Is men's desire for female validation the cause of all conflict in human history?
Is men's desire for female validation the cause of all conflict in human history?
I have long surmised that almost all that men do and work for, from autistic academic ardor to glory in battle, is to impress and attain women
What would we do if they didn't exist anymore? Fuck around, that's what.
Beware the vaginal jew.
>Is men's desire for female validation the cause of all human history
Considering the large number of wars fought in ancient Greece I would say no.
Its mens desire for resources that drive wars.
I'd say that more specifically, it is an inherent drive towards survival and the most fitting imagined pathways towards it. When the ideas of these paths collide, is when the conflict is given birth to. Securing women for further procreation is merely an aspect of this driving force.
Think along the lines of Schopenhauer's Will to Live.
All conflict comes from a lack of understanding. Don't me get me wrong though, conflict is the most reliable way to come to an understanding.
>the "Greeks are gay" meme
I think man's thinking is more geared toward survival, and access to women play a big part of that
the greeks literally fought a war over a single broad
In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.
women are shameless sycophants and flock to powerful men, but it takes a lot more to impress another man
>the only motivation in life is getting pussy
This meme needs to die.
God-tier book. Fucking hell just the ending alone makes it a literary masterpiece.
Manlet's desire to step out of the shadow of real men is the cause of all conflict and progress in history.
t. reddit or high schooler
Kys disgusting sodomite
Who could she possibly be texting lol
Please tell me that person is a girl
this It is like when you get mad at your roommate for leaving cumsocks on the floor and shit expecting them to be stubborn but they acquiesce quickly and clean it up leaving you feeling mad when you should be thanking them.
The manlet has a hole he can never fill. If his struggles, frustrations and impotent rage bring him success and he gets a gf, money and success, he still has this ingrained sense of inadequacy, he remains unsated and pushes for more and more even when he already has everything which inevitably brings him into conflict with others.
>Lankets jealous history is written by manlets
There were several sieges of Troy. But there is no evidence that Homer's Iliad is any of them.
survivor bias, also anyone can become famous by shooting up a mall or something
That's actually a Turkish man
>muh roman waifu
Women are a resource