If according to atheists God does not exist, then what is the point of experiencing all those "valuable" life experiences, possessions and relationships won't even matter when you are dead? Why isn't everyone just living a 100% hedonistic NEET lifestyle?
If according to atheists God does not exist...
How does god being real make a difference to that?
nu-Atheists contemplate things on the most superficial terms because they're all positivist idiots
Because the logical conclusion is that there is no point to anything in life other than just beeing yourself. A belief in God gives people purpose whether God exists or not.
>logical conclusion is that there is no point to anything in life other than just beeing yourself.
That makes no sense.
I meant its the common advice given to nihilists by every normie and therapists
Because being a neet hedonist doesent make me happy.
do you even know what hedonism means?
I've given up discussing with atheists a long time ago. They are reprobates. They will do anything to conceal the existence of God because they prefer to sin rather then submiting to Him. Enjoy the flesh, for the short time you have on this earth, because after that, hell awaits.
Sorry pal, but there's nothing to conceal.
>do you even know what hedonism means?
Endless pursuit of immediate, superficial pleasure. Doesn't sound like a happy life.
>"valuable" life experiences, possessions and relationships
Why is valuable in quotes? What does that have to do with god?
>Why isn't everyone just living a 100% hedonistic NEET lifestyle?
Someone has to pay for my 100% hedonistic NEET lifestyle. Wakey wakey, my good friend wagie.
>Because the logical conclusion is that there is no point to anything in life other than just beeing yourself. A belief in God gives people purpose whether God exists or not.
I don't think either of these statements are true, and I don't think you've really thought thought about them, either. "Logical conclusion?" What logic would that be?
Furthermore, it seems you're implying one way of living is better than the other. Well, if that is true, then it's true regardless of what happens afterwards.
If you don't care about "meaningful" experiences and wish to be a hedonist then that's up to you. There is no point unless you wish to assign meaning to certain things.
Most people seem to need goals to work towards and that sort of thing. Tbh I just try to avoid thinking about how it's all going to turn to dust in the end because it's sorta depressing.
Because you can't be hedonistic if you don't any money retard.
I'm athiest but I hate fun so I'm not a hedonist.
> no point to anything in life other than just beeing yourself
Yes. Your Point?
I am a sum of my own experiences and they tell me to find something or someone worth living for.
It's called having ideals.
>being so weak willed that you need a god to give purpose to your life
Lmao my man
the clever beauty of our current relations of production is that even if they perceived the sheer pointlessness of contributing to society most would still be forced to toil in order to stay alive
Whether or not you believe in G-d is based on how much pain you have to endure.
>what is the point
whatever i want it to be
Because there's no point to living a hedonistic NEET lifestyle. It's not as though it's especially fulfilling or emotionally gratifying.
This is one of the things people just don't fucking get about nihilism. No higher existential purpose has any meaning, including mindless hedonism or suicide, so constructing a narrative is as completely fucking valid as anything else, and will probably bring you more satisfaction.
>no objective reason in life
>may as well live by you own subjective values
>mfw i'm living a hedonistic neet lifestyle
Because I want those valuable life experiences, possessions and relationships for hedonistic reasons. Heroine made give me more happiness in one instant than anything else could, but relatively short term highs that also harm my health don't net as much reward in my eyes as a relatively normal life would. Plus I'm not a sociopath so I actually empathize with people, and this influences my decision making. What's more hedonistic than giving money to a poor person so you don't feel "bad"?
>Why isn't everyone just living a 100% hedonistic NEET lifestyle?
rising trend.
tool. s m d h.
While I can`t answer for every atheist, I can answer for myself. I`m somewhere between agnosticism and atheism; since I have no way to empirically achieve such a thing as God, I strongly believe there is no such thing, although I can`t prove its inexistance as well.
I think there are more useful ways to improve mankind than to simply force religion into everyone`s lifes, since this would just be a spiritual masturbation that wouldn`t make the world a more developed place for the next generations, from a material, down-to-earth point of view. That`s why I don`t particularly like institutionalized religion. I respect those who believe in such things, though. If religion makes their lifes more meaningful, nice.
>what is the point of experiencing all those "valuable" life experiences, possessions and relationships won't even matter when you are dead?
For me, acquiring as much knowledge as I can to pass it on to the next generations is a very important goal. I can`t fully understand the universe just by searching for a divine power, and I haven`t heard of someone who has done so. Science can find patterns in the universe that could help mankind use nature to its development.
Of course not everyone would agree with me and just start reading a ton of books just for this reason, but that`s what motivates me not to be an hero.
>Why isn't everyone just living a 100% hedonistic NEET lifestyle?
