You can only post ITT if you're of direct noble lineage, no bastard fuccbois allowed. Pic related is my house, direct lineage.
Noble Heritage Thread
My grandfather was Italian. My surname is Alecio/Alessio. Could I be in any remote way linked to Flavius Aetius? In spanish he is called Aecio and in italian it's Ezio. I know this could be just wishful thinking, but you never know. Also, my uncle tried to look for my ancestors but got stuck after something like 8 generations around the 1800s
What's your surname?
>tfw Robespierre didnt finish his job
Le Conquerer
I'm of Norman ancestry
>Tfw I am the eternal Anglo
Shit b8
Fraser reporting in.
Lol fucking try to stop me from posting m'lord
Oi you fucker, we still have a castle. Better off than most clans.
[spoiler]Also fuck the Brits[/spoiler]
Close but no cigar.
Valois is in my name.
Timurid reporting in
I'm a direct descendant of of OP's mom.
lol you and everyone in Uzbekistan
Steigerwald from Fleursbach Germany . We fought in the first & 2nd crusade
Wheeler reporting in.
Highlanders are noble as fuck
a descendant of dirty polish serfs reporting in
got any potatoes or onions?
>shit americans post
One my ancestors saved Philippe Auguste at Bouvines.
Feels good man.
French ancestor that lived in mid 1700s was a chevalier (french knight) and comte (count) of the Maudave colony on Madagascar. He married the daughter of the first de-facto Governor General of India Warren Hastings, an english noble whose nobility stretched back to the 1400s
Is Picard notable? Maternal great grandmother was a Picard.
t. shit american
Your grandpappy saved my grandpappy :)))))))
Hi cleetus, keep telling us about muh ancestors.
>peasants who adopted their lords name when surnames became a thing
I'm related to the Somlyo Bathories of Hungary, the Du Ghents of France/Bavaria, the Blackhalls of Scotland, and the family that owned Bridgewater.
I'm specifically of the Bathory/Du Ghent line.
100 000 wasn't enough
Minor Scottish noble coming through. Courtier at mary queen of scots court, but lost the estate during the Victorian era when aristocratic money and agriculture became less financially lucrative.
Anyway, when is the counter revolution? Pretty clear that the peasants can't handle government.
We should have pushed the eternal anglos further.
Kinda hard to do that when a fifth of china has the same surname as the tang emperors.
Descendant from some minor spanish nobles who decided to cock around in the colonies
Pic related
>Implying I am American
He looks like he just saw a 9/10 native QT
Some Chinese general who led several victories during the invasion of Japan and decided to stay in Korea because he thought Ming dynasty is doomed
Is that Spurdo meant to be anyone specific?
Julius Evola
I haven't read the thread yet, but I am already expecting dumb Americans googling their surnames and thinking that the first coat of arms they see is their familys.
I'm related to the fake dimitrys.
>tfw in a different timeline my ancestors could have ruled Russia.
Still the greatest.
Literally means Aristocracy Aristocracy. Step up serfs
>tfw part noble because of some 1800's roastie
I'm willing to wager 10 to 1 your Picard ancestors were all unionized coal miners.
where is greatestpierre when you need him
My grandma says that we have ancestors who were French nobility who fled and came to South Italy during the revolutions.
Anyone know the best way to find out my heritage?
I'm a peasant and proud to be one
>all these people pretending to be nobles because "well my cousin's grandfather's step-father's cat's great-uncle's fuckbuddy was a noble!"
If that were how it worked, then everyone would be a noble.
Remember kids, #directlineageorbust
This, get out bastard and peasant fuccbois and let us real nobles do the posting.
In linage of this ugly bastard.
Research the family name, look it up in national databases and such, read official documents and see if your name occur.
When my ancestors fled from prussia they left behind all of their belongings because they thouht they would come back. But they didnt. They left behind many artifacts and proofs of my nobility but those russian dogs must have taken everything when they arrived.
Last name Morgan. Family comes from Glamorganshire in South Wales.
You are like a little baby
>tfw some ancestor was a bastard of a noble
I still don't know how to feel about this.
Might i add the legitimate line eventually died out about 100 years ago.
Aren't there a ton of spics descedened from Montezuma? I'm sure at least one of them browses Veeky Forums
proud descendant of plebs reporting in
my parents didnt even go to university
I am a warrior of the north. My heritage lies in my deeds and the deeds of my ancestors.
My ancestors have fought for sweden since the the 1400s and finland from around the same time.
The wars in the 1600s, the 1700s, the short war in north sweden in the early 1800s.
The finish civil war in 1918 and breakout from russia and the finish russian wars in the 1930s and 1940s.
Most of my realatives have died in any of the wars since the 1400s. I live in the best place in world, i live in the north.
related to some of the first settlers, and slave owners in Louisiana. family lost it all after the civil war
t. dirty peasant
>family lost it all after the civil war
Hungarian gentry ennobled in 13th century reporting, fuck the magnates and catholics.
>how to spot American posters
I wasn't born into riches or nobility, but my family name was first used by minor Scottish nobility, so i do have noble blood if you go about 800 years back.
literally every fucking person in Europe will tell you that they are of noble ancestry
including me, but I really do have noble ancestors!
Direct paternal descendant of William the Conqueror. (there are proofs)
I have an R1b Y haplogroup.
Teutonic nobility here.
Just a quick reminder:
if you have to go more than three generations in order to find a member of nobility then your peasant scum and its really embarrassing.
t. Grandson of knight
i'm charlemagne himself
No western country really has actual nobility today, even in England it's a grade A joke.
Because many European peeople have some noble ancestors down the line. Some kingdoms like Poland or Hungary had a system where over 10% of the population were noblemen so it's bound to occur.
>he uses the words peasant and commoner interchangeably
Go back to your D&D LARP forum or something faggot
True, but it is funny to look at these mongrels trying to link back to some shitty baron in south Germany as if that's something special, then flaunt it about as if they are better than the other Americans around them, looking back at the the accomplishments of their 24th grand uncle whilst they have achieved so little in their lives.
>not using certain words for effect and bantz no matter the actual meaning
Pipe down plebian
>calls someone a plebeian while simultaneously bragging about being a descendant of someone with a basic bitch honorary title
If you cannot trace your ancestry to at least 12th century you're a shit eater, plain and simple.
I didn't say i couldn't trace my heritage user, plus I only used the word "plebeian" because the person was annoyed by me calling him a peasant.
However, I stand by my point: if you can't reach back to some form of nobility with in 3 generations, then your simply a simple American with a fetish to be some kind of fantasy king, and its pathetic.
>not noble in any way, millers and farmers is our trade
>family can trace back history more than 700 years
>still hold to our own piece of land
>ancestors rolled with the Swiss back when they were great
>dead noblemen left and right
I smell projection. But yeah Americans tend to LARP a lot about things they aren't connected to.
>being this jeolous
Settle down kiddo you know to well that I'm numbber 1
Descendant of the Norman, then Welsh de Mortimer and paternal descendant of the great King Fearghail
>Grandson of knight
Literally who cares? Anything less than a Baronetcy is worthless to descendants.