What conspiracy theories do you believe in?
And more importantly why?
Hard mode: No Hitler/Holocaust autism.
What conspiracy theories do you believe in?
And more importantly why?
Hard mode: No Hitler/Holocaust autism.
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That's not even a conspiracy. Its true.
wtf. People think i'm crazy when I say North Korea is better than South Korea but being a peasant farmer is probably better than that shit.
Conspiracy theories aren't false by nature.
What you were trying to say that's no longer a theory because it has been confirmed.
Now that you mention it, i do believe Hitler managed to escape to Argentina
>That's not even a conspiracy. Its true.
I know but seeing as this thread had no replies and I was just starting the first round of posts I thought it would be a good starter. Give me second I'm fiddin to post Pizzagate (don't know if I believe all of the implications people post about it wholesale I definitely think there's something to it) and ayylmaos
Hold on. There's more to the wild ride.
>Being a peasant farmer under a communist dictatorship is better than letting le evil feminists take muh vidya games away
Western civilization was a mistake.
Women's emancipation IE careers and contraceptives are promoted as a passive depopulation method.
Stalin was poisoned
Republicans cut a deal with the Democrats to turn the presidential election over to Rutherford B. Hayes if reconstruction was ended
The Earth is actually flat
Aliens exist. There's life under Europa's ice. (pisses me off for all the going on about it were not there already)
And not really a conspiracy again I know
>Brainwashing people to abort male fetuses is okay.
Along with aliens existing the sentient ones definitely know were here. If they wanted to do anything about us though, they're too far away. We also haven't gotten to the point where they'd want to kill us yet. Or they're already here or something. Also due to the whole earth was seeded from space debate, we're the aliens. We should also do the opposite and seed other planets already. Stop decontaminating the what we send out or make this happen somehow we keep going on about life and it would literally give us something to watch and do
The Waco Siege/Massacre was the government getting rid of people who knew too much. Both in the ATF agents who were killed and amongst the Davidians.
From the outset it's such an utterly moronic plan, they must have intended it to go that way.
This ones also true. But pic related and being Veeky Forums are the closest we can and will realistically get to advanced humanity/transhumanism, especially since pic related happened already in a way throughout humanities history. Borg-ing ourselves and playing Tetris with genes still have a long way to go and still have problems and risks. A more Veeky Forums, human and seeing what we can do with what we already have could do the job and can especially realistically be done now. As proven by humanities development and even stated in the manga by Joseph himself, humans aren't that far off and can potentially do everything he can
the Earth is hollow
>why do you believe this
>While the exact amount of the vast water reserves lurking deep inside the Earth is uncertain, scientists concluded, based on a previous study by researchers from the University of Alberta, that the amount of Earth’s deep water could be about 1.5 percent of the weight of the planet, that is, about the same as water in the oceans that cover about 70 percent of the Earth’s surface.
there are literally massive cavities inside our planet
should any of these cavities collapse, there would almost undoubtedly be some disruption on the surface
maybe that's how the Atlantic rim was submerged
Superpowers more or less exist too
The House of Habsburg destroyed Europe and not a single member should be allowed to hold title today.
>Habsburg destroyed Europe
When you say "Hapsburg" do you mean "Jews" by any chance?
There is a truly Gay Agenda that want destroys Western.
How: Traps are hot... aren't they?
Why I believe: Gay TV
seriously though guys the Earth is actually hollow
Going to read this stuff later
Sufi orders (tariqas) have infiltrated the Western cultural and political elite and spiritually converted its members to Islam.
It's not by demographic replacement that Islam will win. Like Christianity in Rome before it, they have won by converting the elite.
CIA knowing (or even helping with) murder of Aldo Moro
This might be somewhat believable if you hadnt said Sufis.
But the names involved (George Gurdjieff, Idries Shah, René Guenon, Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings etc) are Sufis.
I can only speak for Guenon and Schuon. These are relativity obscure traditionalist who have no bearing on the modern Western elite.
Gurdjieff was a random russian mystic that based his religion on a clusterfuck of other religions, he wasnt sufi
-The Franklin Coverup is the real deal. Like if Comet Ping pong bullshit actually happened and the government covered it up.
-MK Ultra.
-CIA introduced Crack to blacks.
-Moon landing was faked.
-Michael Jordan served a gambling suspension from the NBA by playing baseball for a while.
-CIA killed JFK.
