>he thinks socialism works when humanity itself proves it wrong
He thinks socialism works when humanity itself proves it wrong
>proves it wrong
There is no such thing as proof user
What's it gonna take to get you banned?
>he thinks humanity works when socialism itself proves it wrong
>He thinks strawman are actual arguments
Has humanity not also proven capitalism to be wrong as aswell? Understand, I am not a proponent of either, but am suggesting we need something different than the status qou.
Capitilism works get over it if you are a lazy dirtbag you deserve to live in a homeless shelter
>anything when followed to the extreme is bad and self destructive
It's almost like balance and moderation is key
>He thinks human society is not socialist
Is this supposed to be an example?Oh it is lmaooooooo
Socialism works perfectly fine in a hunter-gatherer community the size of the Dunbar number and ok in some larger communities if they're sufficiently homogeneous. It's actually human nature to prefer socialist ideas.
Large scale industrial society just has a tendency to wreck everyone's hopes and dreams.
There are some dumbasses that post on Veeky Forums that genuinely shill socialism. When you confront them with the facts, their reply is always the same: "you know, it's never actually been tested in a fair way".
I think the gap in these people's knowledge lies in their perception of humans. It's kinda like how libertarians and republicans are naturally more cynical and misanthropic whereas liberals tend to be more delusional and 'accepting'. The reality is that the majority of humans are simply too stupid and/or too selfish which is why leftism doesn't work.
On Halloween night, go put a bowl of candy outside your front door and tape a sign above it that says "One Per Person Only". Setup a camera and see what happens. This is all the evidence you need to see that socialists are fucking idiots
>the people who own those industries didn't works thier ass off for it
This meme dies today
>On Halloween night, go put a bowl of candy outside your front door and tape a sign above it that says "One Per Person Only". Setup a camera and see what happens. This is all the evidence you need to see that socialists are fucking idiots
Given that there is nothing to enforce the will of your note, that's anarchy not socialism.
you are correct, my apologies, i did not think my argument through
>heirs of corporate dynasties worked their ass off for it
>modern aristocrats are hard workers
>implying their fathers didn't do anything for starting the business and just grew that business with their evil capitilist magic powers
I bet you took gender studies in HS
Not to that guy, but if you are going to defend my referee system, I need you to stop moving the goal posts
Alright white people dont get anything and there that is your socialism
t.sam Harris
I can agree with this .
pick one
How am I moving the goalpost if their fathers worked hard for it their sons deserve the benifits we are not lazy
socialist scum
The same criticisms can be given to capitalism of which the proponents will argue the idealistic form is laissez faire, incomparable to the current state of corrupted neoliberal corporatism. The problem in my mind is that when you give people a utopian idea, that is abstractly perfect, will not apply to the chaos of humanity. They both desire an almost robot like society where every conversation ends in a zero sum game.
>gender studies in HS
People with gender studies degrees ARE the modern aristocracy, or a part of it more accurately. People at or near the top of modern corporations are belligerently "leftist" (Bourgeois liberal might be more appropriate
), do hardly any real work, and provide nothing of value. I find it hilarious how you're defending your supposed ideological opponents in the name of muh free market. What a cuck.
>implying their fathers didn't do anything for starting the business
Corporate dynasties have literally the exact same problems as monarchies in terms of possible bad successors. Your capitalist magic powers won't solve this.
Tell that to the meritocracy
the idealistic form is a system where one can do whatever they please without infringing on the ability of others doing the same
>people are greedy and selfish let's foster a system that allows them to be greedy and selfish as much as possible to the point where they ship entire industries abroad to maximize their profit margins
>what do you MEAN you don't want a system that rewards amoral sociopaths the most and practically puts them above the law
really makes you think
You didnt address the real argument you spent this time saying that it's the same problem with monarchism but these corporate people may be corrupt but to deny someone before them being fathers of the corrupt actually earned that business and plus your calling me a cuck when your defending a gs student lol such delusion such stupid
This is why I turn all the taps on at work and steal their free water.
