How did the Uyghur Khaganate function with Manichaeism as the state religion...

How did the Uyghur Khaganate function with Manichaeism as the state religion? It prohibits violence and reproduction and requires vegetarianism even from it's laypeople

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It didn't

>convince tocharians to give up their arms, not marry because mani said so
>marry tocharian women

Tocharian problem solved

From what I understand, they were lax with the rules.

Are we sure thats what the Manicheans did? The religion wouldn't have survived as long as it did if that was the case.

I'm pretty sure the laypeople were not held up to such high standards, just out of practicality.
I may have been mistaken about reproduction but meat, alcohol and violence are forbidden

>the hearer was to avoid using his hands to frighten, injure, beat, torture or kill not only human bipeds but also four-legged animals, birds, fish and reptiles. Nor could his ten fingers cause suffering to the living self.
This is distinct from murder in the christian sense because it doesnt justify war
Is there any record of the mental acrobatics they used to get around this?

>violence are forbidden

I suspect that might be the difference between 'killing' and 'Murder', like with the 10 commandments being 'though shall not kill' being incorrect and how the commandment is actually 'though shall not murder'.

Jainism is against violence too yet they also justified war. Least the Hindus and Buddhists wreck their shit.

>Jainism is against violence too yet they also justified war.

Heck, I was about to ask the same question.

Anyway, how come manicheanism died out competely when some smaller groups survived (mandeans,samaritans etc.)?

Come-on, how could they keep the Hindu kingdoms from fucking up their shit if they didn't fight?
>Jains believe that the intent and emotions behind an act of violence are more important than the action itself. For example, if a person kills another living being out of carelessness and then later regrets the act, the bondage (bandha) of karma is less compared to when a person kills the same kind of living being with anger, revenge, etc. A soldier acting in self-defense is a different type of violence from someone killing another person out of hatred or revenge. Violence or war in self-defense may be justified, but this must only be used as a last resort after peaceful measures have been thoroughly exhausted.

Maybe they were all absorbed into other religions?

Also, there is a manicheanist on YouTube, so uh... I guess its technically alive again.

>Plotinus indicated that if gnostics really believed this world to be a prison, then they might at any moment free themselves from it by committing suicide.

>Anyway, how come manicheanism died out competely when some smaller groups survived (mandeans,samaritans etc.)?

I wish I knew, thats a very good question. You'd think at least some would be around somewhere since they were found from Gaul to China at their height.

ethnoreligous groups generally practice endogamy and, for lack of a better term, taqiya
I imagine such a prominent religion would have been thoroughly persecuted while others remain unnoticed?

Because religion by force was a literally unheard of thing in ancient india and kings more often than not sponsored more than one religion. Jainism and Buddhism became dominant for some time through proselytisation as hinduism at the time had gone decadent and hinduism bounced back again through peaceful proselytisation when buddhism and jainism went decadent.

Though there were some incidents of violence motivated by religion, large scale imposition of religion by force came about only after advent of Islam in India

The mixing created the beautiful Uyghurs we see today. Win-win.

Yeah, but they still would have had to fight for self defense.

Yuan and the proceeding mongols have Buddhism as state religion.

How did they function? By incorporating reincarnation for control over dynasties.

Because diplomacy.

>tfw Manichaeism didn't survive in China
>tfw Manichaeism didn't survive anywhere else
I would have liked to know more about their scriptures and beliefs than the scarce knowledge we have now.

Me too, familia.

Imagine, they discover a hidden temple in a cave filled with ancient texts intact that explains their religion and societies fully. it would be a holy grail of historians.

Kind of like if we find a Hellenic site with an Etruscan to greek roseta stone thing. Or a Greek site with the complete works of Homer and also all the works of all the Greek and roman authors.

Fuck, the burning of Alexandria library fucked us History lovers in ways we can't even comprehend.

Well duh

Once communist regime collapses in China to be replaced by fascist one, uyghurs will be the first to go to the ovens, so savour them while you still can.

The same way that officially confucian rulers in asia could have at a good plate of meat once in a while.
Sure, it was frowned upon, but so long as there was no one who wanted you overthrown immediately and you weren't bankrupting the realm with lavish meat feasts, it was tolerated.
Now, of course, if you were Portuguese and folks thought you wanted to invade, that's another story. All of a sudden eating roast every night is super bad.

This is valid. In the middle east today the small minority sects are not the remnants of much bigger sects, but sects that were small in the first place and knew how to keep to themselves. While in the christian world we have remnant sects like the anabaptist successors, most of them survived by living small and keeping to themselves.

Nah, Hans are friends with Uyghurs nowadays

No they're not. Hans are friends with Hui muslims. Uyghur muslims seek their own country.

They had a bad start but now their friends

This is how the best friendships start

>kill yourself and still be trapped here
Yea nah