>be me
>mid may
>buy 150000 DGB at 106 sats becuase why not
>see some NEET kindly asking for some DGB on Veeky Forums
>send him 1000 because thats like 3 dollars worth
>hes happy
>sell my DGB at 250ish sats for a nice profit the next day
>be me today
>check DGB price
>realize i sent some NEET $60
>mfw i dont have DGB and some NEET has 1000
Regrets thread?
I would mind donations digibros...
Jesus user you would've had $25000 on like a $40 dollar investment
Everyone needs to know that this is a posibility anytime you "give out" coins. It might just shoot up one day and you're going to be like "wtf did i do?"
I imagine people who gave out Bitcoins in the early days like yourself want to die right about now.
And this is the result now. brb killing myself.
Oh shit those are just sells nevermind. It would be worth like 110 grand. How the fuck do you live user?
>get interested into getting into crypto around January at an ETH low
>seriously get interested in ETH, closest I've ever been to ending nocoin
>get busy with new semester, put it on the side
>spring semester ends, look into it again mid-May
>discover that I totally missed a giant bull market by just a few weeks
I originally brought it in around 30 sats. And held it for about 2 months. In march bitcoin was raising rapidly at the time and the altcoins were down at the time and got tired of seeing it going down and sold my nearly 2MM stack to rise against fiat which war around $500 at the time. And fell for Veeky Forums memes and I still have $500 worth of btc for months. This was my hardest lesson to HODL since I brought in btc may of 2015.
2016 I mean
yikes, I feel for you user, dont ever sell at a loss tho, not in this market
That's the most sensed thing I read on /biz since weeks. Never ever fucking sell if you are losging money. Just store it, forget it and check back in 6 months
You didn't send a neet $60 because you would've sold for $3 anyways
We all make mistakes. Anyone who's been in crypto for more than a year has made some serious blunders. I sold all my ETH a year ago for BTC. I sold all my LTC recently at $10. I think it will work out in the end because I'm a Bitcoin true believer and I think it's the only one with a real shot of making it and all others are shitcoins until they prove otherwise.
What was the general semtement around here for DGB before this moon? Newfag here, just getting into cryptos and I'm not sure how trustworthy Veeky Forums is.
Has any coin other than bitcoin proven its worth to you?
I wouldn't say I have as much a regret as a retrospective clarity - hold those coins if you got them low.
Looking back at my trading history, it turns out pretty much 90+% of them have gone and exploded 5x-1000x+ (depending on coin) since I sold. I had the temptation to trade and get in on moonings to earn quick bux and then stick the money in more coins, but as it turns out sinply holding and pumping modest amounts of capital from yoir paycheck each month woud've been enough to pretty much lift me from wagecuckery and set me on track for soft FI/RE. And I'm just a basic bitch East-Europistani wagecuck, so I expect any of you fucks here earns on average 10x what I do in a year.
That will probably be the biggest temptation of every cryptojockey - seeking those mooners and "not kissing out". Like I said, by selling the coins I already had, I missed out anyway by virtue of lacking patience.
No. They're all shitcoins, and the only reason I hold any of them is to trade them back for BTC later down the road. Now that I'm finally comfortable with the size of my long term BTC stash, I'm willing to risk some shekels to try to make it grow even more.
Same here m8. If I'd did absolutely nothing with my crypto since 2013, I'd be a lot wealthier than I am now ;(
Yeah yeah, everyone's going to say blah blah blah blah I should have held, HODLing is great
But I regret holding PoSW till it was too late, and I regret holding DGB during that ridiculously huge ass dip when I should have sold and bought back in. Also, I should have been quick about selling and sold my DGB, and put it into RDD, right after I made the gains because holy shit if I had just sold and bought RDD when it was 4, I could have like made 20x the money from the DGB gains, and then put it back in DGB during that huge dip and not taken a single hit.
I'd legit have $100,000 from about $600.
Lol the line between what you just described and saying "If I could see the future, I'd be rich" is paper thin. Nearly no one can pull off what you just described, certainly not regularly. That's why HODLing is the best strategy.