You are a retard. How is a company's decision to outsource in any way greedy or selfish? They have no obligation to do anything at all for you other than pay you if they decide to hire your deranged liberal ass
>if their fathers worked hard for it their sons deserve the benifits we are not lazy
What retarded rationale is this? You could have a shitstain who didn't work a day in his life inherit his daddy's fortune and still be a "hard working capitalist" with this line of reasoning. Even if they essentially just won the lottery.
I can just as easily say
>if our government works hard for it the citizens deserve the benefits were are not lazy
After all, efficient taxation is quite an undertaking, and social programs are as well. It's sure as shit hard work for welfare queens' governmental daddy too, if all it takes for a recipient to be "hard working" and "not lazy" is for the provider to be hard working and not lazy.
>Functional socialism in Scandinavia lead to the most glorious time in their existence but ended due to neo-liberalism taking over
Really makes you lick your loli
Crunch your cranks
Doodle your noodle
>defending a gs student
What? That was a condemnation of modern corporate culture. The rest of your post is gibberish.
>it's not greedy or selfish allow me to explain it's perfectly okay for them to be greedy and selfish
lmao you've Stockholm syndrome or you're just plain retarded
>he thinks Sweden is socialism
>gets btfo
>can't articulate a single response
I'm going to bed now. I hope you spend some time thinking about why you are wrong.
>When you confront them with the facts, their reply is always the same: "you know, it's never actually been tested in a fair way".
There's a difference between the people who advocate "lets go full on marxist leninist that last one was just a mulligan!" and the ones who merely caution not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The people who go "socialism has already been tried!" and mock the "my particular brand of socialism" people try very hard to paint 'socialism' with the same broad brush and completely fail to account for nuance. There are as many approaches as their are governments, I doubt you'll ever find a country that does "capitalism" the same either, or "democracy", or "authoritarianism", or any political/economic system. To deny any form of socialism outright just by the "well the soviet union collapsed and the US didn't lmao" is just as retarded as the people who say capitalism is a 100% failure, and prove this by zeroing in on the system's failures while neglecting to acknowledge any benefit.
Nuance, nigga, you faggots on both sides spend your whole days shouting past each other.
Brah you literally asked how it's greedy or selfish and then went on to mention greedy and selfish actions. What is laying off your domestic workforce to get the Chinese to do it for a tenth of the price anything other than greedy and selfish?
Capitalism clearly revolves around greed and selfishness therefore it's good except it doesn't according you.
Sorry m8, retard is you, make sure to find a nice pillow to place your empty little head on.
>human beings are not inherently selfish
Lol do you know what this planet is called?
>we should encourage human beings to behave exactly as we believe they are in their nature without any form of restraint
Lol have you heard of this thing called society?
Yeah it's called capitalism
>he's about 19
>he's an American
>he's middle class, and has never had to work hard for food or shelter in his entire life
>he hasn't read a single peice of communist/socialist literature except MAYBE the communist manifesto amd yet considers himself an expert on socialism
>he doesn't actually know what socialism is or how it works or the reason people wanted it or why it actually failed
>he was taught in high school that sociaism was inherently "flawed" or "bad" and so now he thinks all government problems must be caused by socialists
>he thinks capitalism and socialism are polar opposites on the political spectrum
>he doesn't even realize that several of his government's policies and institutions are what most would consider "socialist" or at least anti-capitalist
>he doesn't actually know how capitalism works either
How many things did I get right?
You literally got everything wrong you almost got my age right and in school they "taught"socialism is good just not hitler "socialism" your probably judging from this comment you are probably dependent on your parents who work for a boss lmao
>Yeah it's called capitalism
What exactly are you even arguing right now?
Where in capitalism is it argued that people should act like mindless animals with no sense of social responsibility?
Do you equivocate capitalism with society? Are you trying to imply they are synonymous?