During the Cold War, the US government used /x/-tier stuff as cover stories for intelligence operations sometimes. The best examples of this are using the "Arrarat Anomaly" (supposedly Noah's Ark) as an excuse to spy on the Russian/Turkish border, using Yeti investigations to spy on the Chinese/Nepali border, and spreading UFO stories to cover up the development of experimental aircraft (in fact, the Air Force basically created and encouraged the UFO panic during postwar era to throw off the Soviets).
It sounds pretty out there, but it's absolutely true, and a bunch of leaked documents from the 90s prove it.
Honestly, I believe that a lot of illegals voted in the last election.
I don't want to debate it, 'cause I know it'd cause a shitstorm, but I just wanted to confess.
That James Alephantis was a member of a Washington DC pedophile network along with the Podesta brothers.
The massive amounts of pedophilish art and photography on Comet's and his personal instagram. The creepy art the Podestas had.
There's more circumstantial stuff posted.
Pedophila is common among elites, with security services covering it up. It's also much more normal among gays than straight people.
That blood libel took place. Blood sacrifice is near universal, child sacrifice was practiced in the Middle East and probably North Africa. There are reasons blood consumption was forbidden. Judaism has this thing about believing a certain amount of ignorance is good and that gaining knowledge is evil. Therefore it makes sense that you'd prove your superiority by doing things like sacrificing kids (you can see outside the ethical structure). Judaism is built on multiple layers of interpretation to the point where it could justify anything. Jewish ethics is also primarily about ritual observance and seeking money, not helping people.
Not necessarily a conspiracy, but Jews work to create universalism for the world (both capitalist and communist) wherein they can naturally rise to the top as a highly verbally intelligent trading and political caste. Chinese do the same.
Even Orthodox Jews throw their support behind increased immigration.
Chinese are mildly less subversive on a society-wide level, but they're learning.
Also not a conspiracy theory, but the US is headed towards civil war on semi-racial lines, with American nationalists and white nationalists on one side and everyone else (the Left and minorities) on the other. Conspiracy angle: This has been encouraged by Russia via soft support, like airing non-universalist and racialist views on RT.
Do you have any evidence of the CIA introducing it? Tolerated and facilitated I know about.
A majority of Americans actually believe the JFK assassination was not the work of a lone shooter. Can we really call it a conspiracy at this point?
There's still no hard, peer reviewed evidence that there was another gunman. Every other theory about the case is founded on circumstantial postulations.
Didn't the review committee come to the conclusion that he didn't act alone?
I mean he was alone as a shooter but that there were possibly other people working with him.
Then again, given he was just a batshit pinko fuck I wouldn't be surprised if he just felt like offing Kennedy
This. It also really doesn't help that JFK conspiracies have been so well-known for so long that people accept them without even thinking about it, because it's become part of the normal historical education people are exposed to. At the very least, everyone growing up in the US gets the impression that there was something fishy about the assassination. I'd honestly be surprised if most people in the country even adhered to a specific conspiracy theory about it; most people just seem to accept that there's something "they" don't want you to know about it.
The simple truth of the matter is that Oswald was very probably acting alone. Even though US pop culture overwhelmingly seems to accept that he wasn't (again, probably because most people don't think about it too much), there's no proof of any conspiracy.
Alright faggots, buckle up, cause this is something that I have been wanting to say for a while and think it should be indexed somewhere on the web. I'll give you the full story followed by my thoughts.
Around 2010, the research chemical scene was really booming. If you don't know what research chemicals are, they are basically direct analogs or otherwise similar-in-effects compounds of illegal drugs. The law doesn't say "ban all drugs that get you high", it bans specific molecular structures, so these were easily evaded by making a drug that is similar in structure but not quite the same. It usually has very similar psychoactive effects and rapidly became popular among drug users.
After the government got done fucking all the underground sellers/vendors/merchants in the ass by passing laws and executing raids, a dude from New Orleans named Jeremy Kerr started a church called The Church of Neuroscience & Neurochemistry. I shit you not, this dude was distributing these research chemicals under the guise of "Molecular Sacrament" for his church. If you actually investigate his operation, he seemingly never broke character and appeared to be genuinely interested in the betterment of his church members. In order to buy these drugs, you would have to become a parishioner by completing an entry exam which would grant you a weekly allowance of drugs that you could order.
It isn't as cult-like as it seems. No one actually went to any physical church. This was all done online via a poorly designed HTML website called KNBOrganics
Unsurprisingly, this dude was a bit of a nut job. He had a background in Criminology and had a history of engaging in at least one seemingly frivolous lawsuit.
