What does Veeky Forums think of Professor Nikolas Lloyd and his academic research on ancient and medieval warfare?
What does Veeky Forums think of Professor Nikolas Lloyd and his academic research on ancient and medieval warfare?
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> 532 replies
Lindy is based desu
Why is he not married?
The same reason the average Veeky Forums goer isn't married.
He's gay. I heard he is into fisting dues and golden showers. Bonus points for boys who show up in British WW1 garb.
He is quite misogynistic (not full on MRA-tier), and I say this as someone who shitposts about feminism every chance I can. He simply can't disguise his power level
why does Lindy trigger Veeky Forums so much?
>he's a layman shouting his unfounded opinions online
oh, so... just like the average Veeky Forums poster then?
He reminds is of ourselves. And we hate ourselves.
He has a degree in archaeology.
I honestly do think he is gay.
>""A woman's place is in the home." This is a very old saying, and has today I think come to mean something very specific. When people use this expression today, it is usually in ridicule of someone else, and suggesting that they have very old-fashioned and reprehensible beliefs. [...] However, I may surprise you by stating that I am more in agreement with the statement than against it."
This is why.
>because he's based
this is why women's liberation needs to be ended.
He hates the French while women love them
Nah he's not gay. He (awkwardly) flirts with some cosplaying girls in his comic con vid.
He's just an autist.
I'm under impression that he has so many autistic hobbies and interests and projects that would never go anywhere that he doesn't have any time or desire for family left.
I have it on good authority that he is into rubber/enema plays.
Prove it. Pics/videos or GTFO.
Hittin' dat f5 like cazy now
This. Isn't one of his tank videos based on a girl pretending to be interested in tanks in order to talk to him, and he just spergs out about fake geek girls?
Haven't seen that because it's not really my type of history, but it sounds funny as fuck.
It's at the beginning of the video.
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>castles were defended by three soldiers
Not a lindyfag, but his points on castles and their garrisons were actually quite good. You're taking what he said here out of context.
Because obviously he hasn't said enough stupid shit himself, so we need to deliberately misquote him too...
>>stagnant social mobility isn't real
It's actually funnier than that; he claimed the the UK is a near-perfect meritocracy and everyone is where they belong.
>>no one used swords, axes
Literally never said that. Has stated the very opposite numerous times.
>>no one used horses
Again, never once said that. He made a video about how peculiar an idea cavalry is, especially to people familiar with horses only as beasts of burden.
>>no one used throwing knives
Acknowledged the historical uses of them in his video, but stated that for military use they're simply not as good an idea to have as javelins, slings, or archers.
>>no one used double strap arm shields
His own Hoplite shield is strapped to the arm. His videos on shields were about how, most of the time, a center-grip shield was more effective given the reach and mobility. He's far from the only youtuber to say this.
>>no one used scythes
Said scythes, as in the L-shaped farming equipment, weren't used in battle save for very desperate times by peasants, and that they are unsuitable for combat roles. Addressed warscythes in a second video, and stated that they were converted to spears/glaives or were never a scythe to begin with and bore the word only in name.
>>no one used mail coifs
Holy shit does anyone even watch his videos? He said that they weren't worn in the way we typically see them, because the chin is exposed and they don't have (enough) padding, which wouldn't have been the case.
>>no one used torches
In his videos on torches he lists numerous uses for torches, but again it focuses mostly on how people today view them through media.
>>Pikemen didn't fight each other
His commentary was that the fighting was done in melee, rather than with the pikes themselves.
>>no one spoke French during the French revolution
He said France did not speak a single "French" language as we think of it today. There were (and are) many regional dialects that are often considered separate languages.
>>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
See above about dialects, but also he says that the Elite spoke Greek among themselves.
>>battle of Zama didn't happen
He casts doubt on whether or not it happened as is described by later Roman historians, suggesting it may have been a series of battles that ultimately lead to the defeat of Carthage.
>>Romans carried one pilum
Hardly remember this video because I didn't find it to be a particularly interesting subject but from what I remember he just went on about how it was to fuck up enemy shields and they fought primarily with their swords.
>>Vikings weren't real
Said that "Viking" wasn't a culture or job description because the culture was Norse/Scandinavian, and raiding was usually an occasional thing that only a few would participate in, and that it wasn't exclusively their role in society.