Is "it's called capitalism" somehow supposed to be an argument in favor of abandoning social responsibility? Why so? Do you think capitalism would function without social rules preventing unrestrained self interest to the point of harming other members of their society? What are you saying, anonymous?
>he thinks nazis were socialist
Looks like I got almost everything right
>reading comprehension
That's why I put it in quotations lmao go pay off your college debt or some shit
lmao you told him man your so smart
you heard him go pay off your college debt or some shit lmfao
I'm saying capitalism allows us to progress socialism doesn't your obviously welfare dependant get back to work you mong
>implying he didn't
>massively broad claim not supported with a single argument
>followed by a dull, uninpsired ad hominem
>which you thought followed from "its called capitalism"
>as if you think "society is called capitalism" means anything like "capitalism has improved society more than socialism"
>as if you think "capitalism has improved society more than socialism" means that capitalism allows human beings to behave exactly according to nature without restraint
So are you arguing that capitalism DOES mean humans can behave exactly according to nature without restraint? Are you then arguing that this absolute lack of restraint is why capitalism is so successful?
Are you an ancap? Or are you just blowing hot air out your ass and actually have no idea what you're talking about?
You see, I don't have any student debt because my parents paid for my college education and they are so rich that I will never have to work a day in my life because my parents make so much money. My dad is a banker that has put several families on the street through loan sharking and my mom is the CEO of a company which outsources to starving children in Africa which she pays 5 cents a month to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week. Every time I see a poor person starving in the streets I laugh. The blood, sweat, and tears of the lower class sustain me. Isn't capitalism great? :^)
when you put it that way I acknowledge you are indeed correct and much more intelligent than I first gave you credit for.
>He thinks this is capitilist
>he implies this is actually him
>he implies that socialist countries don't do this to a far greater extent
>He fell for the outsource meme
Lol get a grip, your fantasies are drowning out your delirium.
>Le socialism has never been tried meme
>he thinks regulated capitalism is standard capitalism
>he thinks that leninism or stalinism is anything close to what marx envisioned or the people wanted
>he doesn't know why it failed
>he doesn't understand political theory at all
>he can't comprehend the fact that I am baiting him right now
Lmao too easy, also try reading the commuist manifesto and taking a Russian history course
So you admit your baiting lol opinion thrown out the window if you even had one
but only by saying things which are true. Easiest way to get people mad is to give them the facts
You are kinda proving his point.
That's what you call facts? Lol no wonder leftists are the ones who slit themselves
What point does he have and how am I proving it?
Lol why is it that every time I tell capitalists that they have misconceptions about socialism they assume I support it? How delusional can they be?
Why are you defending something you don't support If you truly believe Marx was a well meaning individual you have problems that need addressing
I don't even know where to begin on the inaccuracy with this jpg lmao.
Toltal socialism works in small closed communities i.e Amish, Mennonites etc. Democratic Socialism can also work in countries with small populations i.e Norway, Switzerland, Singapore etc...
>He calls individualism "human nature"
>He thinks man would survive without cooperation
>He thinks corporatism isn't true capitalismâ„¢
>He thinks Smith and Locke were capitalists even though they hated rich people and admitted states exist to exploit people
oh right, that's because you can't
Are you really that inept that you can't live without daddy government supporting you?
>He thinks corporatism isn't true capitalismâ„¢
So you think its a free market to have a government impose regulations and mandates on how to allocate capital?
>He thinks Smith and Locke were capitalists even though they hated rich people and admitted states exist to exploit people
Jesus Christ now I realize you're literally memeing
>Free market = capitalism
Well meme'd
What a convincing argument !
>He thinks corporatism isn't true capitalismâ„¢
Corporatism isn't true capitalism, plutocracy is.
Corporatism is something completely different.