However, after the incorporation of his church (A Louisiana L3C, btw), he quickly ran into legal troubles when he was busted by the DEA for the transportation of some of these drugs and also busted by the...
...also busted by the FDA. So what did he do? He sued the DEA, FDA, NOPD (again), and the state of Louisiana.
Around this time, many states were passing their own laws regarding the legality of these compounds and Jeremy Kerr's church voluntarily continued to distribute these drugs in those said states. Meanwhile, he was actually challenging the Controlled Substances Act in the courts seeking immunity/injunctive relief for his particular operation.
This guy was basically suing the fuck out of everybody and he was untouchable. He had the longest standing research chemical distribution operation going and somehow managed to evade the law the entire time. I don't know if the government was gearing up a massive case against him, if they didn't care, or what was going on. The whole thing was fucking amazing.
Anyways, the dude randomly died one day. It all seemed very bizarre and random. I have always suspected that his death was a direct result of his enterprise rather than natural causes.
I followed this guy's operation from day one and I always found it incredible that he was able to get away with it.
I think that as well, but I wonder why the mossad never found him if that is the case, you would think that was a priority on their nazi hunting, but to be fair, they never even got Mengele.
>The simple truth of the matter is that Oswald was very probably acting alone. Even though US pop culture overwhelmingly seems to accept that he wasn't (again, probably because most people don't think about it too much), there's no proof of any conspiracy.
You are correct. The theories are just part of a larger problem, people like to feel they are in control of the world. The idea that a single person can just kill the president is such a chaotic event that many, if not most, people can not accept that.
Regardless of how terrifying or crazy the conspiracy may be it is preferred to the truth because it means the universe has order and things happen for a reason
Maybe it would have made the Nazis look too strong.
Strong enough for people to rally to.
Having Menge-kun out there, amongst others, would have helped remind people of the 11 gorillion and the need to allow expulsion of the Arabs.
>there are literally massive cavities inside our planet
The water is stored in hydrated minerals, not as liquid water. Basically within the structure of the rock there are tiny tiny spaces distributed throughout, and the tiny spaces can either be empty or filled with one or more water molecules. There are enough water molecules in the saturated minerals that, if you were to collect them all and cool them, the liquid water might be equivalent to an ocean's worth, but there isn't an actual ocean sloshing in a huge cavity beneath the earth's surface. The article you cited even uses the "like the milk stored in cake" analogy.
I think you're right, it's ironic that one of the most notorious "mysterious conspiracies" is actually one of the most open and shut, mundane events in recent history if you look at the information behind it.
It's like it is too mundane, and people just can't accept that such an iconic event could have been just the result of one crazy guy taking a rifle and shooting someone.
didn't it get proven that the CIA pushed 2nd wave feminism to get women working so that they could tax them?
I unironically 911 was inside job
>-MK Ultra
dude mk ultra is not a conspiracy it is 100% proven
"Conspiracy" isn't synonymous with falsehood, user. The fact that most conspiracy theories turn out to be false doesn't mean that conspiracies don't exist.
By definition all a conspiracy is is "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."
So a conspiracy theory is just trying to prove a group of people have conspired to do something bad.
Not really a conspiracy theory but kinda. the Second Bay of Tonkin incident was faked. McNamara admitted it, Giap admitted it, the pilot who flew over the bay to attack the ships said he saw nothing bellow and the ship was returning fire to nothing, and nothing was on the radar scanners. It was faked in the 15 minutes of fame during the first real incident to justify the US intensifying the war. It's an objective fact.
I unironically believe in that secret space program that British kid stumbled upon when he hacked into NASA. The CIA is still trying to extradite him, IIRC.
Well there's the stuff about the goddesses ordering the ferry sunk as a sacrifice to their deified cult leader or whatever but that's probably true too.
CIA killed Olof Palme
Who are these plastic looking gentlemen?
That's not a conspiracy theory. A conspiracy, yes, but not it happened so no theory. Now a conspiracy theory is something like the supposed Business Plot which was never actually any series thing or threat to the country beyond some rich guys getting drunk and going "fuck FDR" essentially.
Woah. Was well into the rc scene ~2011-2013 and never heard of this. Chances are he got himself killed on some superstrong fentanyl analogue. That seemed to be the end game of most rc kingpen. Very convenient uf your trying to kill him though.
