Who does Ulster belong to? Is it British or Irish? Who is in the right? Does the right of the Protestants to be British trump the right of the Catholics to live in a united Ireland? Is Ulster Irish because it has historically always been Gaelic, up until the plantations, or is it British because before the Plantations it was a bunch of Irishmen migrating with their cattle? Whats Veeky Forums view on the Northern Ireland issue?
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All of Ireland should belong to the Queen.
>implying "in the right" or "true claim" has any meaning or relevance in realpolitik
"Ulster" is not a political entity, it is the nine northernmost counties on the island of Ireland, three of which are under the juristiction of the Republic of Ireland, six of which are under the juristiction of the United Kingdom.
Scotland because they are Scots larping as Irish
The irish only want it if they can be rid of the ulsterites
the british want it because, well, otherwise ulsterites would have to live with them in places like London, and nobody wants that.
North Ireland is a containment zone for ulsterites.
By de jure claim it belongs to the free state of the Republic of Ireland. If we are going by "might makes right" then it belongs to the UK as it does now, until such time that the Irish seize it back.
>before the Plantations it was an bunch of Irishman migrating with their cattle
This is unironically English propaganda to justify the plantation. There had been settlements in Ulster for hundreds of years and the Irish had their own system of governance to rule them.
You should always check your sources thoroughly and regard anything you read about pre 1920 Ireland with suspicion, there is countless propaganda pieces to paint the Irish are braindead savages
I guess rightfully Irelands, but as ""Ulster""as people recognize is it actually only a little lump of the province, snipped off because it had a lot of protestants.
When Catholics become the majority in the 6 counties (something which is going to happen quite soon), all they need is for the Irish economy to not be shit and there is literally no reason other than outdated sentiments of people unwanted by England to remain part of the UK.
>tfw loyalists can't into aesthetic borders
You fucking retards are the shame of white people everywhere.
The fucking 30 Years War ended a long fucking time ago.
Catholics and Protestants shouldn't be fighting each other anymore in fucking Europe unless you live in some Balkan shit-hole.
Cut the fucking shit already!
>muh rightful clay
You people should be exterminated. Northern Ireland should be a part of whatever entity they want to be a part of. Quick Googling shows that 70% wants to be part of the UK, compared to only 14% for a united Ireland. So there's your fucking answer, retard.
What is right is more important than what people want. Though neither what Ireland or Ulster wants is right.
>What is right is more important than what people want.
Kill yourself.
I beg your pardon, sir. Are you implying Ulster is not the most ancient part of the United Kingdom?
What is right is nothing but an abstraction, what people want is what actually drives foward changes
Until the six counties of ulster have a nationalist majoity they will remain british, and even then there are other factors much stronger than ethnoreligiousness influencing the Ulster question, that was a relevant factor maybe until the 90's.
Imagine napoleon conquered Britain and planted a bunch of french in Cornwall, would that make Cornwall French?
Ulster belongs to the people who live in it. If they want to remain part of the UK then that is that
If the Irish want to reclaim Ulster then they will have to take it by force
Simple as that
By right of conquest, settlement, and demographics the british
But a split ireland looks like shit on a map, so it should rightfully go to irela d
>by force
As if we won't invite them
It belongs to the people that live there.
It has almost nothing to do with religion you stupid fucking yank
So if the majority of my street votes to become part of Norway, is it perfectly reasonable to make it so?
>"Ulster" is not a political entity
tell that to an ulsterman
Catholic does not equal Irish nationalist anymore though.
I'm an ulster nationalist. Ulster should be free from the colonial grip of both London and Dublin.
it never did.
I support an independent 32 country ireland in the commonwealth.
m8 really now
This desu
All nationalists are idiots.
>hey those guys are like us, therefore we own them somehow
>but wait they don't want to be associated with us
>lol I don't care, let's conquer them to show our brotherhood
it was only banter
This entire island should be nuked from orbit.
t. Northern Potatolord
it belongs to the sea hopefully
Might bring jobs back to the docks I suppose