why is private propiety a thing?
Why is private propiety a thing?
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>inb4 "your house is your private property"
Because personal autonomy is good, living like fucking ants or bees is horrifying
Farming became a thing which amassed unequal objects of general value given the land which one worked, and not the ability of one themself.
why are liberals horrified at the notion of an individual having control over something
tragedy of the commons and the profit motive
all though I guess eventually it will go the way of the dodo but I can't conceive how
wew lad
they're not, liberalism and private property go hand in hand and developed together
it's socialists that oppose private property
A result of centuries of material developments
>they're not, liberalism and private property go hand in hand and developed together
>it's socialists that oppose private property
Liberal is americanspeak for leftist.
It facilitates wealth and power inequality. Any other answer is over complicating things.
Same reason the Egyptian religion had a thing where the Pharaoh was a living god-king. Belief in such things made him and his dependents rich, so they encouraged that belief in the populace.
Because smart motivated people acquired it while all the dumb lazy people were too busy bitching about successful people to do the same thing.
Because it's almost always unjustified. I hate unjustified power, most of all when I'm subject to it. I want to live for myself.
Don't know why conservatives so love the idea of being someone else's bitch. I don't know about you, but I look back at the peasants of old with a mixture of pity and contempt. You apparently look back at such unequal societies with envy that they had the privilege of being under some """"superior's"""" boot. Oh they joys of building a castle for someone else, so that he can live in it and not me, and clean his piss and shit out his pots for him, cook his food, weave his clothes, give my daughters away as his mistresses, all for the glorious honor of having a """"master's"""" approval and the scraps he throws me. Why am I supposed to like the same deal with different titles now?
And its an incorrect label.
Too bad. It's the world label now.
>mfw even the scandinavian countries call themselves democratic socialists because that's what americans think democratic socialism is
America is the centre of world capitalism and imperialism, it's much more to the right than most countries on a similar developmental level
>i dont like my boss
then learn a skill or work for someone else
Most 1st world countries have 12 years free education. If they only thing you can do after 12 years of education is dumb labor then you deserve to do just that.
instead you want to:
>enjoy someone else's castle that they worked hard or
>have other's clean up after your mess
>share daughter's and mistresses (cuck)
>reap the benefit of everyone else's labor
>>share daughter's and mistresses (cuck)
In that scenario everyone is a cuck, so nobody is
Whatever you say buddy, keep your disgusting communal group sex fetishes to yourself and don't try to justify it to the rest of us.
>slavery is alright if you get to choose who your owner is
>if the only thing you can do after 12 years of stateforced systematic indoctrination, stupification and training for obedience and serfdom is avoiding starvation by renting yourself to totalitarian economic instititutions which dominate all of production to serve them as a convenient tool then you deserve to do just that.
>>if the only thing you can do after 12 years of stateforced systematic indoctrination, stupification and training for obedience and serfdom is avoiding starvation by renting yourself to totalitarian economic instititutions which dominate all of production to serve them as a convenient tool then you deserve to do just that.
how the fuck would this be any different under a communist regime?
>slavery is alright if you get to choose who your owner is
you have the option to work for yourself. im gonna take a guess that you are NEET and therefore you want society to take care of you, bc you're a fucking bum.
How long do you think a society will operate like that? if given the choice to continue working so you can larp on the internet all day long? no, just no.
You do realize totalitarianism would be a MUST for society to function like this. Instead, you will be cleaning YOUR shit off of (((his))) boot after he points the gun to your head "produce for the nation or die" and then cucks your wife, bc you paid him to do it.
Am I getting this right, anons?
Totalitarianism between corporations and rent seeking land owners or totalitarianism between a socialist vanguard, same fucking difference.
>b but gulags
Let's see how quickly you end up in a private prison if you try dropping out of society and be homeless for a month.
so what's your alternative bud
>Let's see how quickly you end up in a private prison if you try dropping out of society and be homeless for a month
what did he mean by this
>what did he mean by this
I'm still trying to figure that out
>Totalitarianism between corporations and rent seeking land owners or totalitarianism between a socialist vanguard, same fucking difference.
with the former, you're given a choice. we can discuss the illusion of choice, but it's still a choice. whereas your commie ideology takes the illusion away completely. we have a common enemy, unironically they are the ones that introduced communism in the first place, desu.
Private property is easily formalized, you know more or less who owns what, you can use formalized ownership to obtain credit, seek legal remedies to conflicts in court according to the rule of law, taxes can be easily collected and used for the public welfare etc.
Meanwhile, if we look at the best anti-capitalists have to offer in their utopias, "worker's self management", there is no formal ownership, so the result is that everything ends up being decided by internal power political dynamics (see Robert Michels for the inevitability of this development in any institution). Instead of the rule of law you have rule by the most charismatic, attractive guy in your commune who ends up making everyone submit to him as if in a cult.
It's no wonder communists are always attractive young men, they have the more to gain by ending the formalization of economical infrastructure of Western society and returning to the days where your personal influence and charisma determined your station. Someone in this thread criticized "conservatives" for admiring feudal relations. If you mean with "conservatives" people who are not anticapitalists, it's the opposite. It's socialism and communism, even at its best, who brings back the kind of informal, chaotic ownership, more defined by power dynamics and political influence that by law and rights, that was a characteristic of feudalism.
Nice theory but Stalin was not an attractive young man but a goblin and a goon.
Because I don't want to live next to niggers
It's not a thing, It's an abstraction.
I would argue a delusion.
Ignoring your "liberal" shit posting, everything is connected and Interdependent, to own a part is to own the system, earth is indivisible, especially when it comes to something like land.
That's why I believe private property only applies to things you made yourself, and then only as a rhetorical tool.
Property is theft!
the autist comes, right on cue, waiting to correct the record about the long dead genocidal dictator who doesn't look good in either image desu hoping that somehow this will recompense for that dictator's millions of corpses
also quite uncaring as they slowly turn to minerals in the ground.
might as well just make yourself into a bot m8
He's still pretty handsome in that picture.
Well no one has private property anymore. When the US imposed the property tax it was the end of actually owning your house. We now pay endlessly to the state to rent out our homes.
That being said, when you promise people a chance to own something it promotes society to work harder to earn something of their very own. It brings out the most dedicated of society to help promote it in some shape or form. All in all, it's just a reward for working hard.
And I really wish we could stop mislabeling it in that manner. I don't like being associated with damn commies just because I think people should be free to do any shit that doesn't fuck over other people's ability to do shit.
why is your private boipucci a thing?
Just start a business if you dont want to work for someone else