You can`t expect everyone to just lead the same lifestyle, that`s a retarded question. Each person has its own meaning to life.
assuming atheism:
>won't even matter when you are dead
nothing'll matter after you die, since you just cease to exist
therefore, attempt to live a fulfilling life
>100% hedonistic NEET lifestyle
maybe not applicable to Veeky Forums, but not everyone considers the NEET life pleasurable, i seriously believe people like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins enjoy their lives even if i would be unable to enjoy the same things as they do (then again they have a shitton more money than me)
some of us only like it partially (lazy anime-vidya weekends)
for those who do luv it 100% and don't have enough capital (and are smart enough to work this out) the only choice they have is live a quasi-normal life so you can support your lifestyle
>there is no point to anything in life other than just beeing yourself
i don't see how that is a bad thing
maybe is bad because i'm not a bee
agree, to be honest it took me a while to become informed about my atheism, i left religion when i was a teen because it was unfun and tedious and took me like 5 or so years to actually read about rational arguments for disbelief, then like 3 or so to make sense of them
Another christfags moaning about atheists just show they are a single thread of faith away from being the most pathetic of existential nihilists.
Why wouldn't they matter just because you won't live forever? The premise of your "point" makes no sense.
Atheists don't have nothing to live for, they just don't have anything to die for.
>they are a single thread of faith away from being the most pathetic of existential nihilists.
Not OP, but this is true in my case, desu. I'd probably off myself if I went atheist.
I feel the empty blackness slowly creeping upon me.
Atheism logically leads to hedonism.
And if you know any hedonists, they are miserable insufferable faggots.
They don't have either.
It drove Nietzsche insane.
>And if you know any hedonists,
You only know hedonists. The only difference is what level of hedonism they are operating on.
You'll have to articulate what you mean by that.
Same as yours. You either live for yourself or for some goal. God is just unnecesary leap of faith to validate the goal.
>won't even matter when you are dead?
Because they matter while you are alive, which is the vast majority of the time that matters to you on a personal level.
>Atheism logically leads to hedonism.
When one makes a claim like that it is generally expected that you spell out your "logic"and show how atheism "logically" leads to hedonism.
In addition, in order for you to actually be making a substantial point, you also need to articulate what is wrong with "hedonism" per se. Classical Hedonism has its faults but isn't necessarily a totally useless ethical system.
Holy fuck that is a rare pepe
Yes God is obviously real. It is part of God's great glory that I am to enjoy this rare pepe.
You're just talking out of your ass based on your own delusions.
People unironically do nothing with their lives hoping that fairy tales are true.
Without a god to define an objective reality, you can abide by your own moral code. If you want to go full nihilist, then by all means knock yourself out. Maybe not everyone wants to be a hedonist, depends on whether you think free will is a spook. Really weak argument desu.
Demonstrably false.
I can confirm God the father and his Son still exist, I've met them.
Isn't the prospect of death terrifying?
Death is not so terrifying if you are sure of heaven. That is the beautiful thing about it.
I see your point but how can you ever be sure you're going to heaven? It's impossible imo
If you are 100% sure God exists, and he is a fair judge you should be able to tell for yourself.
All you need to do is accept God's love as part of your life.
How can you be sure you`re actually going to heaven?
What is the method God uses to choose who`ll go to heaven? Why are his supposed ethics centered on humanity? Why are his morals human?
Maybe, if God does exist, he doesn't think what religious thinkers made him seem to think. Perhaps the devil - an anti-God - rules the universe, and all those who commit "evil" deeds will go to heaven and live a happy eternity (and again, what is good and what is evil?)
You see, we know absolutely nothing about God, and all his morals were created by humans who molded an ideal form of mankind - and the thing is not everyone even agrees that such form is really the ideal.
>If you are 100% sure God exists
Oh I am, He hugged me when I recognized me.
Thing is, I am not God. I don't know what he thinks. Also I cannot judge myself.
*when I recognized Him
As a simulationist, i despise of you both theist and atheist fags.
Yes there was a programmer or programmers, and probably some admins, and maybe some boring players hacked the server, but nobody ever cared about the simulated entities, as they are not real.
>Then what is the point
We don't know, the game might have been made as an experiment, out of boredom, or just for fun. The purpose of simulated entities is just to hold information during their lifespan, and then I bet my ass they are recycled (memory is finite).
Which one? He/they do not care anymore, and from our point of view all of these entities are cruel and inconsiderate, so why adore them?
Why would they matter if I believed in God?
Would they be "valuable" experiences, if there's nothing after death? Or meaningless experiences sold as valuable.
But if they are... Because there is always hope for a positive difference so some people are civilized. Most people stray onto that border of arrogance and superiority and get whacked, though most survive to be traumatized with no answers.
Possessions. There is nothing spiritual about "things" unless they are useful and shared.
Hedonistic... Perhaps you're so swayed by physical bodies that you don't notice all the bitches and whores out there flashing their bodies around trying to attract others for sex; and intentionally using alcohol to overcome all their common sense inhibitions (as in the common sense not to pass out in an alley, in garbage, after a night at the club). Would you trust her with a child?