Thanks for the money suckers.

I can't believe you all fell for a scam of a scam.

No tech, No whitepaper, no devs except for an austistic deaf man who magically is going to create the next btckiller. LOL

Word is getting out, the Static nodes have all but been sold off already- the list is fake, the consensus algorithm is fake, the new network topology - FAKE.

Did you even look at the Github commits? Nothing there! Lol...meanwhile those in the 'Static Nodes Club' - well, we made off with a lot of your money.

The truth comes out soon enough - hope you got an exit strategy cuz we out the door.

Thanks for the free hookers and coke

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you Dutch dude from yobit? Lmao


Don't believe me - go ask them to explain the tech in plain english in the slack. Its been real!

Hahaha. Holy fuck, this made me laugh

Smiled almost as much as I have checking the price of my 100k xby since I've been holding

>austistic deaf man
Does this mean I can write off my xby investment on my taxes as charitable donations?







Kek. This is a new kind of falseflag.

I'm not an xby holder but I had a laugh because this reads exactly like the sort of fud that panicked pussyhands tried to push when dgb was approaching 500 sat

The grapes are sweet you fucking coward

Hope the grocery stores will accept XBY when you learn the truth! lol.

Meanwhile, should I go to Aruba, or Turks and Caicos next week?

With DGB there is tech, there is a usecase, a white paper, and real group of devs.

What do you have in XBY? Lol.


Selling snake oil is the best jobs

Go to yobit chat, pray you won't be banned again

Go to github, look at the list of nodes that hasnt updated since day1.

Pray that you've already sold, because one everyone knows, you wont be able to trade an XBY for a KARMA coin

Your faces come monday! lol

lol, this is msands again crying and bitching. this person wanted to be on the xby board, was denied and went into full on butthurt mode.

Oh no, still +176€ what a sucker am i

Thx OP, selling my 500k xby right now.

i'll make a selfie for you from Hawai in a Yacht in less than 3 months ok ? hahaha

Dude! Listen to yourself! LOL. Are you the one with the master plan executed from day one, or are you the sucker who thought a one man dev team could take out btc?

Whos the real dreamer here? lol

Some people even tried to say that Borzalom = Satoshi freakin Nakamoto.

Like, you people are awesome.

We'll be back soon with the next plot, no worries - always another sucker!

Fud monkey confirmed

Hahahaha dude im just an investor & already made a huge profit , & im willing to do even more cause XBY is a serious Tech , Moon is the next station happy that you are not in

dutchdude please get a fucking life and stop fudding xby. just cause the cool kids didnt let you into their club doesnt mean you have to go full retard

Have you even read the XBY website? It actually looks and reads as though a seven year was behind the whole project.

And why exactly would someone who had millions of XBY not be allowed into the Static Nodes club again?

Oh yeah, thats right...that doesnt make any sense...

Meanwhile, that volume keeps growing and price aint going up, weird.

1) The website is old and a new one is being built

2) The developer behind it doesnt speak english very well, its a translation

how many times do we have to hear this same line? "It was written by a 5/6/7 year old." Fuck off already, no one cares

lol ok kid. keep crying/bitching. hope you're design company goes well. really glad the community didnt like your was shit

read the OP of the bitcointalk thread:

The new website will resemble that

Hi Dutchdude,

Thanks for your continued interest in the XtraBYtes project! It sounds like you can't quite comprehend how the technology will work, this is O.K. we are always happy to explain in more detail. Slack is probably the easiest method.

Thanks again, hopefully talk soon!

Weird, it actually hasn't. It's almost as if you're lying. Huh. Whaddya know?

gotcha, thanks for the input

Lol ask them to explain it to you, step by step, in plain english.

Better yet, the 'Testnet' is supposedly ready, why dont you guys ask for a video showing it all in action?

I didn't ask them to do anything.

Better yet, literally neck yourself you illiterate neanderthal

i wrote the script to test it and confirm all nodes had been added to the genesis block lel pretty sure it's legit

Most of the static nodes have not been sold off.

Right. You have no incentive to ensure that people don't learn the truth tho.

Its real because you said its real, amirite?

I really love this intense fud, when you get people like DutchDude all rattled up and fudding 24/7 you know you got gold on your hands. The same shit happened to DGB, Monero before it mooned and other coins. It just makes me so much more confident in XBY.

Thats not the real list.

This is:

See, I can show the list of nodes too!

it's a scam because you say it's a scam, amirite?

god it's gonna be glorious when it moons

I got a better question for you.

