Where did it all go so wrong?
Where did it all go so wrong?
qin hui
I'm convinced that the mongol invasions are proof that we are living in some shitty alternate history timeline. So much potential was completely destroyed so quickly and thoroughly.
>tfw the Southern Song didn't survive and industrialize by the late Middle Ages/Early Renaissance
>tfw the sinosphere and eventually the rest of Asia didn't become a world hegemon by the colonial era
>tfw the Russian states didn't remain decentralized and culturally diverse
>tfw Arabic and Persian civilization didn't rise up to the level of our timeline's European powers
>tfw the Sack of Baghdad will never be prevented
>tfw the Black Death will never be prevented
>all those states destroyed, devastated, and subjugated.
Man it really is fucked up if you look at it like that.
Qin won.
>faggots like John Green think it's funny to lionize the horsefaggots as some kind of progressive civilization that's "le randum X-DDDD"
>being literally butthurt after 800 years
>literally supporting the mongoloids
my superior hungarian ancestors beat up your ancestors
China was never interested in world hegemony, they fucking sank Zheng He's fleet for no reason.
I want to learn about the history of China.
Where do I start?
Song JUSTed themselves
>dude what if we allied with the huge Mongol empire to defeat the Jin because of butthurt lmao
>dude almost lose to Jin anyway lmao
Also to add to this, Southern Song's strategic position is SUPER unenviable. IIRC in history the ONLY time a sucessful invasion has been launched from Southern China into the North was during the Nationalist era and even then it ended up with the KMT relying on warlords and shit.
The southerners are basically cucks.
The early mongols were actually quite defeatable, especially if you were a nation with experience fighting them and with your own native horse culture (The Jin).
The problem was the southern song took the short term view to ally with the mongols to destroy the Jin. The mongols now had superior cavalry AND an industrial base and mass infantry to conduct a long sustained campaign in the south.
Even at the end, song generals were getting executed for being too successful.
They were never interested because they never could, chinese subjugating other races, lol.
Qin Hui killed Yue Fei
thanks for your contribution you fucking shitcunt
just imagine what the Song would be like if they didn't go full retard militarily
The Song dynasty was doomed the moment they let the Jin conquer the north, yes or no?
The horse niggers were attacking them at the time, Zheng He's fleet was providing no returns, so they convinced the emperors to sink the fleet and put money and focus on destroying the horse niggers
>Southern China into the North
The historical "south"(Huai regions,Yangzi Delta,Jianghan basin) were quite successful.
Xiang Yu and Liu Bang would be considered "southerners" in their heyday.
The bureaucrats were buttmad as fuck after the voyage as the state treasury built the ships but any profits of the voyages went to the emperor. The voyage strengthened the eunuch faction which represented the emperor as a result and a net loss for the bureaucrats. The fact that horseniggers were raiding made it worse.
Yue Fei was a fucking meme general that wanted to reconquer Northern China and rescue the old emperor. Rescuing the old emperors would result in a succession crisis which obviously pissed off the emperor and reconquering a region devastated by war would put strain in the Southern Song economy, making it incredibly unpopular. Furthermore, Southern Song had higher taxes due to more development than Jin which would have angered the peasants in the north too.
Southern Song was easy to defend and it was the most productive area in the world at the time. Southern Song was always stronger than Jin but reconquest of the north was unpopular.
Southern Song was never doomed. They beat the Mongols twice. Idiotic chancellor appointment led to their downfall.
The Song lost the strategic Sixteen Prefectures with Great Wall to Liao. Without the Great Wall to defend, Song was forced to maintain huge military ~1.2 million by 1040 AD to defend its capital on North China plain. This military drained the treasury and eventually bankrupt the Song.
The Song also got cucked by Xi Xia in the northwest of best horse raising pastures. Song military got crippled by shortage of horses.
The founder of Song dynasty was an imperial bodyguard that was "forced" to become an emperor. To prevent this military coup from occurring again, Song military commanders were purposely weaken with constant rotation from command. The end result was soldiers didn't know their commander, and commanders didn't their soldiers.
Military commanders were given strict battle plans at start of expedition with no room to change as situations changed.
The end results of all these retarded policies were there wasn't any military coups but Song military was complete shit at organizational level.
Good posts senpaitachi
das rite childruns we wuz flyin spaseships n shiet but den da ebil mongol man took our magic powers n shiet and gave it to da ebil white man