>he hasn't taken the bogpill
again, conspiracy just means some people conspired, the question (assuming those people are correct) is in the theory, and there are many theories about it
>Pedophila is common among elites, with security services covering it up. It's also much more normal among gays than straight people.
I think its just that they get more hate from the public so they get more attention.
>The simple truth of the matter is that Oswald was very probably acting alone
Perhaps he was alone because he was just a bystander that didnt have anything to do with it?
I 100% believe Wikileaks has been compromised for a long time.
I don't blame you. I also think it's been compromised for a while now.
Or maybe it wasn't for the people to begin with. It's easy for such an org as that to be compromised by special interests of any kind. In fact, I'd say it would be naive to think there wasn't a selfish agenda there to begin with.
Whether their actions happens to benefit you or not, whether it helps your political cause or not, I think is just a matter of circumstance.
Right? I refuse to believe their transparency as a source when they have a monopoly on the information they release and can be selective about it.
I think pedophilia is to some extent "natural" in most people (hence explaining the violent, highly proactive disavowals, the same way racism, or racial feeling, elicits the same).
I should have clarified that mass child abuse is, not the inclination per se. People with money, power, and prestige have more opportunity, and probably more likelihood of being sociopathic, and thus willing to mistreat kids.
There are examples like the Westminster pedophile dossier and the Belgian pedophile scandal.
I don't le reddit talks openly about Jewish ethno-political inclinations.
You aren't crazy, you're just an idiot. Don't belittle actual crazy people by comparing their actual problems to your edgelord thoughts.
What do you mean by compromised, exactly?
Do you mean beholden to Russian or other interests because of blackmail, or trying to push Assange's personal agenda?
>The simple truth of the matter is that Oswald was very probably acting alone.
And you're basing this on...?
The plot of the conspiracy theory on JFK is actually very well set and standardized if you bother to do a little research. I recently read 3 or 4 books on the subject and they all laid out the same story, with the same actors and motivations.
Yes, online you occasionally find some nut that goes way off-base with it, but for the most part the best-respected independent researchers agree on the pieces and the roles of the thing; it's all right there for anyone who cares to inform themselves beyond the Oliver Stone movie and the Stephen King book. Richard Helms, Allen Dulles, Guy Banister, Santo Trafficante, Carlos Marcello, Antonio Veciana, David Atlee Phillips, Thomas Arthur Vallee, Richard Case Nagell, etc.
You really seem to not like Jews
Evidence aside, the amount of people who believe something has no impact on whether or not it is true.
I wouldn't say that. I can see that the talking points are similar to White nationalist talking points, and that many White nationalists dislike Jews as a group, but it ain't me. I just like knowing how the world is.
You say that, but
>Judaism is built on multiple layers of interpretation to the point where it could justify anything. Jewish ethics is also primarily about ritual observance and seeking money, not helping people.
>my relatives died for this absolute meme of a country
I don't think I hate Jews though.
To elaborate, there are proud Jews who hold the same views. See: Luke Ford.
I unironically believe that the Prime Minister of India was murdered by the soviets in Tashkent in 1965 because India was about to change the balance of power in the subcontinent.
>guy with no history of heart problems goes to russia, signs a peace treaty and suddenly dies.
>pakis are saved from losing a major city and becoming an embarrassment.
Pakis escaped the wind.
They ended up reaping the whirlwind.
I knew it when Assange called the Panama Papers a CIA psyop.
probably the former.
Possibly the later. Since Australians are from your realm Satan.
Oddly enough, I am an Australian. I view Assange as an intercontinental shitposter.
The Port Arthur Massacar was orchestrated by the U.S. government to further their gun control agenda.
Howard always gobbeled the Americans balls and didn't like guns so was within his interest to go along with it. The U.S wanted an 'example' of where gun control worked so they picked a country that was;
>a close ally.
>already had low amounts of gun crime/mass shootings
Any policy taken after Port Arthur could be used to claim that it 'worked' even if it did nothing. The U.S government then had their 'proof' that gun control was necessary to stop mass killings and more importantly, was an effective policy.
They chose Bryant as a patsy due to his low IQ (around 60) and mental disabillity. The Crown could then argue that the guy was insane and his word couldn't be trusted if he decided to speak out. They sealed the deal by not allowing reporters to interview him and giving him solitary confinement.
I said women are the ultimate evil in the world and y'all niggers didn't believe me.