If its real...and the tech will prove its real, why does the dev team and the static crew all come in here trying to protect the secret? What do you have to lose - you're not selling your coins right?

Lol how the fuck can people still not see through your bullshit!

its a scam because there is nothing.

No significant difference in the code. no new tech that you can show that is working. no whitepaper. no one can clearly articulate exactly how this will all work, its just autist magic.

and best of all we are supposed to believe that a one man dev team is going to kill BTC

to top it off, he's an autist and a deaf man.

You guys should take him to vegas!

this. it's not fud, it's that xby is a pajeet shitcoin

I'll tell ya what neets.

What do you have to lose?
Sell your XBY, and wait for the 'BIG NEWS!'

If its real, you can buy back in. It will still be only a couple cents, and if its REAL (LOL), it will still overtake BTC and make you uber millions.

Or - I just save you a whole lot of money.

Your choice neets.

To Pajeet coin, or not to Pajeet coin

Look at the core code you retard. The nodes have been added to the genesis block


If I can save one dumn neet today, I will have a clean conscience.

Hope you made money, and aren't a dumb pajeet lover like these other cultists

that would be SOO HARD to fake right my dudes?

Its so realz! Dont make the value of the coin go down so I can exit with my millions!
/dumb pajeet dev

lol'd at last line desu

copying some user's comment that sums up my thoughts:

"It's looking less and less like a scam every day. There is effort and work put into the static node registrations and there are updates to the wallet. The Git itself doesnt have much activitity but thats because reportedly development and coding is being worked off of Git for privacy reasons, they dont want anything stolen. The code will be put on Git once it is fully ready.

I have a 75% confidence in XBY....there is still a chance its a scam but if it is it will be the biggest one ever in crypto. I dont think it is."

It's not a 1 man dev team either, we have a lot of developers

...Oh and before I forget:

get fucking rekt fudder

You have NO PROOF to these claims. NONE. They are either

1) Lies

2) Assumptions

3) Both

You have none. But you're clearly very dedicated to fudding the project. Hey man, I did it too before Monero mooned. I'll just be honest I created some threads on here too lol. But its not as effective as it used to be.

Could XBY be a scam? Yes. Is it? We don't know. There is not enough evidence to say that it's a scam. You say that there are user developers, no whitepaper, no tech but there is some tech. There is development going on - all you have to do is look at the static node registrations.

And the original front page clearly stated "This is a high risk investment". I mean, they are telling you straight up. They arent even promising any returns.

If this was truly a scam, they would have put this crap on Bittrex and dumped before the tech came out. But that doesnt look to be the case.

Really, the scam accusations just arent working anymore. Its not really a question is it a scam, but if the tech will work. You're trying to imply that the devs are dumping, but again...sorry, but it doesnt add up.

Want to be let in on the REAL SECRET?



But everything he said is truth.

You can't put shit on bittrex and polo

They wont let you, and thats the truth, and the only reason you havent already.

holy shit you have gone off the rails. they borrowed money? jesus christ how stupid are you.

this is xby's biggest/obsessed FUDDER msands/dutchdude from the community slack and yobit chat. please for the love of god no one believe this lying piece of shit.

Yes you can. Plenty of coins considered "Shit" are on Polo.

Hahahaha, borrowed money, are you kidding me....ridiculous

No, it's not, they are either lies or assumptions. There is work being done on the project. You can go on the Slack and see for yourself.

he was rejected from the web design team at the start and has hated us since then.

Don't have to believe me.

You can just tell us how it works.

Ah, that's why. I've seen Dutchdude on Yobit, he was there in the morning and he was there when I logged on at night lol. I think he was on there all day. No wonder why he has been fudding 24/7, he probably sold out of anger and he knows its gonna moon.

That was stupid if you, Dutch.

lmao most of those cpp and header files are empty,gratz fucking fucking NEETs

it's skeleton code, the official repository has the current working code, the devs are pretty much building this coin from the ground up

Weird that they care so much about the price

they really don't, i kind of do, but borzalom and to a lesser extent ccrev) couldnt care less about the price, borz is a programmer through and through

dutchdude not even taking the weekend off to FUD, lmao

Right you all don't care about the price because long term it should moon.

But your here now trying to defend against this guys accusations because...what? We're you planning on selling?

I'm starting to believe more and more.

>slack is open.
>daily posts to bitcointalk.
>wallet updated.
>website update almost finalised.
>genesis released.
>over 20 devs announced and working on the project

Broski, you lost...get the fuck out of here.

