the Teutonic Knights or the Knights Templar?
Who has the greater legacy
Nobody outside of the Balkans and Germany knows what the Teutonic Knights were
Almost every depiction of the Crusades was the aesthetics of the Knights Templar. Not to mention the millions of conspiracy theories surrounding them, plus video games and the like.
>Killed lots of jews in the first crusade
>Got burned at the stake
You be the judge
well i the time a Catholic Order (Knights Templar) is obviously going to be more influential than a Protestant order (Teutonic Knights) because of the power of the church
The Hospitallers were awsome, but they were no where near as influential as the Templars
>Teutonic Knights
Also the knight in the OP pic is a hospitaller
Germany is protestant so yeah they were a protestant order
the Teutonics wore white with a black cross
are you retarded
no you are wrong
The Templars are a meme, they only get alot of hype because of the Assassin's Creed video game series
the Hospitallers had a way greater influence
Well, the Hospitallers still exist today, which counts for something, but I'd say the Templars were definitely the biggest
I mean hell the white and red garb is probably recognizable to almost everyone.
The Teutonic Knights were founded in 1191. Martin Luther wasn't around until the 1500's.
>Templars literally invent the concept of banking
>Implying Ass Creed did anything but kinda thrust them into the public view
"""""Germany"""""" didnt exist then. And the teutonic order was running around long before martin luther was born to bring in protestent reforms
>Greece is orthodox
>spartans where orthodox
The legacy of Teutonic Knights is Germans being so butthurt, that they felt the need to settle the score by beating up the wrong slavs 500 years ago after Tannenberg
Hospitallers are a sovereign oder with diplomatic relations in 106 nations. The defense of Malta against the Turks is more than enough legacy alone to outshine the other two by far.
>yfw Hospitallers to this very day have armed troops under their own flag
>yes, you can be a crusader knight in 2017
How do they generate income?
>I mean hell the white and red garb is probably recognizable to almost everyone.
Except it wasnt specific to them
French crusaders (aka the big majority of crusaders) wore a red cross on white background (to differenciate them from English ones who wore a white cross on a red background)
The non-country known as Malta hijacked the legacy of the Hospitallers, but the order died when its last French members died
Take a look at the names of the commanders in the Great Siege of Malta and tell me they were Maltese
H-how do you get this retarded? This is "no one got to Sardinia in medieval times" level stupid. The Protestant reformation happened in 1517. The Teutonic order was founded about 400 years before this. The Teutons later became lutherans and became the Kingdom of Prussia by joining with the electorate of Brandenburg. It's like you people have never even fucking heard of Wikipedia. Tell me, were the senators of the early Roman Republic christians? Were the ancient Africans Jewish? Is this the state of the American public educational system? God have mercy on us all.
It'd be funny to see flags on this board.
H-how do you get this retarded? This is "no one got to Sardinia in medieval times" level stupid. The Protestant reformation happened in 1517. The Teutonic order was founded about 400 years before this. The Teutons later became lutherans and became the Kingdom of Prussia by joining with the electorate of Brandenburg. It's like you people have never even fucking heard of Wikipedia. Tell me, were the senators of the early Roman Republic christians? Were the ancient Africans Jewish? Is this the state of the American public educational system? God have mercy on us all.
I want to join
H-how do you get this retarded? This is "no one got to Sardinia in medieval times" level stupid. The Protestant reformation happened in 1517. The Teutonic order was founded about 400 years before this. The Teutons later became lutherans and became the Kingdom of Prussia by joining with the electorate of Brandenburg. It's like you people have never even fucking heard of Wikipedia. Tell me, were the senators of the early Roman Republic christians? Were the ancient Africans Jewish? Is this the state of the American public educational system? God have mercy on us all.
H-how do you get this retarded? This is "no one got to Sardinia in medieval times" level stupid. The Protestant reformation happened in 1517. The Teutonic order was founded about 400 years before this. The Teutons later became lutherans and became the Kingdom of Prussia by joining with the electorate of Brandenburg. It's like you people have never even fucking heard of Wikipedia. Tell me, were the senators of the early Roman Republic christians? Were the ancient Africans Jewish? Is this the state of the American public educational system? God have mercy on us all.
Knights Teutonic are still around, so I'd say them.
>Take a look at the names of the commanders in the Great Siege of Malta and tell me they were Maltese
Hans von Vallet, sounds German to me.
Templar knights everyday, gotta have some love for them hospitallers though
Realisticlly without any doubt, templar's, and the "still around" is bullshit. It can mean that they were not strong and influential enough to be betrayed by pope+king
Jan Pariso af Valet was Danish
Deutsche Orden faffed about a bit in the Levant, did a bit of BTFOing in the Balkans, also got BTFOd a few times, and have now faded into obscurity.
Templars will always be famous, and will always be remembered as awesome shock troops.
Knights of St John did okay afterwards, but have also faded into obscurity.
Teutonic, seeing as they pretty much created Prussia (and Prussia created the modern state of Germany).
What the fuck? Hospitallers by a country mile.
>Germany is protestant so yeah they were a protestant order
jesus this fucking guy.
Why the fuck would the pope pass Papal Bulls for the Tuetonic order to justify their actions in the Baltic if they were protestants?
what the fuck are you doing cunt.
I wish the actual military actions and leaders of the crusades were better discussed
Well, your picture has Knight hospitaller in it, so I'm gonna go with them?
>Nobody outside of the Balkans and Germany
Sasuga, Veeky Forums.
>Were the ancient Africans Jewish?
Sneakily slipped in
and the hospitallers have their own fucking country
Teutonic Knights by way of making Prussia
They ceased to exist in 1798
>tfw no Templar country in southern france
>Teutons basically evolved into German Prussia. >The Templars were burnt at the stake because the French wanted to some quick cash
>pope sacked the current head of maltese knights
Depends what you mean by legacy. Templars have more recognition and represent the "default" crusader in the popular consciousness. If you mean legacy in a historical sense then Teutons by founding Prussia is a far greater legacy.
The Teutonic Knights massacred the white, European Baltics just for being pagan, attacked Poland and Russia for a trade monoply.
The Knights Templar still overall failed though.
>just for being pagan
well yeah, that's why crusading orders existed.
no shit. Why did you point this out?
because you felt the need to point out that the Teutons "massacred the white, European Baltics just for being pagan" as if JUST being pagan was not valid reason to massacre white pagans.
It wasn't a reason.
of course it was
They didn't massacred Balts, they colonized them.
The Templars are more iconic and more well known but the Teutonic order was the most successful and powerful of the knightly orders. Ultimately, all of them grew too powerful for their own good and were crushed by the feudal lords that harboured them. Well, all but the Hospitallers, who were arguably the smartest in the long run by playing it safe, staying true to the Christian cause rather than trying to gain too much worldly power and playing the political game with people who have been playing it for far longer than them.
It was a fine reason. That shit had to be stamped out.
>that pic
muh dik
Press 'F' to pay respects
Is she drinking horse spunk?! That's gross!
the OP pic does not show a Teutonic knight and it bothers me
Teutons were better, if only because they lived and died a glorious death in the 1940s
>Nobody outside of the Balkans and Germany knows what the Teutonic Knights were
>What the fuck? Hospitallers by a country mile.
The maronites.
One was cucked by a king.
The other became kings n shiet. They did have to sell out as protestants though.
>Hurdurr crusading orders cared about Nationalities.