Abandon Blowtrade, C-CEX is much better.
Abandon Blowtrade, C-CEX is much better.
It's been on c-cex for a while now and the price is still shit. This is a fucking scamcoin.
It was sub-1 sat a week ago, nigger.
0 btc volume you idiots
I want to believe but it seems so meh. Convince me senpai
It got added two days ago, and you say for a while.
It got VOTED IN 2 days ago, it was only added hours ago.
You are legit retarded. It's just been added in you fat fuckin nigger
Mooncoin just got added literally today. Get your facts straight before fudding.
Op here I hear there are problems and slow down in the Blockchain and that's why there are no moons on there yet, I will be buying I made my decision, seems promising
maybe if the fucking idiots removed the sell wall at 2 sats it would go higher
>This is a fucking scamcoin.
i bought at 1sat.
literally cannot be a scamcoin for me big boy ;)
there's the risk you're parking your cash in a coin no one wants to buy, which was how it was until yesterday.
well i parked $100 that was pure profit from another coin for mad max gainz.
i'm going to make it guys ;')
>No one wants to buy
>implies the volume was 0 for the past week on other exchanges
>0 trade volume
How's that 1.19 BTC worth of paid votes working out? Dumb discord shill retards. You could have bought non-scam coins with your money and made back your MOON losses but you're still this delusional.
Screencapped for mocking at a future date.
Screencapped for mocking at a future date.
Make sure to get this in as well:
Check the volume for the last week, look at coinmarketcap.
Check the ANN for all the progress of the coin.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
I already dumped at the peak lol. Looks like you forgot to jump off the train before it crashed and are now in a coma.
It's just getting started, how the fuck do you think it's crashed when it's at single digit satoshi levels?
You are next level retarded.
come back in a year when it's at 80sats and all the mad max gainz you missed.
don't cry to me big boy
You have single digit IQ levels.
>Select all squares with bags
Keep talking mongoloid, you're entertaining as shit!
Your discord is entertaining as well!
Glad you enjoy it, feel free to identify yourself so I can ban you.
Or not. Either way works for m.
You'll have to guess!
Uh oh. You seem to have self-doubt. Why are you spending so much effort convincing us if it's such a great deal?
Not convincing anyone, you either have MOON or you don't.
What happened to you that you're such a try hard?
Hmm MOON? Better spend 1 BTC to BUY votes to get it on C-CEX.
Enjoy the 0 volume ;))))
The rich get richer and the poor eat my shit :)
Quick, post one of your MOON memes from the MOON meme section on the Discord.
it was practically 0 before the intense shilling campaign right here on Veeky Forums. then after the first few days of hype fizzed out, the volume dropped immediately and there were bags for miles. i know this because i made a quick profit off this whole PnD business.
Keep it coming please, I need all the screencaps I can get. :)
Delusional brain dead idiot. You got ROBBED from the PnD and you're too stupid to let go.
You literally have a "MARKETING" team in the Discord to shill.
If you equate 'marketing' with anything negative, that's your own prerogative. Literally every coin has it's own form of marketing.
I haven't been ROBBED because I'm INVESTED.
Who are YOU trying to convince?
I'm trying to convince the people you're trying to scam not to invest in your garbage YOUSELESS coin.
Fuck off with your garbage coin, it'll never PnD again. Enjoy
>This thread
I don't want anyone to buy into MOON unless they've done the necessary legwork to know what MOON is and what it's becoming.
Nobody asked you to buy in and I sure as fuck don't want you as part of the MOON community seeing as you've shown yourself to be a pile of unintelligible, misinformation spreading garbage.
Do you mind if I borrow that crystal ball you seemingly have to know the future with? I'd love to be able to tell everyone else where their coins are going with the same level of certainty you seem to have.
>know what MOON is
a shit/clone/scam coin.
>part of the MOON community
I'd love to just say things and have everyone assume it's true with no proof or evidence provided.
You're such a special sneuxflayke, cutie!
So has moon gone over 2 sats yet?
Or i meant 3 sats
It's 3 sats on bleutrade rn