I'll give you 1 peasant, lukacs was a kantianist who in his own book said Hungarians were a lazy lot also I like how most of the people on that list are exclusively Jewish who come from aristocratic families with the exception of Tito
I don't support him and I am not defending him. But like literally any political ideology it isn't pure evil. And capitalism is just as bad, plus capitalists usually don't actually know that much about socialsim so its easy to trigger them by simply explaining the good things socialism has to offer or how a lot of their opinions are probably socialist already.
Hare are some of things which are popular in modern "capitalist" countries that are generally considered socialist ideas:
-literally any type of federal healthcare plan
-labor unions
-restrictions on private monopolies
-public monopolies
-minimum wage
And if we are gonna go all in by defining capitalism as some straight up hardcore anarcho-capitalism then these things are also "socialist" in nature:
-public schools
-allowing poor citizens to vote
-public parks
-public libraries
-public transit
-public anything tbqh
>He thinks socialism was invented by Marx
Cute buddy boy
>hahahha "not real socialism meem"
>capitalism works, obviously labor laws developed because of muh markets
At least your not as bad and dumb as commystock
What? When the hell did I say that?
Your attributing social ideas to socialism when the people who gave the people those this were yup you guessed it
>listing Spartacists as a success
They were the biggest joke in Socialist history.
This is one of the most hilariously retarted posts I've ever seen lmfao
Tito was dead during the reagon administration.
Torch yourself/10
>he thinks that capitalist nations giving people things like welfare and minimum wage makes welfare and minimum wage capitalist ideas
And when capitalist nations implement universal helathcare and give service workers a living wage will you call those capitalist ideas too?
You literally fell for the meme. Capitalist countries literally only do this to trick the workers into thinking that they actually care about the them so they will stay loyal. Enjoy being a slave to consumerism forever.
Then next halloween, put the same sign out and sit on your porch. This is socialism vs capitalism
How can one ideology be so idealistic that its own followers will claim its never been tried?
>he fell for the consumer meme
Lmfaoooo your a yuropoor huh and yes the Capitilists thought it up meaning they have ideas unlike socialists who regurgitate a failed bankers attempt to overthrow civilization I.e Karl Marx who might I add was a aristocratic queer who literally couldn't into economics,so he decided sperging out in written form was the best course of action and you bought it.
too bad I'm a leftcom
The modern world is pretty young senpai. Alot of shit hasn't been tried. What the fuck are you talking about.
Show me one instance of a government that facilitated a market where resources were allocated spontaneously in accordance with natural market tendencies and goods & services traded without any social engineering and regulations/govt control of commerce.
I never said it couldn't be tried. I'm asking why it's perpetuated in such a manner. Isn't it easier to find relative historic examples of socialism? If that's the case, then wouldn't that be the best example until we find something better? You can't expect people to just believe in the most ideal form of a system unless it already exists, and can be improved. And if that's the case, then that's the only example people have to run with, which doesn't help the ideology at all.
Capitalism is by no means perfect, but communism is a retarded and incomplete system.
Because it has been attempted and it simply doesn't work there are many reasons why.We would literally be in the platinum diamond age if the kike Marx and his perpetuals didn't exist.
You do not possess reading comprehension. I am describing a free market. A free market has never been tried.
So what economic system do you prefer? Seriously son
Again people fucking think that any attack on captitalism makes me a socialist. I am an American, I dispise both capitalism AND socialism, but for different reasons. You are literally an idiot if you think capitalist nations just fucking making a policy means that policy is consistent with the core ideology or that capitalists doing something "first" means that it is not a socialist idea. Is private property not a capitalist idea because feudalism did it first? Socialism was not invented by Marx, he literally just coined the term for a collection of ideas. Political ideologies can't just lay claims to certain policies and say that other ideologies can't have them, are you retarded?
I am so sick of hypocritical capitalists always making fun of socialists "lul thats not real socialism" but the SECOND I say anything bad about capitalism it's "NUH UH thats not real capitalism!" At least socialists fucking understand their own ideology.
See this? This is you.