If anyone has questions, feel free to post to the bitcointalk thread or ask in the slack.


I can understand that you are being sad for not buying under 1k satoshi but it's still have a chance for making some decent money:)

How dare they defend the coin. We should all let fudders spread lies and misinformation. If you defend your coin then you're a scammer/insecure investor/pumper/something else

> be msands
> buy 1 million xby super early
> make static node before 50000 block
> added to StaticOwner channel on slack
> xby starts to take off as genesis block nears
> panic sell 1 million xby causing a massive red candle
> get kicked out of StaticOwner channel
> mfw no other static owners break nodes
> mfw xby hits $1

You're going to be a legend bro.

because i have put a lot of time and effort doing some dev work for this project and really believe it will succeed, people are working really hard to make this project a success

and you want me to just ignore some liar spouting bullshit about it? what the hell kind of logic is that

20 marketing guys and a couple devs that dont know how to use github. Github has zero updates besides changing port numbers on the code.

man i feel bad for the guy, it's something i could see myself doing

If it can still go up though, why would he damage his own investment. Fishy as fuck

time in effort shiling for the coin. Yet there is no explanation of how all this shit will work or why it is different.

Paranoia is rampent among socially isolated NEETS

because he rage sold

Hahahahah DutchDude you faggot your gonna KYS hahahaahahah xD
HODL your coins XBY will make you very rich that's all I can say

Yeah, fuck it I'm selling. If it still is legit, the entry will be low, but this is risky

he sold out, he no longer has a stake in xby, his investment would be worth over 40k USD right now and he's hating himself for selling so he's fudding the project as a coping mechanism, he wants it to fail so he doesn't feel bad about cashing out prematurely

the OP of the announcement thread gives an overview of the tech and explains why it's different

whether you believe the devs are capable of implementing it is a different question


think about it if this coin had any actual technology coming out why even bother shilling for it? Wouldnt you just prefer the price to be low and nobody know about it until it got up and running and had returns?

Don't do it, this faggot has not shut up about XBY and how terrible it is. He has no ground to stand on.

Fellow neets,


Why would a DEV be in here trying to protect the price if he wasn't trying to get ghost with the money.

They scammed us into mooning the coin, and they are now exiting after they've reached their goal.

You should kill yourself if you think this is a scam. Most of the FUD comes from hungry nocoiners.

given i've already invested, no i wouldn't prefer the price to be low, wtf lol?

i want it as high of a price as is sustainable, what mentally healthy investor wouldn't?

Because they believe in what they spent countless hours on?


Why wold a FAG be in here trying to deflate the price if he wasn't trying to buy low with the money.

He is scamming us into dropping the coin, and they are now buying after they've reached their goal.

The second he broke his static node, he lost out on a fuck ton of revenue. At that even if the coin rises, only thing on his mind is all the residuals he is losing monthly. There's going to be some really cool stuff happening in the *very* near future. If you think the price of xby is high now, I've got news for you...

Bro, that aint worth SHIT if the price collapses after everyone finds out they sold.

But hey, no worries bro! Its just money right? And you know these guys well enough to know they wont fuck you?

teach me

Cope harder lmfao. Sit down be humble. I've been doing this longer and I'm better than you. I always will be better than you. Deal with it.

The price was only 300 days ago.

Yeah, some whales might care, but why would the DEVS???

They know long term it will work out.

Hell, who knows - this price point might even have been pumped up to this value.

Kinda weird how quick it went up right?


Kinda whiny bitch for someone who's supposedly masterminded a major crypto scam aren't you.

Isnt it wied though that a MAJORITY of these fags gains are XBY?

If he was really that good, wouldn't it be spread out to other coins too?

Right, but IM the one scamming. lol

I didnt mastermind anything. I was let into thier cabal, and cashed out.

My earnings are in Dollarinos - you know, shit I can actually spend now.

Yours? XBY?
Lol, good luck bro.

2 node peasant checking in
love u

Lol suddenly REAL quiet in here now that they know how bad its making them look lol.

Ask them to explain it.

Tell them to show you.

They cant.
There is no code.
There is no tech.

There is nothing.

I got mines though. Do you got yours?

it's quite in here cause we're waiting for the sound of the rope fag.


and you idiots now have the bot buying everything as if we are all stupid LOL!@

explain stratis to me
explain golem to me
explain ethereum to me

please get help compadre. we'll keep your memory alive as we moon. you will not be forgotten.

Umm. Order books filling up, price rising again after fudding. Nice try