help a noob? ty
I want to get into crypto investing/trading but don't know where to start
Veeky Forums is not the best place to get into anything
go to other forums where people don't mind having to teaching things, maybe bitcointalk, after you get the basic come back to Veeky Forums and try discussing with other anons about what you don't get
also, use the fucking archive, people make threads like this all the fucking time, open many threads with a similar question and read them, most of the time you will find at least one helpful user
Buy mooncoin bro, thank me later
get a disposable card from your local pharamcy then buy bitcoins then use shape shift or bittrex to transfer bitcoins into alt coins.
We really need a sticky covering this.
First things first what country are you in, it matters because you need to trade your local currency for BTC.
register on coinbase
buy a bitcoin
register on bittrex
send the bitcoin from coinbase to bittrex
trade the bitcoin for crypto
put all trades into blockfolio app to see your gains/loss
browse Veeky Forums to know what to buy into
>using credit card on fiat
get out
>not buying with your credit card
>having a credit card
Fuck you.