I heard somewhere atheist christianity was a thing. It sounds metal as fuck.
can Veeky Forums confirm?
I heard somewhere atheist christianity was a thing. It sounds metal as fuck.
can Veeky Forums confirm?
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Not christian but I have met an atheist preist before
you heard a meme on the internet
>Atheist christianity
Would that be people who believe in the non-existance of the christian god?
Or is it people who lack the belief in the existance of a belief in the christian god?
I can imagine some pretty whack theology that would be called that.
>atheist christianity
sounds a lot like Satanism desu
I am an athiest but agree with christian morals for the most part
Pretty sure it's just people who are philosophically and culturally Christian but don't believe in the actual mythology.
Cultural thing
>sounds a lot like Satanism
Huh? It's the exact opposite of satanism. Satanism believe in the supernatural but oppose Christian values. Atheistic Christians hold Christian values but reject the supernatural.
>atheists who hold Christian values
Makes as much sense as a triangle without any angles.
Jesus was essentially an atheist, what he did was deconstructing all the shitty pagan religions of his time. Christianity is reason and light.
>God is an atheist
I need to stop posting on Veeky Forums
this. this is what I was getting at.
Jesus never claimed to be God any more than we all are.
jesus never claimed to be god. he was a black man who died and some white folk started claiming he was god. jesus not once said he was.
So basically most atheist living in christian countries?
Why wouldn't the concept of atheism apply to the abrhamic god? Does he believe in other supernatual beings other than himself? No?
There you go, YHWH is a fedora tipper.
What's giving you trouble?
So 90 % of christians?
>So basically most atheist living in christian countries?
Kind of, yeah. But I think if you considered yourself an "atheistic Christian" you would be more deliberately following it, as opposed to just sharing most values in common.
Jesus was definitely not an atheist but yeah, I will always have a bit of respect for the religion that tells us "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." Notice how it's also the one major religion without a bunch of stupid dietary laws?
>he was a black man
I dare you to say that to the people who currently live in modern day nazareth.
I rucking will
It would just be Christian philosophy
There are some who believe God literally died on the cross, i.e. no resurrection or something to that effect.
>he was a black man who died
Abortion is factually worse than the holocaust since 100% of victims are innocent, while some of the holocaust victims were bound to be scum
You mean a triangle with rounded edges?
This is the same phenmenon as athiest jews who are ethnically and culturally jewish but not religiously jewish.
It overall is bad for the community because it loses authority and authority is the only thing holding demographics together. But it is possible
I think you might mean Gnosticism, but it questions everything. {Though Jesus, or some say Simon Magus, was a pretty cool guy none the less [With varying degrees of mysticism and/or 'awe'-some-hood ]}
im not a mathmagician but i think those are still angles
There are two main types, the regular "I'm Christian because I like going to church and socialising with my friends and neighbours", and also those theologians who take the Death of God seriously, who believe that it was only by killing himself that God could free us from himself, making it the supreme loving act of our creator.
I AM a mathemagician and those are definitely angles.
What is this belief called?
Maybe he said it when no one was listening.
So every atheist in the west?
abortion is fundamentally an evil thing
it's not like you can argue it's benign
Death of God theology.