The world would have been better off if Hitler has won

The world would have been better off if Hitler has won.

You literally cannot disprove this.

>no Israel
>no communism
>no half century of brutal Cold War proxy wars
>no constant Middle East Wars

Other urls found in this thread:

He was a nasty guy who killed a lot of people due to his autistic racial theories.

Long term many lives would have been saved for generations to come. He did what he had to do.

Also stay mad

>Long term many lives would have been saved for generations to come. He did what he had to do.
Regardless I'd rather have Jews than Germans.

Ah, another kek for the road!

Holy fuck you're retarded. Look up every one of hurlers quotes and statements. His goal was to rid the world of the Jews, not empower them. Cherry picking one early instance if a compromise does not show hitler was some kikelover

terrible bait

in all seriousness, if you think his plan to kill 95% of the Russian population, enslave the rest and turn moscow into a lake wasn't psychopathic you're probably that weird guy

>russians murder countless gays every day
>yet all of a sudden it's wrong to kill them back

Freudian slip?

There was about as much of a chance of that happening as there was of the Russians doing that to Berlin

hitler is killing:

literally nothing is lost, if anything the world would've been better without them


of course not but it doesn't change that it was a real plan

>fascists are STILL butthurt 72 years later

>Regardless I'd rather have Jews than Germans.
Jews are the very reason WWI and WWII even happened.

no, based on the fact that Russia didnt do that.

>get raided by /leftypol/ and commiefags from lelddit

>the moment its repelled, we get raided by /pol/fags

Can someone please just delete this fucking awful bait thread.


Veeky Forums is poland
constantly getting attacked from all kinds of neighbours

I didn't say he loved them

And you lost. Get over it, you pathetic filthy goy. You are an animal.

The world would have been better if the germans won ww1 because there would have been no hitler to kill 11m white people in a stupid war of expanisionism.

Also hitler didn't give a fuck about you and didn't want to help you he only cared about germans other white people don't matter.

The world would have been better off if Germany never existed.
You literally cannot disprove this.

Arab detected

You alt-reichers are fucking hilarious

I'd be mad if everything I ever believed in was worthless and amounted to nothing

>we went to war with the entire world and lost
>this is clearly the jewish people's fault

>murder countless gays
What the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, instead we'd have fascism as the shitheap ideology of the 20th century and the third Reich as the competing power that the United States cold wars with.

>no communism

I think he is one of those retards that think gays were sent to gulags under stalin and because of this he thinks it is okay to murrder tens of millions

>Death of millions of Slavs, Jews, and other "undesirables" aka anybody living in clay that Hitler wants
>Many lives would've been saved lol

That might be the case, but also think of how many Jews were killed.

Hitler trying this shit is literally why we have Israel, the modern Left, and why the Soviet Union was able to achieve power.
Russia was never strong enough to conquer the entirety of the Baltic on their own because of a fear of reprisals from the West.
Hitler managed to pit the West against itself, allowing Russia to become strong enough to invade every neighboring country and subjugate it save Finland. If Germany could have just fucking gotten along with everyone else then the worst thing that would have happened is Stalin trying something anyways and getting a combined European Alliance to come kick his ass. Meanwhile the US roflstomps Japan anyways then continues to be a fuckoff isolationist state.

But communism is kinda cool. You have five-year plans... Socialistic realism... An equality society of coworking and comraderie...

breadlines, apartheid

Kek. That's bullshit. My grandfathers worked in a kolkhoz and they've never been hungry until the fall of the USSR.

And the only one thing that you've had to leave a kolkhoz was intelectual power, as being smart or a genius in arts.

>My dad worked at Nintendo, he toild me the switch will have dragon dildos guys

paid RT poster detected

>not liking the RT
Libtard detected

fewer lives would have been lost if the allies had simply genocided the Germans out of existence after World War 1

These guys get it
We could use some Winged Hussars

Autistic child playfround aka /pol/ is down the street from here, pal

>If Hitler won there'd be world peace

this is almost as retarded as westerners who tolerate islam

Had hitler not existed at all, we may still treat brown people like complete shit.