>some kind user sent me 60 bucks in DGB yesterday
>mfw today it's now worth 110
I will never forget his heroism.
But what if I took out a mortgage on my house to invest in crypto, and can't make ends meet unless I have enough dough by the end of the month?
then you're a fucking idiot and should resort to other means to obtain quick money
Regret having all my money in Espers and Minereum the past two days when EVERY OTHER FUCKING COIN ON THE P{LANET HAS DOUBLED IN VALUE and my money has done fucking nothing. But I know that the moment I sell my bags they will fucking skyrocket. HOW DO I COPE WITH THIS BULLSHIT
yeah i did the same thing. bought DGB at 280-320 sats for a total of 81kDGB
put a stop loss when it was reaching 1ksats at 720sats.
it fucking tanks and i scramble to login to polo, 2fa, shitty slow server.
stop loss is executed and sold everything at 720sats.
i could have had close to 4k and growing instead of selling out at my shitty $1.6k profit
what's the most painful way to kill myself, biz?
All this could have been prevented if we just had iron hands
i learned. bought SIA sub 300sats and i will never put a stop loss on that bitch.
about to buy XVG if fucking bitcoin confirmation ever goes through. been waiting an hour.
>buy pizza for 10,000 btc
>24 million dollar pizza
i bought into lsik and waves ico like a year ago
sold them for 2-2.5x ico price . don't even want to calculate what i could have had.
Since you've started, what has been your total profit?
>buy rdd @ 6 sats
>sell @ 7
>never buy back
I sold 80 strat I bought at .55 for 1.20.... and used the profits for RLC...
$1000 dollars ree
>Giving money to beggars
You know how at the zoo there are signs that say "do not feed the animals" do you know why that is?
Sell POSW. Its been mooning past 3 days. People trying FUD to lower price and buy more. Got scared, sold, now mooning
Once upon a time, I had 20 bitcoins bought at $5 each on mtgox. I got scared when it hit $250 and sold.
I didn't even look at crypto again until last year when I bought bitcoin again at $700.
I only have 3.2 now.
Have faith and HODL.
Blockchains are the future of money.
Bought sya at 693 a couple hours ago... Hope it recovers
Im scared
sold sia at 85.
i sold einsteinium at 141 sat after i was fucking sick of holding it for what seemed like forever. a few months later it was x12
look at it this way. some P&D asshole will be looking through the list for a coin that hasnt done much in a while, that they can start accumulating. one day, that'll be the coin youre stuck with
Can't beat yourself up like that man. You just have to do your best with the information you have *at that time.* Those moves could have just have easily gone south on you.
Come on, guys, helping other anons is completely fine.
I heard about BTC when it was worth pennies.....
Waiting to buy XVG at 50-60 sats but it started shooting up so I waited for the dip...now it's 4 times that
this. i deliberately chose not to invest because of the risk. bought some btc and spent them all just to try. was 2011
time to start recouping your losses
step up the crypto trading game, add me on skype: cryptoanna
i spent over 1000btc on drugs in 2012-2013 and didn't keep any of my cheap coins from that time.
gave memory dealers like 10 fucking bitcoin for a shit asus monitor
The only mistake i've made is not LISTENING and not ACTING.
I wont be making this mistake ever again. balls deep from here on out.
holy shit. well that sux balls. but hey man, there's always new shuttles taking off.
>balls deep
How much money are you making?
I should've bought fucking gold in the medieval times when Spain and Portugal raided south america and gold was inflated to an all time low.. It's worth like 10k per kg, could've been a trillionaire by now
This thread pains me. I started with $5000 last year and forgot about various alts.. I now have 500k waiting to be tax-raped. But at least it looks good on blockfolio!
nice. which coin did you make the most on?
I remember fiddling with Ethereum on the command line in 2014. Then I stopped paying attention to it until 1 month ago, realizing I could have been a millionaire as I would have invested anytime between then and now.