Why is the Out Of Africa hypothesis controversial on this board?
Why is the Out Of Africa hypothesis controversial on this board?
because of the implications it comes with.
Because we have a significant /pol/ influx
Is it really? I've never seen seen anyone who also believes in evolution claim that humans didn't come from Africa.
What are the implications that come with it?
Let me guess...it does not conform to biblical literalism?
Oh you know why! Don't be like that. You know exactly why.
>1. From about 1.2 million years ago to less than 100,000 years ago, archaic humans, including archaic Homo sapiens, were dark-skinned.
>2. As Homo sapiens populations began to migrate, the evolutionary constraint keeping skin dark decreased proportionally to the distance north a population migrated, resulting in a range of skin tones within northern populations.
>3. At some point, some northern populations experienced positive selection for lighter skin due to the increased production of vitamin D from sunlight and the genes for darker skin disappeared from these populations.
>4. Subsequent migrations into different UV environments and admixture between populations have resulted in the varied range of skin pigmentations we see today.
Legit don't understand how anybody on this planet could be triggered by this
>muh Thule
/pol/ can't accept they are descendants from blacks.
So at what point does a group of people become different from another group of people? Its clear Eurasians aren't the same as Blacks to anyone with cognitive ability.
>thinks Whites evolved from Black people
>Somehow endearing towards Blacks
>Its clear Eurasians aren't the same as Blacks to anyone with cognitive ability.
Eurasians aren't even the same as other Eurasians
Hello Jack Chick, aren't you dead?
Does the theory that Americans are descended from Brits also mean that Americans are more evolved than Brits are?
>Eurasians aren't even the same as other Eurasians
Exactly. It doesn't matter if we come from a root race. Its clear people have diverged into distinct groups over the span of thousands of years. This included the differences between Black Africans such as Bantu, Pygmys, khoisans, Blackmoors and Ethopics.
Natural selection creating a group of people more adapted to their environment is evolution.
I have no idea
Either a group of our distant ancestors evolved close to current homo sapians and then migrated or we migrated out before, evolved a bit and then came back to Africa to later mix with the species that stayed.
In either scenario we originally left Africa, changed and mixed with other hominid species. Most famously neanderthals but some others also exist..
They existed in North Africa also.
Geographically, North Africa is Mediterranean.
It isn't?
We've remembered/discovered so many into Africa events since that retarded theory was "devised", it is becoming a massive controversy.
Buddy, you can't just call it retarded and abandon thread. Where exactly do you think humans came from? Who besides you and your hugbox thinks OOA is controversial?
> scirp.org
There's literally a search engine you use.
We aren't, tho. OP's pic doesn't show the migration of modern humans from the rift valley into the rest of Africa, but that last common ancestor was not "black", he was the ancestor of all "black" and "white" races. The extreme darkness of negro Africans is a later adaptation, our last common ancestor would have been swarthy, not "black".
So basically Thanks.
I'm not "/pol/", I have no problem with being descended from niggers but in fact we are not. No doubt this "/pol/" fellow would consider our last common ancestor to be a mudblood or coon of some kind, but the fact remains that he wasn't.
If you're talking about me, Blacks are inbred for 1000s of years, Caucasoids are not and thus have tamer features.
Everyone has been inbreeding since that first humans.
>Veeky Forums
>actually knowing history
>implying this board isn't just an extenstion of /pol/ citing whatever scraps of history they can that reaffirms their political ideology rather than any actual academic interest in history
Confirmation Bias: The Board
Anything that is remotely political is completely shit on this board.
We should just discuss ancient weapons and stuff.
Exactly. We should seek to avoid "Politicized" "History" (TM). You know, statements like "black people are humans, too" or "some people may be critical of Nazi war crimes."
What you need to do user is just laugh. These people don't want to learn or listen, so don't bother. Just laugh at them. Once they piss off, then we discuss such things.
wew, thanks for proving my point
Wait, I am genuinely confused by the responses in this thread. Is it the Marxists or the racists that are denying the out-of-Africa hypothesis?
>descendants from blacks.
Do you libtards realize you are actually making a case for blacks being subhuman retards compared to white people BY CALLING THEM OUR ANCIENT ANCESTORS?
>modern day blacks are identical to ancient blacks
what's your iq again?
They're literally saying that Blacks are 40,000 year old Kindergarteners.
The point is you are calling black people living fossisl you moron.
What the fuck does marx have to do with this?
No one is making any comment related to it.
This board is fucking awful.
>this reading comprehension
ancient blacks are the ancestors of humanity =/= modern blacks are living fossils
The pejorative accusation "marxist" goes beyond his original ideas that describe class conflict and have evolved, in /pol/itical circles, to describe ideas attributed by them to left leaning thinkers or institutions.
It isnt.
if he "literally" said that you should be able to quote it pretty easily then shouldnt you ;)
When will Homo Sapiens Sapiens apologize for the Neanderthal genocide?
Stupidity: Your post
>Why is the Out Of Africa hypothesis controversial on this board?
>on this board
It's controversial to anyone that upholds even the slightest amount of dignity to their academic work.
It's /pol/. It contaminates everything and ruins it.
Way too many teenagers with nothing better to do.
/pol/fag here. I hate these guys who throw words around as much as you do. A lot of them are teenage anglos who don't actually use critical thinking, thus them doing things like "uh hurr stupid Marxist!" Because you had a different political opinion than them.
It's okay, buddy. There is no /pol/ boogieman, just Anglo teenagers.
Sincerely, a right-wing man
Read lesswrong blog, please. You dont dissapoint.
>/pol/ thinks evolution is like in Pokémon