
Same bro, sold at 570 (bought at 480)
What shell we do next? DGB is dengerous now (bought at 800 sold at 1800)