Who are the real jews?

Almost everyone of us agree that Ashkenazi jews arnt real jews.
So who are the real jews???
Mizrahi,Sephardi jews etc?

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>Almost everyone of us agree...
[citation needed]
Almost everyone of us no neither knows nor cares about what you are talking about

Really makes me think

Well Mizrahi are the closest to the original, geographically and culturally.

Anyone who follows Judaism is a Jew. If you're an atheist, but you still put up Hanukkah decorations and use Yiddish idioms, then you're culturally Jewish, not a "real" Jew. Jewishness typically is inherited but this is true of all religions, anyone can convert to Judaism and become a Jew.

It's curious how /pol/ likes to accuse people of being Jews even if they have just one Jewish great-grandparent.

Personally I've never met a Jew but honestly, if they don't follow the religion or speak Hebrew, how different can they be? People seem to assign them special traits to justify discrimination.

Sefardicks are related to Ashkenaziks (both from Roman-era converts)

Mizrahis are a mix of native indians, yemenis, azeris, uzbeks, mongols, chinese etc

Samaritans and Karaites?

>Almost everyone of us agree that Ashkenazi jews arnt real jews.
i literally have no idea what you're on about lmao

either he's /pol/ and thinks they're Khazars or he's /pol/ lite and thinks "real jews" have to be middle eastern

As a New Yorker I can tell you there's no difference at all. The typical Ashkenazim could be mistaken for an Italian easily, and Mizrahi/Sephardi are indistinguishable from their places of extraction as well. The only major difference is that Ashkenazi women have are much more likely to have above-average busts, owing to the intensifyied genes of Slavic origin regarding esotrogen and breast growth factors. This of course comes with the expense of some neurological and spinal diseases, and estrogen-reactive cancers.


>The first breast cancer gene to be discovered is called BRCA1, and inherited (germline) mutations in BRCA1 increase the risk of breast, ovarian, uterus, cervix, pancreatic, and maybe prostate cancer (20;21). Approximately one and a half percent of the Ashkenazi Jewish population carries an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 gene (6). These mutations are usually of one of two types, called the 185delAG and the 5382insC mutations (22). The increased risk of pancreatic cancer associated with inherited BRCA1 mutations is estimated to be about two-fold (about the same increased risk associated with cigarette smoking) (20;21).


Aren't a lot of Karaites mixed with Crimean Tatars?

all of those aren't Jews, they are all converts.

>tfw no big boobed ashkenazi gf

Karaims are Crimean Tatars

Karaites were once numerous in Mid East

A convert to Judaism is a Jew. You're not "more" or "less" Jewish if your surname is Cohen, if you don't follow the Law then you're not a Jew.

Jews != Hebrews

Hebrew Zulu Nation Represent!

None of them. They're just relying on their DNA for a piece of the Holy Land. None of them are religious, because none of them have:

A God
A Temple
A High Priest
An Altar
Animal Sacrifices
Atonement for their Sins

It's not like the Israelites were so kind of homogeneous group after all.

Consider the Jebusites, David took Jerusalem as a bride, and the hosts within it as his.

David's warriors were not an homogeneous group of people, we know this from the incident with Uriah the Hittite.

Uriah was an elite within David's inner sanctum, he was a Hittite. This shows what happens little, happens a lot.

Also from archaeology we see that Solomon built temples to Ishtar, the Israelites were constantly chastised for falling into foreign ways and religions.

So the ancient Israelites were not an homogeneous group, how can we say the modern ones are?

Define 'real Jews.'

Are we talking about genetics? Because than it's probably the Palestinians, most of their ancestors were islamized and arabized Jews. Although it's hard to tell at this point if they mixed more with other people or the Askhenazim did - regardless Ashkenazim and Palestinianss are still very close genetically: haaretz.com/israel-news/science/1.681385 ).

> implying they weren't Christians before becoming Muslim

>Almost everyone of us agree that Ashkenazi jews arnt real jews.

Jews share a common ancestry as population genetics studies have shown. The western jewish diaspora cluster together, and the eastern jewish diaspora also form a cluster.

That person is an adherent of the jewish faith, but is not ethnically jewish. There's a distinction to be made. A person of jewish descent, and a person who adheres to the jewish religion.