>>berserkers weren't real
He said berserkers as we think of them today (Khorne Berserkers, for example) didn't exist, but that they were personal champions for a thane or jarl who was denoted by a bear skin.
>>climate change isn't real
Ancient videos that are fairly damning, but he's been BTFO in the comments for the past 8 years, so who knows where he stands now.
>>stagnant social mobility isn't real
Is this about the video where he talks about the two conflicting notions people have about social mobility? Those being "Some people are born to be successful" and "Anyone can potentially achieve anything".
>>castles were defended by three soldiers
Literally when did he say that.
>>operation market garden was a success
I don't recall him saying anything of the sort, so please, do give me a source.
>>Napoleon was literally Hitler
He's only the, what, millionth person to draw comparisons between them because they both made efforts to conquer Europe and both had their turning point in Russia?
>>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
He's a big fan of them, but I don't recall him explicitly stating that they are hands-down the absolute best of the war.
>>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
He never said that
>Spending your time on petty pussy when you can dedicate your life to being autistic
>defending lindybeige
>>>operation market garden was a success
>I don't recall him saying anything of the sort, so please, do give me a source.
It was in the comments. Ofyrn posted in those threads.
>>>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>He never said that
Same as above. He did wrote that.
>He did write that.
>degree in archaeology
>that means something
>His commentary was that the fighting was done in melee, rather than with the pikes themselves.
the idea that the pikemen would drop pikes and run at each other with knives because it was too lethal for both sides is absurd
by the same logic, WWI infantry would refuse to use machineguns if they faced machineguns
but I think it would make sense to generally not use pikes against pikes (I suppose unless you outnumbered them)
>I don't recall him saying anything of the sort, so please, do give me a source.
it was in comments under the infamous Spandau video I think
something along "Monty said it was 90% success"
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>He never said that
also in comments
something like "we invaded, killed bunch of Frenchies and went home"
>He's a big fan of them, but I don't recall him explicitly stating that they are hands-down the absolute best of the war.
I think he said something like it is most underrated/overlooked
I'm surprised you didn't mentioned that he claimed the naval guns on Malta could lanuch projectiles into space
I do enjoy his frequent ribbing on the french
it feels right
I'm pretty sure the haters are just Frog surrender monkeys who can't handle the bantz
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>british naval guns on Malta could lanuch projectiles into space
I've never even watched this guy, I just saw this on the front page, but a lot of that is unironically true
it isn't
t. engineer who thinks he's an expert on everything
>t.history major who's degree is worth slightly more than an archaeology major
t. losers jealous of my archaeology degree
>no proof whatsoever
It simply isn't very impressive in a completely dead thread.
God I wish this was fake, it's just like one of those "Top 10 Anime Deaths" and its a pic of Brezhnev or something, except this is real.
>being wrong
Either you're baiting or you're a newfag
I've been watching these threads for a long time and the same stuff cone up over and over. So I have a question
Why isn't he allowed to be wrong?
Other people are wrong all the time. Everyone here would suck Toby Capwell's cocktail at the first opportunity, but he openly admit's that there's things wrong with with stuff he's published previously. Even during his book launch disguised as an Agincourt conference, he said stuff in the book is wrong.
So why expect more from Lindy?
Why do people insist on him being 100% right or he becomes a laughing stock?
Is it just a personality thing with Lindy have more of himself on show so there's more flaws to hate on? Or is everyone just autistic and getting triggered because a 5 minute YouTube video was slightly wrong about a minor poi the?
Interesting choice autocorrect but I'll go with it .
Holy kek
Why can't he accept that Britain isn't always the greatest?
I think/hope most of his more obnoxious British Nationalism is him playing uo to his Lindybeige persona.
He has a very British accent and he looks like an eccentric professor, so people assume that whatever he says he thinks is an undeniable fact.
It's painful
i cringed
all brits think britain is the greatest, it is instilled into them from early age. go to /int/ sometime.
muh lottery of life
Have you guys seen this intro?
At this moment he is begging to be memed to death he can't be serious.
Please be real
>Not having an autistic gf
My gf and I create fetish pornography on deviantart together. We have a list of at least 2 dozen OCs we've created together. Despite this, we never actually have sex because it's less sexually fullfilling than 2d. We also have an incredibly strong relationship because we hate talking to other people, and work at home as a result.
This is marital bliss.
>this is martial bliss
No, that's severe autism.
I wish I had someone like that;_;