And Jews, don't forget Jews. Antisemitism was a completely legitimate political position in pre-war Europe, then Hitler went full retard and ruined it for everybody, now admitting you dislike Jews is on par with saying you're a pedophile.

Isn't that the right form of treating them?

Sounds like he got used to being hungry like my parents.

The world would have been better off if Hitler had never chimped out

>Europe remains strong
>no decolonization
>no Israel
>no communist expansion (USSR remain a weak shithole that never unveil its potential and rapidly collapses)
>no half century of brutal Cold War proxy wars

I thought most liberals liked RT, since they were one of the few that really criticized Obama and US foreign policy. I mean I consider myself pretty progressive and like that site.

Isn't there a theory that Wittgeinstein and Hitler went to the same middle school or something?

Literally everything you said is wrong

>no Israel
He had a plan to relocate Jews to Israel

>no communism
National SOCIALISM was basically North Korean Juche. Many industries were nationalized by the Nazis, price controls were implemented, unions only existed as an arm of the government... just like in Communist countries.

Nazi Europe would have looked like a gigantic, impoverished North Korea.

>no half century of brutal Cold War proxy wars
Wrong again.
Germany and Japan did not have the industrial capacity to take on and occupy America. Their best hope was defeating the UK and USSR and achieving a negotiated peace with USA.

Despite your meme TV shows like Man in the High Castle, USA would have never been occupied by Germans nor Japanese. It was logistically impossible for them to do so.

This would have inevitably led to a tense peace and a Cold War between Europe and the Western Hemisphere.

>no constant Middle East Wars
There would be Midde Eastern wars no matter what, perhaps not involving the West, but the way borders were drawn up in the ME it was going to become a powderkeg anyway.

KYS Naziboo

Fatherland map.

(Only mainstream realistic Axis victory alt history world I've seen)

Random thought; if Ireland is still a democracy in this timeline, what do the Troubles look like? Overt American support for the IRA?

I suppose.

I image the US making it about freedom of religion for Catholics or some stuff like that too.

The map itself is realistic but the timeline isn't. There is no way they could have kept all that Russian clay until the '60s. It would have taken ridiculous amount of resources and they would have lost it before 1950 (especially if, like in that book they are still fighting against a Soviet rump state in the Urals).

>dead nazi
>victim of communism
top fucking kek

>no Israel
No Western outpost inside middle east?

>no communism
Great, except we´ll get something much worse.

>no half century of brutal Cold War proxy wars
We'll have much worse genocides instead

>no constant Middle East Wars
Because he'll genocide Arabs?

Now go back

>Attack Goynited Kingdom
>Jewmerica suddenly cares about European politics

t. Jew

Germany was a mistake

>western outpost
Israel isn't western at all, it's a generic middle eastern shithole ran by Semitic glorified rug salesmen and loansharks, surviving only thanks to American cash poured into it.

I believe they did go to the same school, but it's not known if they even knew of each others existence.

>no Israel
So the world would be deprived of one of the most badass nations in existence. How is this a good thing?
>no communism
Instead we have facism, which is so much better.
>no half century of brutal Cold War proxy wars
Not unless he successfully conquered the U.S. (unlikely, considering the casualties he would've sustained invading GB and the USSR).
>no constant Middle East Wars
See above. If Hitler successfully conquered Europe, there would almost certainly be strife in the ME, as Germany and the US both need oil and would not be on good terms with each other.

No, I can't possibly disprove it.
However, you're talking hypothetically of what did not happen, so you're unlearned.

Liberals don't give a shit about foreign policy just if you pretend that you like gay people and black people.

Liberals also hate communism and are extremely anti Russia to the point where it is borderline MaCartheyism

Liberals are the scum of the earth when it comes to politics

>nazis are communist
Fuck off amerifat

Nazis privatetized industy and kept it that way until the war got really bad and they had to switch to a command economy out of desperation

Pic realated communist demonstrators against Hitler

>Veeky Forums is poland
More like /pol/and amirite kamaraden?

>Instead we have facism, which is so much better.
It honestly is....

Veeky Forums is pretty much 1/3 communist 1/3 fascist and 1/3 neutral from my experience so not so much /pol/and more like /pol/and/lit/

aka. /pol/ish lebensraum.