Thanks for the tip Veeky Forums, already doubled my investment and it's not even on the new exchange yet

Thanks for the tip Veeky Forums, already doubled my investment and it's not even on the new exchange yet.

I'm hung up on this one.

The Dev said should be listed on an exchange by the end of this past week, if developers follow through this will be a worthy gamble. This coming week will be a big one for MNE.

>new exchange

indeed. im going to force myself to not be greedy with this one

he said most likely the end of THIS week, but they are going on the exchanges timeline so it could be later

the long testing period leads me to believe it's a legit exchange like bittrex though

i'm 14k in profit already so I'm not even ready for these gains

we're going to see 100$ by the end of the month

Did you read that you can make ether tokens with ETH or ETC now...?

MNE is dead.

>you could already make Ether tokens without MNE with a browser extension
>now you can make them just as easily with ETH or ETC as you can with MNE
>what is the point of MNE now? Oh yeah, nothing.

You realize the ETC thing is a joke, right? Have you actually looked at the token creation page? It literally says "create your own scam coin" with a lambo jpg, and it suggests that "picking a cool name" is the most important step.

Yes, you can create your own ETH token right now, but it's buried under 10 pages of technical knowledge. The appeal of MNE is a *streamlined* approach. I just fundamentally disagree with you if you don't think streamlined crypto services are valuable.

Am I too late guys? Can i still invest?

It just dipped under 10 dollars for the first time since it's last rise. I personally believe this is the last chance to get in before the 2x - 10x.

>MNE suddenly lost 50% value

>look up mne
>$10, website looks neat
>30 seconds later
>$5, most dumped on

Whew lads.

Was kicking myself for not throwing a bitcoin on MNE, feeling better now

And now its losses are back to -25%.

buy the dip bois

Fucking scam

this is a dip opportunity.
take a look at low vol coins and tell me this doesn't have potential

Kek stay poor

Jesus, how can you even use

It feels like you'd be investing blind with the lowest graph being 15 minute intervals... can you change this somewhere?

you just gotta watch the orderbook


Just go #YOLO

>yfw back up to $9.35 again

Just bought the dip.

This'll be my train outta here faggots

I would wait for this shit to get on another exchange before looking at it again. Minaminon can be pretty volatile and is not fun to watch. I look at it one a week.

Can somebody please turn off this stupid rollercoaster

the ride only ends when you sell. we're headed for 20$ next time.

Don't watch it. You'll end up bailing before it really gets going. You'll see the threads here when it's time to look again.

welcome to any coin with a market cap under 10mil

Fucking bought at $8.50 the other day, now bagholding this fucking scamcoin. LITERALLY every other coin has doubled in value in the past 2 days and I'm here with my fucking 50% loss. What the actual fuck is wrong with this coin

>LITERALLY every other coin has doubled in value in the past 2 days
wtf are you talking about? don't be so dumb.

Could have doubled my portfolio in two days, yet once again I had to pick the only two coins that went nowhere

Welcome to every day.

how do I avoid this? Is the secret to hodl iron hands? please i just need guidance

well first off, it begins with not using the word scam for the very fucking coin you invested in you dumb inbred nigger

You need to start making plans and setting targets. Otherwise you'll be shit hopping looking for the fastest gains and losing the entire time. MNE is a hold right now. Everyone in this is waiting for this one to get on a decent exchange. This has been confirmed to happen soon. The rumor is that it is Bittrex. A lot of people will probably dump that day. I'm planning on holding for a bit longer than that.

what are these "plans" and "targets" you speak of, user

Here's a simple plan for you.
>I'm buying this many MNE at $8.50. MNE will hit an new exchange soon. When it does, I will sell MNE at this(target) price for blank gains.