Post your latest purchases made with crypto gainz.
It's no lambo (yet) but a nice upgrade over my current bike, an 05 CBR600.
I'm a firm believer in taking out a small portion of your gainz every few weeks to treat yourself.
Post your latest purchases made with crypto gainz.
It's no lambo (yet) but a nice upgrade over my current bike, an 05 CBR600.
I'm a firm believer in taking out a small portion of your gainz every few weeks to treat yourself.
I'd like to get a bike but I'm afraid of dying
Nice bro I have a zx6r. Thinking about maybe selling it and buying an 09 or higher r1.
But I feel like I need more experience with the 636 and need to practice wheelies on the zx6r first and get comfortable with wheelies and stuff first before I upgrade.
I haven't spent any of my crypto gains. I've been holding my ETH since March. Haven't touched a dime. Or spent any of it. 6 months from now, it's gonna be way over 500 bucks.
This train is just getting started.
When it hits 500 though i'll probably buy myself an r1, and a GTR, and a house.
>driving a motor bike
Enjoy being ripped to pieces. You just bought your death with crypto -> crypto kills -> don't do crypto, not even once
As long as you gear up every time and ride defensively you will be fine. Most of my near misses have been cars pulling out in front of me and such. Everyone crashes eventually, but the majority of people who get killed are riding in shorts and a t-shirt with no helmet. Check out the daily bike thread on Veeky Forums if you are interested in getting one.
Good choice user. 1000cc is more than I need right now, but an R1 might be in my future eventually.
My cousin got hit on his bike last week and another car ran over his bike. He avoided getting run over by rolling away from the oncoming car. He wont be able to walk for about a year.
You'd better get a "DigiByke" decal on that shit.
hmm.. that idea isn't so bad. atm I drive custombuild xv 535, but I'd like to buy a sporty one with ABS.
this is great!
Poor-fag NEET here. Just trying to fix up my 91 Jeep, give it a new color and lift it and hopefully get some dope as wheels on it. DGB and POSW are gonna make that possible.
>chick bike
Holy crap, there really are women on Veeky Forums. Who knew?