Alright so a grill from my ethnic class just asked me why it is that men want their women skinny and with big breast.
Because I'm too lazy to tell her the whole culture thingy could you guys explain and have a general conversation about your culture
Discussion about Culture
Why don't you ask her why it is that women want men with full heads of hair, muscular and strong chins
I like big boobs
Ask her if she would date a man shorter than her
fucking this
9 out of 10 times it'll shut a woman right the fuck up because it suddenly occurs to her how important physical attractiveness is for mate selection for both genders
Tell her that real men appreciate flat chests.
>Big breast=lot of milk; lot of estrogen
>Skinny=athletic; healthy; enough time, money and will to get Veeky Forums
big boobs = lots of milk = healthy babies
big ass = can fit a baby hulk through her pelvis = strong baby
men are attracted to it because it has increased the chance of survival and reproduction over the course of our history
skinny is a meme though and probably hurts a childs chance of survival in reality
skinny meme already passed though, nowadays its about nigger-like arse meme
a lot of women these days will say yes to that question even though they know deep down they really wouldn't
She says "yes" and negates all the comments
The nigger arse meme is only around because leggings are extremely popular, and the deathly skinny pop culture icon of the 00s begat a megalomaniacal Albanian who moved too far in the wrong direction. Both of those will fade before 2020.
Good to hear
Fuck off I actually say the truth
Also the implant technology is much better suited to breast augmentation than buttocks. By 2025, guesstimating, PMMA will be a more economic choice for breast augmentations than saline, and will look as good or better than the real thing. Increased demand now will drive the prices down in the future, unsurprisingly.
Yeah I'm sure we knew that x years ago and took conscious thought of it
This is what you say.
Because I like big titles and fat asses, aye what that mouth do?
Rarity, I think. Big breasted thin women are generally rare.
Evolutionary selection.
Point out that humans are the only species on Earth that have engorged breasts all year round.
We're not a very differentiated species in terms of dimorphism so there needs to be something that separates out both genders on the savannah.
Breast size does not correlate to milk production
Then introduce her to a short, fat, bald person with a wonderful personality and tell her he's single.
>short means ugly and balding now
I swear half this board are manlets projecting their own insecurities onto the world.
Most women lack the integrity and self awareness to have this kind of rhetoric work on them.
I guess you could just say some bullshit like you don't want your girlfriend to die prematurely? idk
Now ask her if she has actually dated a man shorter than her.